There recently formed a new mob of morkers in Mektown that calls themselves Mork's Wardogs. Da Nekkbreakaz immediatly challanged them to a Fight out in da desert. Bark, the new nob of Da Nekkbreakaz, got fragged in hand-to-hand combat onboard da Dogs' trukk, Spiky Fing. Arrak, the nob of da Wardogs, fared slightly better, ending up with a severe wound in his left leg.
The only one crazy enough to take over as nob for Da Nekkbreakaz was the youngest member, GorGor. His serious injuries in his head and chest does make him a bit unpredictable, but as I said, he was the only one crazy enough. Skratchy, one of the mob's grots, got badly wounded, but pulled through. But he may be forced to miss some of the mob's fights in the future, because of his injury. The new nob, GorGor, had to pay Arrak 5 teef to get back Skab, who had been captured. He then proceded to hire a new slaver called Animal, to keep the grots working properly. Manik managed to get GofDreg working again, but there's an annoying squeak somewhere that drives Skab crazy.
Rumours say that Da Nekkbreakaz have disapeared out in Da Big Uz somewhere, but who knows...maybe they'll be back some day for revenge.