Date: Mon, 22 Jan 1996 15:01:00 +0100 (CET) From: Linus Walleij <> Subject: Illegal #30 This is ILLEGAL #30, rewritten from paper by King Fisher / Triad. --- The best things in life are... +--+ +--+ +--+ +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ +--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +------+ | +---+ | | +---+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---+ | | +--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---+ | +---+ | | | | | | | | | | +---+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ++ | | +---+ | | | | | | +-----+ | +-----+ | +------+ | +---+ | | | | | | +-----+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+ +--------+ +--------+ +---------+ +---------+ +--+ +--+ +--------+ ISSU= E #30! +------------------------+ THE | This time you are | PIRATE | gonna read all about | MAGAZINE +------------------------+ | | | | +------------------------+ | THE PC SHOW | | PREVIEW | +------------------------+ | | | | +------------------------+ | "ILLEGAL" presents | | OLD 64 Legends! | +------------------------+ | | | | +------------------------+ | Two Interviews!!! | | Nik of IKARI + | | Mitch / Eagle Soft | +------------------------+ | | | | +------------------------+ | Do ALL | | CRACKERS DIE ? | +------------------------+ GREETINGS AND WELCOME! Greetings, and welcome to the September Edition of "ILLEGAL". As you are probably reading this at the PERSONAL COMPUTER SHOW, we from the "ILLEGAL= " team would like to say a big "THANKS" to everyone for attending this show and = making it the best cracker meeting ever!!! We say special "Thank you" to: (1) The Jester of Public Enemy No.1 for use of a video camera and photoco= pier. (2) All guys in England who let people stay with them. (3) All the guys who made the trip from places all over Europe to be here= at the show. (4) All crackers and pirates across the world, who are each contributing = their own little bit into making crackers an invincible force that the police a= nd software companies (hopefully) will never beat! (5) Mike Pattenden of "Commodore User" for writing correct and true thing= s about us and not the bullshit that Ferrari owning rich bastard software companies told him to say. (6) All dudes who made articles for us and made this issue possible! Signed: Lazer / N= BB and Jeff= Smart THE WEATHER BROADCAST The sun keeps on shining all over Europe. Only in Sweden one has to expec= t quite a heavy precipitation of Isepic, and the temperatures will sink bel= ow the freeze-frame point. The zeropage is startled with too many zerobytes that= cause a lot of damage in the regions around $0400 and $0600. People with an ale= rgy to Sprites, which might cause pixel-fever should better stay in bed and are = well advised not to touch the border zone... The thermometer will climb on its highest point on September, 14th up to = 18th on the PC SHOW in London without any doubts, followed by high-tension, dr= unken pirates, lots of fun, 100.000 expected visitors, meeting all companies, collecting brochures and posters and lots of new releases... In the upper regions of the expansion port rain can be expected around mi= dday, and Reset buttons may be pressed. Around the joystick ports it may even s= tart to snow, so take a big disk box. TAKE CARE OUT THERE! = J.S. WOSSUP? Hi doods! AMERICANS take over! This is the main theme every rational guy = in Europe is seriously talking about, first consequences were drawn by Nik o= f IKARI who said he can't crack when lots of Americans are calling him and wanting games as fast as possible. Other groups lick the ass of every Ame= rican calling 'em for trading, others produce bad quality cracks to be the firs= t in the States, others recrack games and some others again release old games = with new titles, 'cuz Americans do import every game they do not know! Now all rational guys see the big danger in this system and are going to change something if possible! Strange state... Anyway, wake up! The best time of the year for us pirate= s is coming with loads of new games up to Christmas, so there is still somethi= ng to look forward to... But OF COURSE there are still some good friends left in this rough pirate society of today, some of which are: SCOUSE CRACKING GROUP (Georgie-boy and the rest! Liverpool's soing fine i= n the championship, eh?), BEASTIE BOYS (CF and Accept), IKARI (Just Ice and Nik= , gotta meet you big dudes), NEW BENCOR BROTHERS (Andy-Man, Mik and Caz - T= hanx for all, Randy), EAGLESOFT INC. (The Butcher + Mitch, one of the veeeeeer= y few decent Americans), FAIRLIGHT (the commie killer Strider and soccer star G= OALlu, wossup with ya, Tony?), BROS (only the whole Dutch section), ORION (Dsh a= nd Mr.Decibel), TRIANGLE (All at Triangle, especially SWYXIE babe), F.B.R. (= Joe, how's everythin' goooin'?), I.N.C. (Dave dude), T.A.G. (Dave dude), COMMANDOFRONTIER (Dave du... err... Allan, Ny and the whole bunch! Nice t= ape recordinx!), RADWAR (Markus and the rest), T.W.G. (err... Markus and the = rest), COSMOS (SSD, servus!), ASH and DAVE, HOTLINE (now...?), KROMBACHER PILS, CARLSBERG, TUBORG, GATZWEILER, FRANKENHEIM (Cheeeriooo!), WIZAX, INXS (Th= e pimple... err, Pimp), IAN dood (FC MBRO promoted?), 2000 A.D. (Apollie, g= uter Kollege), SPHINX, FIRE EAGLE, IAN + MIC, PUBLIC ENEMY NO.1 (Colin my man!= ), Dave E. mit (auf?) Angela, JL, SMITHS (for the new one), JOY DIVISION (al= so for the new one), NEW ORDER (where's the new one?), END OF CENTURY (Pet's Ban= d dood!), J.C.S. (thanx FOZZey bear), REDLINE (sorry Alech), ZENITH (where'= s the mag, Dave?) and MR.PINGE (Stevie), 801 DC (Johnny), SARGE (Joe!), IXION (Studixion), JANITOR (ein guter Freund), TK (ganz ruhig, Thomas, erz=E4hl= noch mal von vorn'), Hi-Tec (Nein und Du?), ACU (Leerdisketten K=F6nig), Deeja= y (Fottos Negatiwe?), FAME (noch sonn guter Freund, der Michael, nein, der = muss Latein lernen... aber abends ficken...) ...I hope I haven't forgot anyone= ... if so, sorry! Hoping for better times... Jeff= Smart MAD ALL'S MAILBOX! Preeeeeeesenting the one, the only, the most inflated egg alive... here's= MAD ALL alive - Excelsior, let's start off this month with a very strange fact that hap= pened in Austria, the well known group TSK is no more. In fact the last months = the TSK members were not satisfied with their leader TSK himself, you see it = was after him that the group was named, now the other members decided that th= ey would not stay in a group where the guy getting the most fame didn't do anything, so they kicked him out and formed the group called COSMOS, so C= OSMOS is in fact TSK but without TSK, can it get more confusing??? - Something very strange happened last month in Belgium which nobody can explain! On a local channel called "TELE LIEGE", where normally the TV lo= go should appear between programs, viewers were now treated to the intro tha= t THE CHAMPS use on Amiga, the scrolly was filled with