I was first introdused to Sláin in the Swedish version of 2000AD
i dont remember who the artist was but it shore made an big impression on mee.
And the fact that Simon bisley made the art to The Horned God Book I-III dosn´t make the thing any worse.

  The short story of....Sláine    
For over ten years Sláine has been one of the most popular characters in the comic magazine, 2000AD.
The author Pat Mills created the figure of the Sláine McRoth , as a celtic barbarian, who lives in a world ,at an time still populated by dragons, Deamos and other fabulous creatures, Europe and the British islands ,still in the law of the stronger governed.
Sláine mixed celtic mythology with known lifestyles and people of celtic times.

the first episode of Sláine was drawn by Angie Kincaid.
    Yo´´r´ no.[an error occurred while processing this directive] in here..  
  [ The King!! ]

Artworks from the
story aboute Sl
and more info aboute the
- on this server - .
 [ Varius pictures ]  -this is my first page with pictures from varius comic books
with sláine,i haven´t time to scan my own pics but i will
do that soon...,in the meantime can you enjoy pictures that i
found on the web.
I have enhanched the pictures but the qvality isn´t so good
always so please be indulgent towards it.

  -I have scanned my own pictures from the album Slain
-Demon killer.
i´m just so tierd of all lame qvality pics out´e there.
Ther is also a short summery of the story in the book. Buy it NOW!!

-If you like me like the real thing,then you can visit my book
page, and even place an order on some of them from

    If You wan´t me anything or you like to send me pictures from slaine
please mail me at.