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December March December March December March Releases 1996:
Etext, USA
Lysator, Sweden
Quick help: Click the left, green icon next to the file number to download the file from Etext, USA. Click the right, yellow icon to download the same file from Lysator, Sweden.
"How To Hack And Get Caught" by Phearless. There are billions
of files around that will tell you how to hack and _not_ get caught.
But why settle with those? This file will take you to the point that
you sooner or later will come to if you are a hacker.
"Kraykkono Inn" by The GNN. You thought you liked foreign food,
right? But how different do you want it? Even if you want to make an
impression on someone, how far are you willing to go? Is it not so,
dear people, that food tastes better just because it is foreign and
"Help For The Average" by Knyttet. 'Most people are average,'
claims the author of this file. But she does not stop there. Instead,
she continues and offers some help for those people. It is not that
hard to stop being average.
"Freedom In A Cage" by The GNN. Freedom, oh freedom. Is there
anything sweeter than that? Can you tell freedom from a bag of mashed
potatoes? Read this enlightening, and perhaps even disturbing text on
this topic.
"Comments To The Unabomber Manifesto" by Phearless and The GNN.
Hey man, put on the latest sunglasses from Prestige INC, mail a bomb
to someone and try to look like Wierd Al. Who are you then? Yep, the
Unabomber. Write a manifesto and we will comment on it. As Phearless
and GNN has done here.
"Less Known Dilemmas" by The GNN. Here our excentric writer
describes a few and sometimes easy-to-recognize dilemmas that occur in
our everyday life. Some things that happens to us we just ignore, but
there are problems that just will not be solved and forgotten.
"A Woman's Conscience" by Knyttet. Conscience is the inner voice
that warns us that someone may be looking, it is said. It is also said
that men and women have different inner voices. This story is considering
that subject, in a sense.
"The Last Cocktail Party" by The GNN. It comes times when you
really would like to know it all. Questions pops up in your head and
wherever you look, there is no answer to be found. But perhaps, knowing
it all is not the best way after all? Read and find out for yourself.
"An Introduction To Beer" by Ralph 124C41+. So you believe that
you know everything about beer, right? Sure you do - when you are drunk.
Come on, if you want to make your friends adore you for knowing so many
facts about beer, you need to read this text.
"To Get To The Real Problems" by The GNN. It is not easy to solve
a problem, if you do not know where to begin. You know that every solution
creates more problems, so you want to cut the problem by it's roots. This
is not as easy as it might seem for a start. The closer you look, the more
frightened you are likely to get.
"Paradox Crew" by The GNN. Hmm. File number three hundred? Time
for celebration, a serious quality overhaul or just keep that smirk on
our faces? uXu says; we celebrate anything at any point of time. We do
not need a number to help us out.
"To Lose Your Religion" by Knyttet. Contrary to popular belief,
religion is not always a good thing. Invented for the sake of saving
people, religion may sometimes even do the opposite thing. This file
is true - told by someone who has seen much of it, and lost it.
"ABB Part I" by The GNN. This is an intriguing trilogy that will
fascinate most of you, hopefully. In this first part, we follow what
the main character experiences during one special day, at work. It is not
going to be just another day of helping people.
"ABB Part II" by The GNN. In this part of the trilogy we look in
to what the people around the main character are doing during the same
period of time as in part I. Perhaps you recognize some of the characters,
are they not very similar to your friends at work?
"ABB Part III" by The GNN. The last and maybe the most confusing
part of this trilogy. Try to keep up with what is explained in this
revealing episode of this part, so you do not miss out on something
important of what the author and observer is trying to tell you.
"Loved Anyhow" by Knyttet. There is always someone who loves
you, no matter who you are or what you do. This idea is sometimes
hard to accept. But we need to accept it, for the sake of humanity.
If you have some trouble, turn to this essay.
"Kicks" by The GNN. What makes people, men in particular, do all
the crazy, and perhaps stupid things they do? Why do they do the same
dangerous thing over and over again? Do you have the answer to that, does
the author of this file have it? Find out!
"Losers' Guide To Becoming A Successful Intellectual" by Joseph.
You are nothing. You will never become someone. You are a man. True? If
the answer is 'yes,' we say 'oh dear,' and recommend you to follow the
instructions presented in this file.
"Five Boxes In The Desert" by The GNN. People need something to
do, that is a well known fact. People are never satisfied with just
surviving one day to the next, because that is not fun enough. How busy
must a human be to become really happy. Will this man ever find out?
"A Letter To The Editor" by Leon Felkins. In our previous release
(#22), The Chief wrote a file on contemporary american politics. Now
it is time for a _real_ american citizen to comment on that. Deeply,
and to-the-point, Leon offers you his views on the subject.
"The Voice" by Knyttet. Once upon a time, a confused individual
who thought that she was not confused at all, heard a voice. This
voice revealed some facts about her own life that she had never
considered. Maybe this voice will reveal some facts about your spatio-
temporal situation too?
"Cognitive Neural Hardware And The Nerd" by The GNN. One day, not
far from today, all this will become true. You know it and we know it.
It is just a matter of time before we are all literally addicted. You will
laugh and giggle at it now, but tomorrow you will wish for it to be all
made up and nothing else.
"The Invasion" by Phearless. A long time ago, something happened.
A place was invaded, and... and... Do you want to know more what I am
talking about? Then read this excellent piece of short-story science
fiction. Guaranteed to twist your mind.
"Middle Cuts" by The Chief. It is much easier to cope with big
problems than small ones, mutatis mutandis; it is more comfortable to
sit on a mountain than on a nail. All these damn little irritating
phenomenas that surrounds us makes life miserable! Chief knows some of
them, and will share them with you from a personal point of view.
"uXu Index #23" by The GNN & Phearless. Bom Bom Bom pa ditt arsle!
Well, not much to say about this file. It is the index, as usual. The
only difference is that is has not been written by The Chief. Okay, that
is not the only difference: We have now got two kinds of subscriber lists,
one 'usual' ("SUBSCRIBE") and one for those who merely wants to know when
a release has been put out ("uXu Info"). Scan the top of this file for
detailed information.
[#314 also includes an index for the uXu-S series]