an opening message welco= ming people to this TV channel and then was followed by greetings, very strang= e indeed. - I was surprised to hear from the editor of "DELIRIOUS MAGAZINE" that bo= th, myself and Jeff Smart were thought to by some of its readers to be the re= al after their ghost writer "EVIL EDDY". - Well, I saw it coming for a long time, but it even went further than I imagined it would... what am I talking about? About the little people kno= wn by the pirate world as lamers, who wrote to COMMODORE USER after the piracy article appeared... for a good laugh just read last months letterpage whe= re a 'cracker' called "TURBO" from the superduper world famous group FRONT pro= vides us with a diary of how a real cracker spends his day... It's always the s= mall people who have the biggest mouth... - Prize of the month for the most pretentious scrolltext goes this time t= o KAZE of TST in his rather good demo called "NEW LIMITS", the coding and music = are of a very high level but the scrolltext seems to be written by an even bigge= r egomaniac than myself... - Rumour has it that the German music group called 'OK' who had a big hit= with their houde hittrack called "OKAY", are in fact the same people who go un= der the name of AXXESS on the Amiga. - Thankyouverymuchyouoldfriend goes to HOBBIT of FAIRLIGHT for a copy of = his "CRACKIN' COMIC #3". News about him is that he's got a job at one of Belg= ium's biggest weekly comic magazines called "TIN TIN", I still remember seeing = the first full comic he ever made and discussing the pro's and con's of marve= l comics... seems like yesterday! Well, people in the words of the immortal Bugs Bunny... That's all = folks! MAD ALL= / CFR Thanx to RAM fo= r info INTERVIEW OF THE MONTH THIS TIME: MITCH / EAGLE SOFT Without any exception every American game is cracked by this dude MITCH o= f EAGLE SOFT INC. and this throughout 6 years! No other group on the globe = keeps itself so isolated, so I was one of the very few guys who ever talked to = him... ?: How old are you? !!!: 20 years. ?: When did you come into the computer business? !!!: In 1980 I bought a VIC 20, 'cause one of my friends wanted it. ?: When was E.S.I. founded? !!!: Something around 1982, I can't remember all original members, some = Dan and Jason, but the first E.S.I. cracker came from Singapore. ?: Where did you get the name from? !!!: Dan had a poster showing and eagle above his bed, but the best abou= t the name is that it doesn't say anything, it doesn't say "cracking serv= ice", we could even be an insurance company. ?: What was your first crack? !!!: "RAPTON" by SERIOUS in 1981. ?: Can you give any special reason for cracking games? !!!: Challenge and thrill of beating the programmers. ?: Why do you keep yourself so isolated? !!!: We don't have to be open. We work as a family, don't compete among = each other... it worked in the beginning, it works now, it works every s= ingle day. ?: What do you think... Is there only you in the States who can crack = games? !!!: The others even don't try to crack, just always say that they could= n't crack. ?: What do you think about European crackers? !!!: Most of the Europeans (not all!) are a kind of scummy, but so are a= lot of Americans, but they don't feel so bad. ?: Who are your best friends? !!!: All the members of E.S.I., especially John. I've got lots of good friends, but I don't wanna put 'em in the "best friends" category. ?: What are your favourite... !!!: Game (64): "Maniac Mansion" Music (64): An American demo called "Synth Sample" by some Canadian programmer. Movie: "Return of the Jedi" Music: RUSH ?: What are you doing when you aren't sitting on your computer? !!!: Working or playing RUSH tunes in my car. ?: With all the connections and friends in the world you have, how com= e that you don't know any Ferrari dealership owners? !!!: I trade software for Ferrari, I go for that! ?: How do you see the 64's future? !!!: It will be dead by 1991. Turn on your Amiga, let's transform "Mania= c Mansion". THANX to THE BUTCHER for arranging the 3-way. = /JS 64-REVIEWS POOL OF RADIANCE It happened at last! The first playable game I ever saw from S.S.I.! It's= a very good role play game featuring nice graphics, only bad thing is that = it takes about 8 (!) disks sides, but: 87. SUMMER OLYMPIAD The follow-up to WINTER OLYMPIAD, and TYNESOFT has improved in all, graph= ics, sounds, programming and even gameplay! Skeet Shooting and Diving is almos= t on the same level as some of EPYX's events, but it doesn't reach EPYX as a w= hole, 79. HAWKEYE Programmed by BOYS WITHOUT BRAINS. One of the best graphics ever seen on = a 64 and great sounds by JT / Maniacs of Noise hide the totally boring gamepla= y because it brings not the greatest fun to run left and right and right an= d left and collect stones and shoot animals, which are superb animated up. Bad l= uck, it looks really super, but is boring, 82. FOOTBALL MANAGER 2 It can't be the classic one. But it's somehow better, better graphics, bu= t longer game sequences, save options, faster, but nevertheless it can't be= at one of the best games ever made, after you've played it one time through, you= won't start a game again, what you did with FOOTBALL MANAGER 1, but still 86. ZAK MC KRACKEN The sequel to MANIAC MANSION and it's even better! It takes four disks si= des and features things that any adventure fan has dreamt of, even the typica= l jokes has been included, so: 95. THE GAMES: SUMMER EDITION The long awaited SUMMER GAMES 3 by EPYX and finally they found back to th= eir old power. They used some new programming routines as 'vector' graphics, = take a look at 'hurdles'. They reached their old standard again! 96. VINDICATOR Someone said that this is GREEN BERET 2, so the expectations were too hig= h as it's impossible to make a game as good as GREEN BERET. VINDICATOR consist= s of 3 more or less boring single games, but listen to JONATHAN DUNN's sound in = the third part, GALWAY is alive, 62. THE FURY A very interesting remake of HEWSON's ALLEYKAT, with very high motivation= level and nice sound by MARTECH, but unfortunately it's too easy, but 84. SALAMANDER One of the best shoot'em up's ever made, 'cuz it brings loads of action o= n your screen in two different points of view. The graphics are very good, but t= he sound is quite weak, but 93. AMIGA-REVIEWS CORRUPTION The new Magnetic Scrolls thriller with a new background idea. It seems to= be much more difficult as, e.g. "GUILD OF THIEVES" was, 80. CARRIER COMMAND A flight deck simulator with detailed graphics, but without instructions = almost not playable, 85. SUPERSTAR ICEHOCKEY Somehow better than on the 64, better animations, 79. BERMUDA PROJECT A damn interesting action adventure by MIRRORSOFT with a very good openin= g. You walk around and examine an island after you crashed with your plane, very= good gameplay, 94. STARRAY Very fast Defender-like Shoot'em Up with nice graphics, difficult, 87. IMPOSSIBLE MISSION 2 It hasn't much improved apart from the 64 version, just some speech sampl= es has been included. Anyway it seems to be slower, but the gameplay is still convincing, 87. MORTVILLE MANOR A very good graphic adventure with a stunning opening and detailed and ve= ry nicely drawn graphics. Even the sound effects are much better than in oth= er adventures, controlable by mouse, 91. IKARI WARRIORS Buah! Exactly the same, fast game as all 64 pirates have seen before. Eve= n the sound stays on the same level, if a game is converted to the Amiga, I exp= ect more than just a 64 version... 