Subject: Re: Is Bungee jumping dangerous? Date: 19 May 1994 17:02:21 -0400 Yes and no. Given that there are several articles available detailing bungee-related injuries, yes. Given that we don't know the percentages of safe vs. unsafe jump sites and safe vs. reported & documented injuries, probably not. True: bungee jumping has injured some folks. Medline to the rescue again: 1] Simons, R. Krol, J. Visual loss from bungee jumping. LANCET. 1994, Apr 2. V343(8901). P 853. 2] Habib, NE. Malik, TY. Visual loss from bungee jumping. LANCET. 1993, Feb 19. V343(8895). P 487. 3] Torre PR. et al. Bungee jumper's foot drop peroneal nerve palsy caused by bungee cord jumping. ANNALS OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE. 1993 Nov. V22(11). P 1766-7. 4] Hite PR et al. Injuries resulting from bungee-cord jumping. ANNALS OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE. 1993 June. V22(6). P 1060-3. 5] Harries, M. The ups and downs of bungee jumping [editorial]. BMJ (British Medical Journal). 1992 Dec 19-26. V305(6868). P 1520. Juicy details: A 19-year-old woman sustained a nonfatal hanging injury. A 28-year-old man sustained a unilateral loced facet with resultant quadriplegia. "To date there have been five recorded deaths world wide, and four critical injuries." --1994. An 18-year-old woman presented with loss of central vision in both eyes after a bungee jump. "As expected, subjective ratings on anxiety and stress increased prior to the jump (and were markedly reduced after the jump)." "No previous report of (peroneal nerve injury) in bungee-cord jumping." --1993. Realise that you stand a risk of being injured if you bungee jump. Note also that this is a NEW sport and that absence of recorded injury does NOT mean the sport is safe, only that up until now very few injuries have been attributed SOLELY to bungee-cord jumping and discussed in medical journals. Try it at your own risk, and ask your doctor first. :) Best case scenario: You succeed in leaping off a tall place and have no injuries and impress your wuss friends who aren't inclined to risk their necks after watching that guy hurt himself on "America's Funniest Home Videos" or whatever. (The guy who discovered too late that the cord was [a] too long and [b] not strong enough to zap him back up due to his weight and [c] not attached properly to his body.) (He lived.) Worst case scenario: You jump and manage to suffer vision loss, nearly hang yourself, become paralysed, suffer stress and anxiety, then die as you fall off the cord. Your wuss friends are not impressed. Your tombstone says, "HECK! That doesn't look dangerous to ME." Your screams echo for a while, a doctor names your symptoms after himself and gets rich and famous, your parents are bummed, you cat runs away and is never seen again. :) Note also, that since bungee-jumping is so new, people could be sustaining injuries that either will show up later on and annoy them in their old age or which are cumulative. I was going to make a crack about evolution and survival of the fittest, but I'm a wuss and wouldn't leap off a tall thing with a bungee cord attached to me for a LOT of money, so I need to hush up and let some folks who WOULD, except that it is unsafe, speak their minds instead.