Computer Security Manual

ISIS Directive
Computer Security Manual
Origin: Security and Investigation Directorate
Issue 7: March 1993


Foreword by the chairman

Amendment record sheet

List of effective pages

1 Introduction and scope

2 Objectives and policy

3 Communications and network security

4 Electronic systems insta11ations

5 Personal computers

6 User access to computers

7 Software and data

8 Administraion

9 Data protection act


Foreword by the chairman

A vital element in our drive to achieve the highest quality of service standards is the provision of a secure work environment. This means that our resources - people, systems, information and physical assets Ñ must be protected against a variety of threats which range from the malicious to the criminal. We also have security obligations that form part of the legal and regulatory requirements we must observe.

The Information Security Code, Computer Security Manual and Physical Security Handbook define the ways in which we can maintain a secure environment. They clarify our responsibilities and provide the expert guidance which we can use to achieve and maintain the levels of security appropriate to the various activities of BT. The rules outlined in these publications are mandatory.

IDT Vallance