67. FOUNDATION'S WASTE A very boring Shoot'em Up which reminds me of SIDEWINDER, but bad, 41. CHAMONIX CHALLENGE The French mountain climbing simulation strikes on the 16 bit computers. = Well, of course the graphics got better, but somehow the movement of your climb= er seem to be more difficult than they have been on the 64. Bit it still loo= ks good and is a great game, 89. STARGLIDER 2 WOW! It beats even interceptor with its ultrafast speed. It's a very, ver= y good sequel and it has also good and detailed graphics, while the movements ar= e almost the same as on INTERCEPTOR. The only bad thing about this, is that= it's almost unplayable without dox, 96! KATAKIS RAINBOW ARTS had to take back the first 1000 released originals, because ACTIVISION claimed that it was too close to 'R-TYPE' and they have a very= good point, anyway a new version is about to be released by the time you read = this. = J.S. MEETINGS THE DANISH PARTIES! IKARI-DOMINATORS-DANISH GOLD and UPFRONT Fuck about! The only reason we chose this party was that we arranged it w= ith the Swedish TRIAD members, and that was the coolest party. We met finally= .. Drank a lot!!! And that's it! The party itself wasn't worth the journey, = too small capacities, too many lamers, too less good stuff... All together pretty lame! And just a word: WE DIDN'T DESTROY ANYTHING! I = dunno who started that bullshit, but I can only say that I threw one (empty, of course) bottle of beer against a wall and that was all. We didn't burn do= wn curtains or beds or do similar things... I really don't know who started spreading this bullshit, but perhaps they needed someone to blame for thi= s bad party... DENMARK? NEVER AGAIN! = J.S. A copyparty? We in 2000 A.D. took off Friday, 8th of June to join this pa= rty and the trip lasted for 4 hours when we found the little house on top of = a forest-like muddy road among cows, pigs and horses! And 150 guys were alr= eady inside! The first thing I saw was EXCELL / IKARI who said: "You're not co= ming in, before you have an apology demo to us and Dominators!" This was quite= funny coz the day before I talked to MATRIX / DOM and we made an agreement whic= h was that we should stop all shit-talk and we discussed a lot of things and he= said "See ya at the party then!", but EXCELL said that he heard I should have = hung up without saying goodbye. Anyway, we stood outside for 4 or 5 hours, coz one couldn't be inside, th= ere was no space left! Then those guys noticed that it was too small and came= up with a new place... 8 km away from the first where everyone should go in = the middle of the night and everybody was told that a bus was going to bring = 'em to the new place, of course a bus didn't come, so after an hour some taxi-bu= sses picked up some guys. Coming to the other place we at once recognize that = it wasn't much bigger and better as we thought it should be... there was jus= t place enough for us to sit, but not to sleep! So... the solution was we l= eft on Saturday the party some hundreds kroners poorer. We missed almost everything: A big place, a big town and supplyment, of c= ourse the announced grilling didn't take place... As a conclusion of the party = (which was announced to be the greatest ever) one can say: LOADSA COOL GUYS, BUT= VERY BAD ARRANGED! Apollon / 200= 0 A.D. MEETINGS THE DANISH PARTIES! DEXION PARTY A Success! Well, we from 2000 A.D. showed up and what did we experience? The party p= lace was a big school so there was loadsa space for everyone, even lamers were allowed to enter 'cause DEXION needed money! The only thing missing was t= hat except some guys from Germany, France, Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Norway a= nd Denmark big and known guys were missing. We got another cool friend at the party, PHOTONY / CFR. We played soccer = and drank beer with only one problem: PHOTONY got drunk! (hehe can't ya stand= the hard Danish beers, Stefan?). If one became hungry, he had only to go 300 metres and there was a burger= -bar, which was open up to 3 in the night! So all you guys who were at the IKAR= I-DOM- DG-UPFRONT party will agree with me that you couldn't buy any cokes durin= g the night, and during the day you had to go by car, 'cause the next shop was = 8 kilometres away. It's just a pity that all the guys who came to the "flop" party haven't c= ome to the best arranged party of the summer. I'm in doubt whether people will c= ome again to participate another party in Denmark after this... but we try to organize a party as well... you'll see. On this party there were also dem= o- competitons on both the AMIGA and 64. Also it was cool 'cause I met some members from 2000 A.D. I haven't seen before. STAY COOL from APOLLON / 200= 0 A.D. The perfect organized party... Yo, I (Photony) stayed at the DEXION party in Denmark and first of all, I= want to say that I really enjoyed it. The party was over 4 and a half days, so= I went to this party instead of the JEWELS and so on party. The party place was a pretty big room in a school with space for about 30= 0 people. Ca. 150 were there, so there was plenty of room for everyone. Lot= s of electric power and lots of tables, just everything you need for a good pa= rty, even quite new video movies were shown in a seperate room. Some cool guys= were also there as 2000 A.D., Legend, Ikari, Papillons, Wizax, APG, TST, Stari= on... and of course DEXION. Lots of cool things happened: Soccer games outside, boiling eggs, testing= the Danish beer, coding small stuff and more... The demo competition was won = by ASC and RAY (Ex-Triton Technologies), unfortunately DEXION didn't release a d= emo for their own competition. The only disadvantage was that the town where everything took place was s= mall, so that you couldn't see any interesting things in the town itself. OK, I= have to end my report about the party and I have to say to everybody making a = party in the future: DO IT LIKE DEXION DID IT! Photony= / CFR +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | (This page of Illegal #30 features "Crackin' Comic" #3 from | | Hobbit of Fairlight, a story about how Radwar, Ikari, | | Transcom, Hotline, Triad and Fairlight during a conference | | disappear into AT&T cyberspace and are haunted by the AT&T | | blacklisting