Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1992 21:20:04 -0700 (PDT) From: "Reverend" Subject: TOPY TRANSMISSION 2.06 ________________________________________________________________________________ XXXXXX XX XX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XX XX TEMPLE 0V PSYCHICK Y0UTH XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX RATI0 ZER0 TRANSMISSI0N 2.06 XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XX XX soumtime after thee solstice XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XX XX XXXXXX SEND: Submissions, Inquiries & Suggestions to: or: COYOTE 131:box 12044:seattle wa:98102 ________________________________________________________________________________ 1: babble by c131 2: BE-ING THEE VOID by c121 3: WAVING BLACK FLAGS IN GOLDEN FIELDS by c131 4: (Liberation by Killing) thee word ov Jodorowsky 5: WOODEN BUDDHAS ________________________________________________________________________________ 1: E hope everyones SOLstice was as envigorating as mine...i went home to my folks farm...originally expected to be back by thee 23rd...but it was actually very appropriate to spend it there and be able to perform my sigil in fields ov corn...offering my ov to a point ov darkness in an empty during thee desert trip...when a COIL song echoed in my head...a CURRENT 93 song echoed constantly..."Beyond the Blue Gates of Death"...also in a rather Jungian spout ov synchronicity Blackbirds intruded into my consciousness all week... a short excerpt ov Jodorowsky discussing his film EL TOPO...and another coyote koan... enlightened & horny, coyote 131 "I shall remember you, still in the blackness to come; I have loved you once, and I shall love you again." -David Tibet ________________________________________________________________________________ 2: BE-ING THEE VOID by c121 when e look around and see what iz going on e often wish to b thee void but nothing is possible everything iz impossible that iz where e like to reach nowhere ________________________________________________________________________________ 3: WAVING BLACK FLAGS IN GOLDEN FIELDS black flags waving in golden fileds like blackbird wings flapping in a summer's breeze a white dragon rises from thee north a solar mound in thee city ov thee sun conical burial barrows pyramid shaped markers a red dragon rises from thee west in a stone house blackbirds sit on a basket my mother waving a black flag with a mandala ov brown, gold, green, blue & white take two blackbirds crossed form in poppy fields and E beLIEve that E is Hir sun a black dragon rises from thee south running skyclad in fileds ov corn leaves caressing and holding, guiding who shall die for thee death ov thee corn chasing burning cathedrals a smokish dragon rises from thee east with blood rites forgotten E dance again in thee fields ov youth with a friend who is far away hands clasped in freindship and roll upon thee ground bodies clinging in lust a right handed svastika spinning counterclockwise a sunwheel drawn in thee dust for thee death ov thee sun and upon that dust E spilled my ov for thee birth ov thee moon looking through an empty sky to a point ov darkness thee howl of a lone coyote thundering in thee silence between thee stars "There is nothing to fear..." ________________________________________________________________________________ 4: Thee Creed ov Alexandro Jodorowsky: E believe that the only end ov all human activity is enlightennment -whether it be politics, art, science, etc- is to find enlightenment, to reach thee state ov enlightenment. E ask of film what most north americans ask ov psychedelic drugs. Thee difference being that when one creates a psychedelic film, she need not create a film that shows thee visions ov a person who has taken a pill; rather, she needs to manufacture thee pill. E think that thee journey ov Alexander thee Great is a psychedelic trip. Many say that Alexander thee Great was an idiot, becasue his conquest was so great, so complete, that as he progressed in conquering thee entire world, he was actually progressing toward his ultimate failure. E think that Alexander thee Great was journeying into thee depths ov his being. E think that Odysseus was another great traveler. E want to travel thee route ov thee Odyssey. E want to travel thee route ov Alexander thee Great. E want to travel into thee deepest area ov my being in order to to reach enlightenment. Punto! ________________________________________________________________________________ 5: WOODEN BUDDHAS Everybody knows how Coyote Roshi loves to collect Buddhist images. Once a disciple of Rajneesh wrote to him, saying, "You are always looking for wooden Buddhas. You should come to India and meet a living Buddha." Coyote mentioned this letter to his students, and remarked, "Living Buddhas are all over the place, but a good wooden Buddha is hard to find." ________________________________________________________________________________ :::END TRANSMISSION:::