Some of my most recent poems, written 1998 in a quite happy mood. One of my older ones, written during a not so happy period of my life, is viewable (in Swedish) on the main page. The strange thing is that the poems i write when I'm happy, tend to be sad, while the poems written when I'm sad at heart tend to be somewhat more happy.

"You disappeared into the night
and I was left alone
like a fool in a forest
I stood astray again
but something deep inside of me
told me I should stay
I only loved You for a moment
but that love will never pale"

astray = vilseledd

"The love of today -
is it the same as yesterday
will it be the same tomorrow, as today
will we change it by our existance and will love change us
Love is magic, and together we are a part of that
that magic is the love of life"

"It's so close now
closer than ever before
All my dreams I have kept inside of me
This time maby it's true

I feel calm, but preparation of suffering however exists
The extinction of my fears is not easy to achive
If it's for real I am thrilled for a lifetime

I want you to understand that I am longing so much
Come closer oh being of great tenderness
Let us join in a gatherness oh so true
Everlasting effection between us,
Me and You"

"If I were you I wouldn't say that
Verbal violence hits so hard
Are you aiming for my heart?

I allways thought of you as mine
but now I know I was so wrong
I beg of you to spare my soul
as I leave you behind for misery

Love Zed"

"If the air is pure to breathe
and the sun will shine on you
Why are you sad my friend
lighten up, see the fun
Life is so much more than you can see
You'll realize my friend"

"Utanför är allt så lugnt
Jag sitter i stillhetens tomrum
Inom mig, dånar en längtan så stark
att jag inte förmår värja mig
Den tar över min kropp
och går så hårt åt min själ,
att jag inte förmår resa mig igen
Jag är dömd,
utbränd av den oerhörda kraft
som kan springa ur ett brustet hjärta
Plötsligt finner hoppets ljus en väg till mitt inre
och tar över i kaoset och läker min själ
Längtan finns kvar där,
djupt rotad inom mig
Du finns kvar för alltid som ett minne
Jag reser mig upp och med nya ögon möter jag morgonen
Solen går upp och jag står redo igen"