handset-monster.) | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ THE PERSONAL COMPUTER SHOW 16-18 SEPTEMBER 1988 EARLS COURT LONDON THE BIG PC(W)S PREVIEW 1988! Excelsior, it seems that my writing has a reverse effect on people over t= he last few months, my article have been a slap in the face to arcade licens= es, modem traders and Americans, I expected a wave of protest and discouragem= ent from most of you out there but instead most people said they agreed with = me, does this mean that a pirate has a conscience? Ok, this time a more moderate article about the next big meeting place fo= r computer freaks and when I said BIG the I mean BIG, yes dear reader I'm t= alking about the PCW SHOW which has been renamed by some silly people who are in charge of the organisation. If you do not know what the PCW SHOW is then = stop reading this and go home... Good, now that we've got rid of the little people we can continue, this y= ear the 11th PCW SHOW will take place at Earl's court, London on the 14th to = 18th of September, and it promises to be the biggest one yet, last year 80.000 people attended the show and this show is expected to attract over 100.00= 0 computer addicts. The show is always a big occasion, it boasts to be the biggest in its' ki= nd and it attracts people with the following things: OVER 100 NEW COMPUTER GAMES RELEASED: well, this is a nice theory, only practise shows different, when I visited the show last year, over 150 new= games were promised, only 7 were available, but I have to say that a lot of gam= es that were promised were there in a preview form. OVER 50 ARCADE MACHINES WILL BE PRESENT, NONE OF THEM RELEASED AND ALL CA= N BE PLAYED ON FREE DURING THE SHOW: Again a nice theory, although all the mac= hines are there and they are free, the chances that you will be able to play is= next to nothing, you see with about 20.000 people a day the ques in front of t= he machines consists of about 50 to 60 people so you have to wait about 2 to= 3 hours to play a game which sometimes lasts about 30 seconds. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO BECOME A PROGRAMMER: Another thing that gets peopl= e to come to the show, to be honest it is very hard to get a contact at the sh= ow if you just go there and show them your best demos, if you really are thinki= ng about becoming a programmer then it is best to write a game at home, work= some months on it and when it's finished (or a preview) show it at the PCW to = the companies, begin with the budget one, there you have more of a chance to = sell your game, you see companies recognize a good program when they see it, b= ut they do not like to invest loadsa money in a guy who makes demos, but of = who they are not sure if he will be able to make the game they want. Well, after this you may think that I'm a complete PCW hater, well I'm no= t, last year I enjoyed myself immensly and this year I'm going for sure agai= n. It's a perfect place for a computer freak, you see how the industry reall= y works, you get to meet a lot of programmers and musicians, compunet heroe= s and not forgetting you can buy computer equipment really cheap... It's a fabl= e though that you can steal millions of disks full of previews that are jus= t sitting in the drives, you see since a couple of years the companies do n= ot bring their preview disks to the show anymore, they show a video film of = their newest games on large screens. So see you all at the show and when you see me just yell hey, Mad All I l= ove you and I will surely run away from you... MAD ALL= / CFR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE PC SHOW: - OCEAN is trying to release "OPERATION WOLF" promoted by a big scout car= and "TYPHOON", while film scenes of "RAMBO 3" and "ROBOCOP" will be displayed= at their 40 large TV screens. - INTERCEPTOR GROUP is going to release 3 new games on the show including= JOE BLADE 2. - US GOLD have the largest stand on the show and want to sell "LED STORM"= by CAPCOM, "SUMMER EDITION" by EPYX, "DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS" by themselves an= d are going to preview Sega's arcade "THUNDERBLADE". - LEVEL 9 will be releasing "GNOME RANGER 2" - CASCADE are finally going to sell "19 Boot Camp", supported by an army = of six-feet-high cutout figures. - DINAMIC's "GAME OVER 2" will be brought out. - HEWSON CONSULTANTS will be in host of three new titles "ELIMINATOR", "ASTEROTH" and "STORMLORD". - ACTIVISION are only gonna preview "R-TYPE". - GRANDSLAM will be releasing "BRUCE LEE: ENTER THE DRAGON", "PACMANIA", "ESPIONAGE", "SAINT AND GREAVSIE", "THUNDERBIRDS" and a new Arnold Schwarzenegger movie license. - MASTERTRONIC announced "DOUBLE DRAGON" and many more!? - TYNESOFT are selling "SUPERMAN: BLACK MONDAY" and "CIRCUS GAMES". - THALAMUS want to sell "ARMALYTE" and lots of other companies will be th= ere and promote or preview or even sell their latest products, some of which = are MICROPROSE, INFOGRAMES, LORICEL and many more... See you there... Just Ice / IKARI = + J.S. GOOD SHOW! VIDEO + CINEMA NEWS VID... VID... VIDEO! Hello Video Freaks, it is LAZER here once again with the latest shit hot = movies reviews for ya! Sorry for no reviews last month, but I was really lame an= d lizzy, so here we go: (*) RAMBO III This has to be the coolest movie of the year! Colonel Trautman goes to Th= ailand and finds John Rambo working in a monstry. He tries to persuade Rambo to = help him deliver some missiles to the Mujahadeen rebels in Afghanistan, but Ra= mbo refuses so Trautman goes alone and is immediately captured by the Soviets= .. Rambo then goes to Afghanistan to rescue his friend and kick some commie asses!!! Strider will like this film - Myshka will hate it! RATING: 95% (*) EDDIE MURPHY RAW This is not really a movie but a recording of Eddie Murphy in concert, ju= st like Delerious. Eddie doesn't give a shit about anything or anyone and in= sults everyone famous. Eddie sure is a funny guy! Rating: 82% (*) CROCODILE DUNDEE II The Aussie is back and he returns together with Linda Kozlowski to the Australian jungle to show the crocodiles (and not only them) who daddu is= . Of course there are also the typical jokes that Dundee cracks! Rating: 81% VIDEO CHARTS 9/88! 