April May April May April May April May April May Releases 1992:
Etext, USA
Lysator, Sweden
Quick help: Click the left, green icon next to the file number to download the file from Etext, USA. Click the right, yellow icon to download the same file from Lysator, Sweden.
073"Electricity" by The GNN. What would you do without it? Think about it for a second. Nothing that runs on electricity could be used. A scary thought, presented by The GNN.
074"The European Digest Vol.2 Issue #02" by The Chief. Hi there! We're back with yet another Digest. This issue starts a new series with Digital's VMS Version 5. Plus the regular sections, recommended, end comments and lists of places where you can find uXu.
075"Toy Soldiers" by The GNN. Technology takes over? You're scared of the diseases we have around us these days? Ecological disasters? Well, you could end your days in other ways. Neat fiction from our meister, The GNN.
076"The Non-Fictionous 'Over The Edge'" by Phearless. Story about one day in one of our contributors' life. It isn't dull, and it isn't boring. Action, police cars and Machine guns are just a few ingredients.
077"The Lost Soul" by The GNN. When you die, where do you go? Are you going to heaven or hell? Will your soul move on to another body, or are you just plain dead and gone? Another fiction story from The GNN.
078"How To Get...Older Women Part II" by The Chief. Seriously? Yes, it's the second part of this tutorial. The first part came with our very first release, but we haven't forgotten that we promised a sequel. This one covers Younger Women, how strange this may sound to you reflecting on the title.
079"Smog's Revenge" by The GNN. It's The GNN's masterpiece. It's the longest story ever to be published from our meister, and it will take you through every place in the galaxy. This is what we've all been waiting for. You'll be sorry if you miss it!
080"The European Digest Vol.2 Issue #03" by The Chief. Sure is. Another Digest in the very same release. This is the continuing Xenix tutorial, ending Chapter 4 started in Issue #01. Recommended, End Comments and the list of places where to find uXu are included as usual.
081"Laser Human Terrorism" by The GNN. You can have unbelievable fun with a lasersight! You don't need a gun to scare people. Just buy yourself a lasersight, and get this file with tips and trix on how to have so much fun with it, you'll be laughing for days.
082"The Cure for Paranoia" by The GNN. Are you paranoid? Maybe
you should be, reading these uXu files
083"uXu Index #7" by The Chief. Of course we're releasing the 7th Index with release No.7. What did you think? :) If you're one of our fans (grin) you already know about the contents of our index files, but here it is, once again for new readers, the Index contains; * An introduction about current events by The Chief. * Updated Writer and Support Board Lists. * An updated uXu Hall of Thanks List * An updated list of all uXu files in Short format. * All the new release files in Long format. * An updated list of boards where to contact uXu. [#83 also includes an Index for the uXu-S and DSR series]