This webpage is meant for pleasure use only! This is your last chance to disconnect from this abnormal page, if you click forward to one of the following pages, we`re not responsible for any seriously damages caused to your brain! You`ve been warned!
This homepage was dezigned and created on my AMIGA 4000, It is now maintained on my pc. Only because I use it more often than my Amiga these days. This site is mainly written in english. Mostly because I have a lotta english speaking friends, but also because it is an universal language. To get the most out of this site, I recommend you use either Netscape for PC or IBrowse for the AMIGA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Society regarded them as misfits, people who interfered in computer programming and disrupted worldwide systems. Yet in their own minds they were innovators, risk-takers, even artists. They were the Hackers. | |
Copyrighted ©1997 N i C L A S
( Last Update 7th of September 1998).