1. (-) RAMBO III 2. (-) CROCODILE DUNDEE II 3. (2) RUNNING MAN 4. (1) PREDATOR 5. (-) EDDIE MURPHY RAW 6. (4) MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE 7. (5) ROBOCOP 8. (-) POLICE ACADEMY 5 9. (3) FATAL ATTRACTION 10. (-) GOOD MORNING VIETNAM Before I go I must send greetings to the following cool dudes: Jeff, Eric (thanx for the vids), Stefano, Malx, Mic, Caz, Nik + Tim. Super Mega gree= tings to the gorgeous girls I know: Caria (oh those eyes are incredible), ROBER= TA, MYSHKA. UNTIL NEXT MONTH... LAZER OF NEW BENCOR BR= OTHERS CIN... CIN... CINEMA! Yo, here is Photony of CFR bringing you some CINEMA movies reviews from m= ovies I have been watching during my visit in CANADA!! (*) VIBES Cyndi Lauper's movie debut. She is acting together with Peter Falk and JE= FF Goldblum. The story is really original, so are the actors (especially Pet= er Falk). But I have to say that there wasn't much to laugh about, any-high-= way I was quite disappointed, such a good and funny story in such a good film, without any good jokes! The story goes like this that there are two people (Cyndi and Goldblum) w= ho have a magical power and can tell you things about the future, who are as= ked to help an adventurer to find a treasure in South-America, while being hunte= d (of course) by some bad guys. I think there exist better ways spending one's = money, so decide on your own, RATING: 65% (*) A FISH CALLED WANDA The best movie of the year!!! Yep, this movie was made by JOHN CLEESE who= is a member of the fucking amazing MONTHY PYTHON'S FLYING CIRCUS ("LIFE OF BRIAN"...). Together with JAMIE LEE CURTIS and MICHAEL PALIN, he tells yo= u the story of an old fashioned English lawyer and of course there is his typic= al sense of humour in the movie, e.g. you can see attempts of killing somebo= dy by putting french fries in his ears (with different sauces) and finally tryi= ng to stop him breathing by putting an apple into his mouth. I had to see the m= ovie 3 times until I have understood all the jokes, because there are so many gu= ys in the cinema and there was always laughter, so I couldn't hear anything. RA= TING: 98% (*) COMING TO AMERICA Eddie Murphy's newest movie and one of his best so far, he's playing an A= frican prince, who is served by (female) servants 24 hours a day and even his ro= yal dick is cleaned by those servants, so he has a perfect life. But this idi= ot (I just have to say that) is not satisfied with that, 'cuz he wants a smart = woman, that's why he's going to New York, Queens and pretends to be a poor Afric= an student. I'm sure you can imagine that many cool things are about to happ= en, 'cuz both, the script and the story for the movie were written by Eddie d= ude himself. RATING: 87% (*) CADDYSHACK 2 The follow up to CADDYSHACK is one the greatest flop of the year, except = for a small part with Dan Akroyd there are only silly jokes for 8 year old chil= dren. Better forget it at once. Rating: 19% And a few personal greets to: OTHERS IN CFR, all ex-TRIADers, 2000 A.D., = FLT, BROS, AVATAR, HOTLINE, LEGEND and some hellos to guys who soon hear from = me: ZENITH, COSMOS, WIZAX, D.C.S., FIRE EAGLE and lots of others! Photony = of CFR THE STORY OF... SYSTEM FOUR! You quickly fall asleep as you creeped home... You're dreaming of her, th= ough you don't want to, but you can't refuse. Your heart is ruling. Bad thing.= You lost all your motivation for going to school again, but now she's there a= nd the whole bunch of problems starts again and again... without any end in sigh= t...!? Wow, next day you climb into the bus, when you recognize her at once... y= ou take all your courage together and say to her: "Hey, dear I wanna marry y= ou here and now!"... and it worx! You wrap your arms around her and just wan= t to give her a smack as... "Good morning, this is Greg Foster from BFBS with national and international news from the BBC at 6!" FUCK, only a dream af= ter all... Shit... Anyway, you look out of the window and it's raining hard, so you decide t= o stay at home today and work a little bit on your new projects. You walk to the System Four Headquarter in your town and get to know sad news, for exampl= e that some of your real friends left System Four without really saying farewell= , others had to work more and so left System 4 aswell. Only a few real good= pals are left at the end of this day, when you hear the latest news that one o= f your best friends has gone forever and another one thought it would be better = not to talk to you again and it really seems as if your homegroup fell apart. Sh= eeeut! Damn, that can't be true... But as you count all friends together, you recognize that there's nothing= which can be built up again... Sad, but true. Then more awful news, other good friends of yours from System 4 do admire these guys from System 50, who h= ave means to be much faster than any of us in System 4 will ever be... You sp= end almost the whole night thinking how to save the ashes... What happened to 4 leading "a"-class groups? Only one is left from the or= igin ones, but going to drop work because the guys from System 50 seem to take= over the business. One another group was let into the 'a'-class, and they give= a sign of old days. But that's it. Only one thing can solve all problems, b= ut it will be difficult to convince all others... but perhaps it could work... Bah, what's the difference between girls and cracking? There's none, they= both are gonna tear you apart. "And there's a taste in my mouth, as if despera= tion takes home. There was something so good, just can't function no more... a= nd then May, 18th 1980 and January, 15th 1988!" TO BE CONTINUED! = J.S. THE PAL OF THE MONTH! Here we go again. Another new column called "PAL OF THE MONTH". We're gon= na present you every month a guy (if there was any) who threw the whole crac= king scene into a heap of shit! JANGO of THE WEB (Mario B=F6lt) Okey, you wonder, what's so strange about this guy? Well, it's not only t= he fact that he belongs to a German lamer group. The real thing is, that he = was caught by the German police some months ago. What did he do? Right, what = nobody else would have done... He betrayed ALL of his friends and gave out all adresses he had (about 400!) and not only that... he even told the cops a= bout details. So, up to now, 25 (!) good friends of mine were visited by the police, be= cause of good old JANGO. Some of them aren't doing anything nowadays, but they = still have to pay about 200 DM, others were just accused of things they didn't = do, just 'cuz Mario said that. Now, I'm sure he won't return anymore, 'cuz otherwise he would have about 400 guys beating him up. Now, it proved onc= e again that you have to think twice before you choose your German contact.