IS-AGB-CAD FORMAT.TXT (28-01-2000) TRANSLATION ッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッ Translated with TransLingo 2.0 (trial version) Translated by Tim Schuerewegen ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] ACG file format 0000H-7FFFH Character data 8000H-83FFH Attribute - Character data : 256 color 1 palette mode : 1 character = 64 bytes 16 color 16 palette mode : 1 character = 32 bytes - Attribute : Palette information on IS-AGB-CAD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2] ASC file format Text BG 32x32 : 0000H-07FFH Character code + attribute 0800H All ASC commonness 64x32 or 32x64 : 0000H-0FFFH Character code + attribute 1000H All ASC commonness 64x64 : 0000H-1FFFH Character code + attribute 2000H All ASC commonness - Character code + attribute D9-D0 Character code D10 Right and left reversing flag (0:Normality and 1:Reversed) D11 Upper and lower reversing flag (0:Normality and 1:Reversed) D12-D15 Specification of color palette Rotation expansion reduction BG 16x16 : 0000H-00FFH character code 0100H all ASC commonness 32x32 : 0000H-03FFH character code 0400H all ASC commonness 64x64 : 0000H-0FFFH character code 1000H all ASC commonness 128x128 : 0000H-3FFFH character code 4000H all ASC commonness - Character code : number of the character (1 character per byte) Common part 4byte "CLRF" 4byte Size of CLRF block Clear flag data for size of block 4byte "CLRC" 4byte Size of CLRC block 2byte Clear code 4byte "LINK" 4byte Size of LINK block 1byte Number of file names--+ (number of file names) 1byte File name length------+ 4byte "MODE" 4byte Size of MODE block 1byte Horizontal size 1byte Vertical size 1byte Rotation mode 1byte Bit mode 4byte "VER " 4byte Size of VER block 8byte Version identifier 4byte "END " 4byte 0x00000000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [3] AOB file format 4bytes "AGB " 4bytes Size of AGB block varlength Number of composition data 1byte Number of characters (64 or less)---------------------------------+ 2byte Attribute 0------------------------------------------+ | (number D7-D0 Y coordinates | (number | of D8 Rotation expansion reduction flag | of | composition D9 Double size flag when rotation expansion reduces | characters)| data) D10-D11 OBJ mode | | D12 OBJ mosaic | | D13 color mode | | D14-D15 vertical size | | 2byte Attribute 1 | | D8-D0 X coordinates | | D9-D11 rotation expansion reduction parameter | | D12 horizontal reversing flag | | D13 vertical reversing flag | | D14-D15 horizontal size | | 2byte Attribute 2 | | D9-D0 character name | | D10-D11 priority level | | D12-D15 color palette------------------------------------+------------+ 4byte "ANIM" 4byte Size of ANIM block varlength Number of animation 2byte X coordinates--------------------------------+ 2byte Y coordinates | (number of animation) varlength Number of patterns | 2byte OBJ No. ----------+ (number of patterns) | 2byte Number of frames--+--------------------------+ 4byte "GRP " 4byte Size of GRP block varlength A lot of composition data 1byte Number of characters-------------------+ (number of composition data) 1byte Group number (number of characters)----+ 4byte "LINK" 4byte Size of LINK block varlength Number of file names 1byte Number of file names--+ (number of file names) 1byte File name length------+ 4byte "VER " 4byte Size of VER block 8byte Version identifier 4byte "END " 4byte 0x00000000 *1 d7のbitが立っていたら次の1byteをd7の上に付ける。 00〜7f 0x00〜0x7f 80 01〜ff 7f 0x80〜0x3fff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [4] ACL file format 0000H-01FFH color data (RGB) - 2 bytes per color - Color : D4-D0 red D9-D5 green D14-D10 blue -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------