Welcome to the official homepage of
The Institute of Comparative Magico-anthropology!

On this site, you'll find information about the Institute of Comparative Magico-anthropology, also called ICM. Information about the aims and goals of ICM, of activities and research projects, of publications, of the ICM-archives, lectures and many other things.

The site is currently being constructed. This page was posted on June 22nd, 1999. Expect more within a week or so. If you're impatient and can't wait, there is some information available on the homepage of ICM founder Carl Abrahamsson.

We are very eager to hear from you, with comments, suggestions, material, etc.

Thanks for your interest!

ICM, P.O. Box 8105, SE-104 20 Stockholm, Sweden.
Voice Mail: +46-8-666 10 69.
Fax: +46-8-650 63 25.
E-mail: icm@flashback.net / icm93@hotmail.com

All material is copyright © 1999 The Institute of Comparative Magico-anthropolgy, if nothing else is stated.