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February April February April February April Releases 1994:
Etext, USA
Lysator, Sweden
Quick help: Click the left, green icon next to the file number to download the file from Etext, USA. Click the right, yellow icon to download the same file from Lysator, Sweden.
"The GNN's File #100" by The GNN. There. This is something
we'd like to celebrate, but GNN himself took care of that by
writing another file. How ingenious, huh? Self-admiration? Self-
pity? Read on..
"How To Avoid Letter-Bombs" by Ralph 124C41+. This file
could be a lot longer. In fact, it could be as long as you want
it. There are numerous ways to avoid letter-bombs. The first one?
Not to get one at all. But, here are a couple of good tips.
"Lock-Picking Using The 'Lock Clicker'" by The GNN. We know
there are files on this subject, but they're outdated today. This
one is fresh, not frozen. This one is new, not old. This one is
for informational purposes only.
"Two-Two-Six-Eight" by Phearless. One day, reality won't be
good enough for anyone living in it. One day, we'll all meet in
a different reality, or will we? What kind of reality would You
want instead of this one?
"The Fanatic Hunter" by The GNN. The story isn't completely
made up. Some of it is true, but we'll let you decide what is and
what is not. This could happen though. Just continue to live your
guarded and well-arranged life, and you'll find out sooner or later.
"Methods For Creating A Paranoid Lifestyle" by Hedge & The GNN.
In case you aren't paranoid yet, there are a hundred reasons to make
even the most safe person in the world think, and here they are!
Neatly presented and packaged by our two realists.
"Gas Station" by The GNN. Nowadays, you just don't want to
get involved when something happens, right? You're better off minding
you own business. Why bother with things that someone else just
as easily could do? Right. Why you?
"How To Get... Older Women Part III" by The Chief. Yes, you
guessed it, and you know it. It's the third one in the series, with
updates, explanations and general thoughts behind this really really
interesting subject. Liked the first two? Then get this one as well.
"Final Discovery" by The GNN. A discovery that would change
the world, wouldn't that be fun, huh? Something so mind-bending,
everyone, man, woman, child or animal, would change with it. Like
what everything in the world is made of, for example?
"Morality?" by Das Model. The first file from our new
contributor deals with the morality of man. Howcome there is such
a thing as morality in the first place? What purpose does it serve?
Das Model explains the underlying facts.
"City Of Slaves" by The GNN. A tale of a bum, a low-life,
scum. What happened you ask? No you don't. You don't care. He's
there because he did something. Something that made him sink down
the drain. You will never be like _that_ guy, will you?
"The City" by Hedge. Not intentional, this one came after
The GNN's 'City Of Slaves' in this release. They are sort of similar,
but not quite. Well, in fact, they are different, but have some
joining parts that will please or un-ease you. The City.
"The Good Life" by The GNN. In the future, is there such a
thing as death? Will we die, or what? Won't we just escape into
an alternate reality when the time comes? Or will there be something
else, that will enable us to live on forever? Or what? What?
"Ripmax Top Tenners #2" by Ripmax. There really are too many
of these files floating around now, but we couldn't resist Ripmax
latest batch of tenners. They're good. They're funny. They're what
you'd expect. Not.
"Cybernetic Escape Route" by The GNN. But didn't our latest
t-shirt contain the words "cyberdweebs"? Yes it did, though our
futuristic fiction master couldn't resist writing a file with a
title containing the word 'cyber'. Hehe, and you're going to read it.
"Learn To Love Big Brother" by The GNN. One day, we have the
feeling there will be something, someone watching us. Following our
every move. Recording whatever we say. Judging us. Where did this
idea come from? What is done today to stop something like this from
happening? Is it what we want?
"uXu Does Town 1994" by All But Hedge. You can believe it or
not, but here is another _first_ for the uXu series. All but one
of our regular writers contributed to this file, in various ways.
Pick a story and believe it.
"Reincarnation, Inc." by The GNN. Wonders do happen. Sometimes.
Then again, sometimes they don't. In fact, most of the time, they
don't. So what if someone could assure that you would be reincarnated
as whatever you wanted? Wouldn't that be just fantastic?
"Time Traveller's Guide - An Introduction" by Phearless. You
will be able to travel through time by follwing these easy steps.
It is true, though it may not be what you had expected. Follow the
advice, do not expand the limits, be careful and you will experience
something wonderful.
"Practical Redress" by The GNN. Are you weak? Do you turn
away from the TV when something 'terrible' happens? Are you easily
disgusted? Then leave this file where it is. It'll make you puke.
It's the most violent one you'll ever read, if you do read it.
"uXu Index #17" by The Chief. Another index for the indexed
mind. Well, I will spare you from nonsense comments this time, long
descriptions and useless information about the index because you all
know what the hell this is all about, right? Yeah, so don't come and
complain later on, y'hear! No more games. That's right, _no games_.
And that's what I'm saying. Well, the index isn't a game, is it? No!
So here's a couple of neat things you'll find in the index:
- An introduction about current events by The Chief.
- Updated Writer and Support Board Lists.
- An updated uXu Hall of Thanks and Honorary Member List.
- An updated list of all uXu files in Short format.
- In-depth descriptions of the new files.
- An updated list of places where to contact uXu.
[#204 also includes an Index for the uXu-S and DSR series]