= .. Did you????????? = J.S. +-----------------------------+ | EUROPEAN MEDIA ART FESTIVAL | | OSNABRUCK 19 11 9 88 | +-----------------------------+ Do you wonder what that "EUROPEAN MEDIA ART FESTIVAL" is??? Well, in fact it's a normal computer meeting, but some clever guys decide= d to make up a cracker meeting somewhere during the normal meeting. It took pl= ace on September, 3rd. They used extreme high quality invitations and even stick= ers (of the kind you can see above...). Unfortunately they couldn't win many = famous groups to organize the party with 'em together, as only RADWAR could be mentioned as a TOP ACT, so only a few groups came up. This is really a sh= ame for such a brilliant idea and lots of commitment, but we'll see if this s= tyle can go on as we all are suffering a lack of parties, but VENLO returns on September, 17th. Anyway, the top guys are in London! = J.S. "ILLEGAL" presents the OLD 64 LEGENDS! this month: cracking 1982-1985 Haven't you always wondered how the whole cracking scene started, what th= e first cracking groups have been and may other things? That's why we are g= oing to tell you about the origins of cracking in whole Europe, the first grou= ps, their first releases and what they are doing nowadays... Here we go... THINK BACK! What was the very first game you ever saw on your 64? Probabl= y "COMMODORE SOCCER" which was cracked by a German guy called 1103, who als= o cracked other Commodore modules. Or "M.U.L.E." from Electronic Arts crack= ed by OLEANDER? Or "HARD HAT MACK" by OTD? Or "SUMMER GAMES" by JEDI? Something= like that, right? Well, JEDI consisted of nobody less than 1103, OLEANDER, OTD and KBR (KOTZBROCKEN), all from Germany and they were one of the first who formed= the cracking with cracks like "MR.ROBOT", "QUICKCOPY V2.0", "SENTINEL" and others... This all happened around 1982, other famous groups at this point of time = were ANTIRAM who cracked games like "DALLAS QUEST", "POGO JOE", "MINER 2049", = "RAID OVER MOSCOW"... or the first 'cracking service', namely the GERMAN CRACKI= NG SERVICE who released games like ACTIVISION's "HERO" or "SAXXON", "SLAMBAL= L" and "FLIGHT SIMULATOR II". These groups formed cracking around 1982 and 1983. Beginning 1984 lots of new groups raised their power, some of which were = TBC who cracked "KENNEDY APPROACH" or CRACKMAN CREW with "F.COPY III", "HEART= OF AFRICA" and they were the first who fixed American games to the European = PAL system, among them "BALLBLAZER". The first English groups were YAK SOCIETY who cracked almost every ELITE = game (remember "FRANK BRUNO'S BOXING") and TEESIDE CRACKING SERVICE. 1985 was the year of SECTION 8 who cracked almost every game that was rel= eased (e.g. "G.I. JOE", "AIRWOLF", "ARCHON II"), but so did ABC (e.g. "MR.DO!" = and "THE HOBBIT II"), both from Germany. PAL fixes were done by INDIANA JONES= who also cracked every single BRODERBUND game ("CHAMP. LODERUNNER", "HEART OF AFRICA", "RACING DESTR. SET"...). The first big importer and spreader was a guy named ALI, groups like FLAS= H CRACKING GROUP with games like "HYPER SPORTS", "TOUR DE FRANCE" or "RMS TITANIC", MEGABYTE with "CASTLE OF TERROR" or their tape transfer disks, = or the first Dutch group, the FEDERATION AGAINST COPYRIGHT with releases like "S= PACE STATION", or 2010 PROFESSIONAL with "BEACH HEAD II" were other groups of = that time. +----------------------------+ | EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD... | | | | (drawing of a hippie-look- | | alike cracker wearing a | | trenchcoat and black | | sunglasses, holding a | | 5 1/4" disk, leaning | | against a wall and | | looking into the sunset. | | Archetypical cyberhippie) | | | | 64'HEROES | +----------------------------+ WHAT ARE THEY DOING TODAY? JEDI's PAL of "SUMMER GAMES I" was even official sold by EPYX all over Eu= rope. 1103 has now an own company, working with PCs and bigger machines, but he= also converted "QUIWI" by KINGSOFT on the ATARI ST. OLEANDER works also on PCs= , OTD developed the PROLOGIC DOS and all together developed the "F.COPY III". F= 16 from SECTION 8 made the "F.LOAD 3.0" and "COPY +" and works now for Disco= very Software. Some of GCS are working for RAINBOW ARTS, INDY is active on the AMIGA, TB= C developed the "COMPACKER V2.0", CRACKMAN (Hi, Alf!) is programming on the AMIGA, ALI stopped, YAK SOCIETY worked for JEFF MINTER's LLAMASOFT (Hi, A= aron, Liddiment) and almost all others are now working on the Amiga, as TCS are= doing and some members of FCG, as FLASH (found the 7th bitplane on Amiga, RSI I= ntro), PBA, CFB, EDE and IRATA (RED SECTOR) or MR.X on ATARI ST, only RADWAR is = still on the 64. FAC's Peter is also on Amiga, Marcel should have returned from the USA, b= ut they're still on the 64, but ROCKY totally destroyed it.... NEXT TIME: 85-88, feat. DYNAMIC DUO, NEWLOOK and STARS...... Best Wishes to all old= boys! MWS/RWE= + JS. +---------------------------------------------------+--------------------= ----+ | MY VOTES LOOK LIKE THIS |P = | | S.C.G. : a) : |O STAM= P | | IKARI : b) : |S = | | TRIAD : c) : |T = | | FAIRLIGHT : d) : |C = | | EAGLESOFT : e) : |A = | | COSMOS : |R = | | OCTAGON : My own group is: |D = | | BROS : | = | | TRIANGLE : My handle is: |(C) = | | FUSION : | = | | HOTLINE : And my adress is: |J = | | ORION : |S = | | T.W.G. : | To: = | | RADWAR : | "ILLEGAL" = | | BEASTIE BOYS : | PLK 123144 C= | | ZENITH : | 4250 BOTTROP= | | D.C.S. : | WEST GERMANY= | | SHINING 8 : | = | | WIZAX : | = | | INXS : | = | +---------------------------------------------------+ THE = | | Use backside to give comments about "ILLEGAL"! JS | PIRATE FANZINE!!! = | +---------------------------------------------------+--------------------= ----+ WE ABOUT OURSELVES Finally I'm going to explain to you, dear reader, the basic things about = the "ILLEGAL", its charts and how to order it. Okey, here we go... THE WAY OF APPEARANCE: Normally an issue is released every month somewhere on a big meeting in E= urope. It can be such like the PC SHOW or on a VENLO meeting or anything else...= The problem is, that any meeting can be cancelled and followed by that, we ha= ve to cancel our release date. That means that any information given here can b= e wrong and may lead to total confusion. So, we thought it to be best to re= lease a small coded program on disk which should inform you, so watch your scre= ens to be sure! HOW TO ORDER AN ISSUE: Nothing is easier... You just take an envelope, write your adress and put enough stamps on it and enclose either 2 Deutsch Mark or 50 English pence= or 1 US Dollar. Then you send this envelope to "ILLEGAL" ORDERS PLK 012314 B 4360 BOCHUM 6 WILD WEST GERMANY and you shall get your copy within 2 days. THE CHARTS: The "DEMO OF THE MONTH" chart and the two games charts are sorted out by = the editors as it would be too complex to let others give their votes for it,= but we handle it different with the "CRACKER OF THE MONTH" chart. To present = you a representative and correct TOP 15, we let well known guys vote about the different cracker groups, but as conferences are rare and our phone bills= can't be enlarged any more, we start this issue with a new offer! THE POSTCARD! You cut this postcard below out, just fill it out, put the right postage = on it and send it to us within 1 month after the current issue has been release= d. Among all postcard we will take out five, who will get their "ILLEGAL" fo= r free. HOW TO VOTE: You may give every group up to max. 10 points for the best one and even n= o points for the lamest one, you can add up to five groups that we may have forgotten, BUT PLEASE you aren't allowed to vote for your own group. You = can even decide not to vote for a single group, no problem at all, because we= count all