Animal Liberation Front (A.L.F.) Frequently Asked Questions

by North American A.L.F. Supporters Group

What is the Animal Liberation Front?

The Animal Liberation Front (A.L.F.) carries out direct action against animal abuse in the form of rescuing animals and causing financial loss to animal exploiters, usually through the damage and destruction of property.

The A.L.F.'s short-term aim is to save as many animals as possible and directly disrupt the practice of animal abuse. Their long term aim is to end all animal suffering by forcing animal abuse companies out of business.

It is a nonviolent campaign, activists taking all precautions not to harm any animal (human or otherwise).

Because A.L.F. actions are against the law, activists work anonymously, either in small groups or individually, and do not have any centralized organization or coordination.

The Animal Liberation Front consists of small autonomous groups of people all over the world who carry out direct action according to the A.L.F. guidelines. Any group of people who are vegetarians or vegans and who carry out actions according to A.L.F. guidelines have the right to regard themselves as part of the A.L.F.

The A.L.F. guidelines are:

PLEASE NOTE: The North American A.L.F. Supprters Group is a completely separate organization from the A.L.F. YOU CANNOT become a member of the A.L.F., or an A.L.F. activist, by supporting the North American A.L.F.S.G.

What is the Animal Liberation Front Supporters Group?

The purpose of the A.L.F. Supporters Group is to support the work of the Animal Liberation Front by all lawful means possible. This includes:

There are A.L.F. Supporters Groups all over the world. The North American A.L.F. Supporters Group (NA-ALFSG) is responsible for coordinating A.L.F. support within North America.

Our main projects right now are supporting activists who are imprisoned for alleged involvement in animal liberation activities and publishing a magazine three times a year.

The Supporters Group is for those who wish to support the A.L.F. without breaking the law. We encourage the participation of all activists -- including those who are unable to, or who do not wish to, take part in direct action.

How Do I Become a Member of the North
American A.L.F. Supporters Group?

Suggested costs for a membership to the North American ALFSG, including a year's subscription to "Underground", are on a $20-$30 sliding scale. Canadian subscribers can pay in Canadian currency; we ask that US and overseas subscribers pay in US currency (US cheques or money orders). All money, EXCEPT that going towards merchandise and distribution should be sent to the NA-ALFSG's Ontario mailing address (see below).

Cheques and money orders should be made out to: NAALFSG.

We are a 100% volunteer organization. All money raised goes directly to the work of supporting animal liberation and assisting imprisoned activists. Supporters can help raise money by: making personal contributions; promoting our magazine "Underground" and our other merchandise; organizing fundraising events; designing merchandise; and suggesting strategies for our fundraising efforts.

What are the Projects of the North American ALFSG?

Prisoner Support


If you have any other ideas, please let us know. We welcome your feedback and participation.

How Do A.L.F. Cells Communicate Securely?

If you are a member of an active A.L.F. cell, send us any clippings, or your own report, with date, time, place, and a few details about the action. Send your reports on plain paper, using block capital letters, or a public typewriter that many people have access to. Wear gloves at all times so your fingerprints are not on the paper, envelope, or stamp. Do not give your address, and don't lick the stamp or envelope; wet it with a sponge. Remember you should expect that all of our mail and any other support groups' mail is opened and read by the authorities.

DO NOT inform us of upcoming actions BEFORE they happen. Towards animal liberation and freedom for all political prisoners,

How Can I Contact the North American ALFSG?

PO Box 69597
5845 Yonge St.
Willowdale, Ont
M2M 4K3

An important note for those of you who are interested in merchandise, newsletters and distribution information: Please direct all inquiries to the following address:

Box 241532
Memphis, TN
38124 USA