September 12 1999

Finally updated all the mobs! Hopefully I will have time to update the newsletter soon, too!

July 19 1999

"Da Skruttas" and "Mork's Wardogs" will refight their last encounter since alot of the info given to me was incorrect and a lot was missing.

May 8 1999

(1)Updated the roosters of "Da Perpl Harts" and "Da Gaazherz ov Mork"

(2)"Da Skruttas" and "Mork's Wardogs" also had a fight a while ago, their roosters will be updated when the players have given me all the info I need!

Mars 25 1999

(1)Re-wrote the website to try to comply to Games Workshop's policy on intellectual property. Named the site "Crash and Burn!"

(2)Added some more gfx.

Mars 17 1999

(1) Added this page!

(2) Added two new mobs to the list of mobs participating in Roadkills!
Finally! A rebel grots mob! Also, since Da Nekkbreakaz didn't do so well I have started a new mob called Da Perpl Harts (picture coming soon).

(3) Updated the Roadkills! newsletter. (2 Issues)

Mars 12 1999

Added "Da Graveyard" to the Roadkills! page.

February ?? 1999

Yep! It's finally happened! After several months I have actually updated my Roadkills! page!!! The campaign has been at a standstill for a long time, but no more! I must say that I can only blame myself for the standstill... But now we're rolling again!