points that a group gets together and divide them by the number of th= e guys who voted for this group. So we always get the average points for a singl= e group, this seems to be the easiest way, but you're welcome to let us kno= w about any improvements! = J.S. MORE NEWS...! Here is SSD of COSMOS again. Unfortunately nothing special happened in Au= stria to tell you about, except that we also crack on Amiga now. But I don't wa= nt to tell you any bullshit so I blow some titles which are gonna be released x= -mas in your minds... Here it goes: ACTIVISION: "Hi-Jack", "Yeti", "Thunderblade", "Time Scanner" CASCADE: "Enemies", "Ring Wars" DOMARK: "Live and let die" ELITE: "Aquablast" FIREBIRD: "G.I. Hero", "Dark Sceptre", "Crosswise", "Intensity" GREMLIN: "Superskills", "Night Raider", "Alternative Olympics" HEWSON: "Cybernoid II", "Stormlord", "Eliminator" LOGOTRON: "Starray" LORICIELS: "Eddie Edward's Superski", "Mach 3", "Space Racer" MARTECH: "Wanted", "Programwars", "NM Grandprix", "Le Mans" MASTERTRONIC: "Aaargh", "Double Dragon", "Rasterscan", "Xenon", "World Da= rts", "Knighttyme", "Motorbike Madness" MELBOURNE HOUSE: "Bits for Bizmo", "Enterprise", "Fire Dragon", "Terrorpo= ds", "Mystery Arkham" MIRRORSOFT: "Rocket Ranger", "Dondra", "First tens", "Blasteroids" OCEAN: "Quandam" RAINBOW ARTS: "Katakis", "Danger Freak", "Giana Sisters II", "Down at the Trolls" SOFTEK: "Soldier of Light" US GOLD: "Charlie Chaplin", "1943", "Psycho Pigs UXB" VIRGIN GAMES: "Challenger" Well, these were the games (64). Finally I wanna send my best good-bye-re= gards to Mr.Pinge. Hi, Stefan, good luck in the future! C U next issue... SSD of = COSMOS What's coming when? OCEAN: OCEAN is going to release a couple of games in the following months... He= re's a list of their games with rough release dates (without any guarantee!): All games for 64, Amiga, ST, Amstrad and Spectrum. VICTORY ROAD October GUERILLA WARRIORS End of Nov. ROBOCOP End of Nov. WEC LE MANS End of Nov. TYPHOON September OPERATION WOLF November RAMBO III November DALEY THOMPSON'S DECATHLON should be released at least for the 64 by the = time you're reading this. OCEAN announced OPERATION WOLF and TYPHOON (Konami) = by Zak Townsend (ARMY MOVES, PLATOON) to be released at the PC SHOW, but who kno= ws? CF/B= B + JS OTHER PIRATES FANZINES! Well... other pirate magazines are appearing on the market as water on th= e ocean. Take, for instance "IGUANA" (whatever the hell that means) by Engl= ish group ZENITH (which I haven't seen yet!) that follows all the popular way= . Most of the new fanzines are coming from Germany (I don't wonder), best of 'em= seems to be "NEWS" by some unknown German dudes, featuring comics and lots of o= ther things, but only in German. I always said that it's no problem to release= one issue, but to release every month an issue of the same quality is the mai= n task... Only the toughest survive, so we'll see... = J.S. AMERICANS... WHY? by JUST ICE of IKARI... Many crackers are now feeling the strain of the American importing groups= who often cause conflict between rival groups and end up as enemies. Who bene= fits? - It's certainly not us! If it wasn't for us these Americans wouldn't hav= e a decent game in their collection. The American releases are not that good = and they end often ereased from my disks at the end of the week. Even conferences are non-existent these days as most guys are blacklisted= on a lot of the codes, even MCI's are now hard to get and often also blacklist= ed. Many of the American groups are disappearing coz of high phone bills and getting caught for phreaking. Many of the guys in these groups are 13-14 = year old kids who ring at inconvenient times and even not apologising if you a= re asleep and still ask you if you have released any new wares! GOD DAMN! I think it's time many groups forget the USA and continue with the mail t= rade and lamers spreading ya wares! There are a few groups I do respect like E= .S.I. and a couple of importing groups. Most hated American I know is KID QUICK= from TS, he is also known as KID DICK! and KID THICK! He has a very low brain = power and is very impatient! He pissed me off so much that we switched over to MAYHEM. I feel quite strong about this subject and if things haven't improved drastically by the time you are reading this then I will quit American tr= ading. I am very interested in what other groups have to say regarding the USA a= nd maybe they follow me the same way, but remember software piracy may be ki= lling the industry, but the Americans are killing off us! All the best, JUST ICE / IKARI = -1988- If you want to answer JUST ICE on this subject, then just send your lette= rs to any of the editors (adresses on the last page) and we'll pass on your stu= ff. = J.S. COZMIX'S FAREWELL It'z with sorrow on my mind, tearz in my eyez and trembling handz I write= thiz farewell note. I'm now leaving this my beloved computerworld concentrate = on living what somebody calls LIFE!?! But before I quit, I'll try to give U -the reader- some kind of insight i= n the thoughts, I've had about computers generally - more specific about the 64= and it's hiostory / future. When I started cracking some games way back in '85, it all seemed sooo ea= sy: no real protections, no big speed race among the groups and no discussion ab= out who made the best version. U were happy just to get a version of the game= - even though they often were malfunctioning or they just were previews... Today, a lot of things has changed. Speed is the keyword - not quality. M= y good friend Janitor has written a lot about this problem, so I won't bore U wi= th repeating him. No, I'll instead talk 'bout the good thingz. A very good thing is that the demoz release for the moment are increasing= in quality. That's very good, 'cuz it's more healthy concentrating on being = the bezt coder than on being the fastest with the crackz. To be more specific= : competing on coding givez even the smallest group a chance of winning fam= e, while competing on crack-speed iz verrryy unfair. Reasonz: 1) The English groups have the originals before everyone else - even if = they buy them in the shops. Thiz means they can crack them before most oth= er groupz without doing anything cool... 2) Getting and cracking the games fast iz also a big matter of time and = money - two thingz that doesn't tell anything 'bout how cool U R at computi= ng... To sum all up: Coding haz got more to do with controlling your computer t= han being a fast cracker has. This leads to COZMIX's SENTENCES ON COMPUTING: 1. Don't admire fast crackers (like Papillons) 2. Admire cool coders instead (hmm.. TRIANGLE) 3. Admire quality-groups (like TRIAD & TRIANGLE) I guess thiz iz the end. Thanx to the world of serious coders, crackers, hackers, composerz, graficianz etc. Special thanx to: Swyx, Chix, Janitor, Pixi, Jeff Smart, Blitz, Starman, = D. Mode, Krush, Coldcut, J. Brown, Matinique, Radio Clothing Company, Prince (Lovesexy), Coke, Toyota and Adidas. By the way, all layout by COZMIX (That'z me!) Goodbye, auf wiedersehen, farvel, au revoir, adios, ciao Love from yourz sincere, = Cozmix NEWS FROM THE INNER SECTION... As we took a break over two months, loads of thinx took our breath away..= .. * Everybody's stoppin', after IXION and MR.PINGE from TRIAD quitted compu= ters, PAPILLONS stopped totally and NIK / IKARI declared he's not gonna crack anymore, most of my very good friends are gone. Read "Do all crackers die= ?" for more info on this subject... * German TRIAD is gonna quit activities for the TRIAD mothership, because= the Swedish dudes can't offer cracks anymore as ROWDY left and joined HEPTAGO= N, and it seemed to us that nobody is doing anything, so we are about to leave..= .. * Austria's top act TSK CREW doesn't exist anymore in their full strength= , as all active members formed a new group called COSMOS. I was always wonderi= ng why the group kept the name of its founder, though he isn't doing anything. * Rumours that AT&T is gonna be closed for whole Germany made modem lunat= ix like STRIKE FORCE nervous. But, unfortunately it was totally bullshit... = AT&T is working as fine as before. * Dutch demo programmers BOYS WITHOUT BRAINS released their first game on= the THALAMUS label, called "HAWKEYE" that features excellent graphics and sou= nd fix. I was so lucky to have a look at the game at one of the previous VEN= LO meetings, and it's surely not their last top hit. * Also JAYCE, editor of French fanzine "DELIRIOUS MAGAZINE" announced to = make his last issue... now everybody of us wrote an article for his last issue= , and JAYCE said (after getting all articles) he was persuaded to make some mor= e issues again. Nice dude. * Two days after DARK STAR left BROS and went to DRIVE, he was caught by = the police, who confiscated about 140 disks. 40 Amiga disks were borrowed fro= m SIR ARTHUR and he wanted to get money for his lost disks!!! This was the main reason why DARK STAR left DRIVE. * Everybody knows that some of JEWELS joined IKARI, the rest reinforced W= IZAX. * Stunning, stunning... RADWAR seems to be back! With a (RADWAR) SURPRISE release of OCEAN's SALAMANDER (it was supposed to be a preview, but there= is no big difference to the game) they went back to where they belong. * What happened to good old ALPHAFLIGHT? After I was warned to be beaten = up, because they misunderstood an article in an old issue, a letter to the ed= itor was published in Germany's worst magazine "AKTUELLER SOFTWARE MARKT" by s= ome guy called DR.MABUSE who wrote about the cracking scene, that BEASTIE BOY= S are freezing (the only freezed game ever from BB was from ELECTRO (now in ROM= ) who was kicked out for that), TRIAD is programming for companies (I didn't kn= ow that!) and some other totally wrong thinx... I only see silly letters published, publishers take only bad examples of our guild. * SUPERSWAP SWEDEN, excellent demo programmers and THUNDERCATS decided to= join and for a new group, that is called HORIZON. I just wonder, why they took= in some German lamer who can't program at all? * Just a few days after I was told that the "DIGITAL NEWS", very well programmed German newspaper on disk, won't be produced anymore, DIGITAL MARKETING production manager told me they got a contract with RAINBOW ART= S and that a following issue will be released on the backside of new games from RAINBOW ARTS. Surprise, surprise... * Cracking jokes on the phone seems to become a new sparetime activity of= most Germans. They just put some handkerechief on the reciever and pretend to = be Americans or anybody else and record their jokes on tape. So I advise you= not to believe every American calling you up, there are some question which m= ight clear the truth. * STRIDER from FAIRLIGHT made a good old conference on his last day in th= e US of A, he had to return to Sweden one week earlier. Now he's back since 3 = weeks, but I have heard more when he was in the Staids. Also returned had MR.ZER= OPAGE from RED SECTOR, I remember his phonecalls in the morning when I had to g= o to work he said: "Well, I wish you lots of fun at the work. I'm going now to= the beach and drink a lot...!", that was real motivation for me... * MODEMS rule... God-oh-God, what happened to all of us? More and more groups only work to satisfy Americans, they produce any kind of shit release or just tell tal= es to get in contact with well known American importing groups. Americans do im= port everything they do not know, so if you just take a very old game and give= it a new name Americans will import it, but if you make a better version of a = game that has been released ten seconds before they refuse it. The only good t= hing that those little things brought about is that most of the guys trading b= y modem get all cracks faster than by mail... But where are we going? I mea= n, see what it makes with groups who do have a modem? Take ORION, who were accus= ed of recracking games, sent by express to them, which haven't been released be= fore in the USA, but DSH said it's no recracking when he adds a trainer and fo= rgets to mention the group who cracked it. Or MCG, who imported a crack by IKAR= I and put after the IKARI intro, and after the intro of the American importer g= roup, they put a THIRD intro on it. I mean, where's the art of importing? Every= body can import, but Americans (and some Europeans) handle it like cracking, t= hey don't say "We imported it", but "We released it" and I asked an American = guy where's the problem of importing after I was asked to make a chart "IMPOR= TER OF THE MONTH" he replied: "It's much more difficult, you have to have good contacts, have to make public relations and you have to get the E.S.I. st= uff fast!". Give me a break! It's just the same as if 'import' a game that I = was sent by mail and put my intro in front of that... Bad outlooks..., Bye, doooooooodez! Thanx for lotsa information... to MWS/RWE, PHOTONY/CFR, CF/BEASTIE BOYS! says Jeff S= mart-> BE WITH "ILLEGAL" ON TOUR... In this new column we have each month guys talking about travelling to me= et other dudes abroad or just travelling to other countries... This month: "On the way to D.K." It was Thursday evening when we (Our driving friend, we call him "Arsch" = oder "Ioannis"; T.K. ; Hi Tec and me (old Jeffie dood)) started our way to the IKARI-DOMINATORS-DANISH GOLD and UPFRONT party in Denmark. After we drove= ? hours (I even drove 3 hours during the darkest night. I blew the horn sev= eral times to be sure nobody was able to sleep...) when we finally arrived in = the small village where the party should take place (after T.K. bought a smal= l street map for 11 Mark 90...), it was about 4.30 in the morning, we stopp= ed somewhere in the town, 'cuz two dudes came running from behind... Gosh, t= hey were our TRIAD pals MR.PINGE and 801 DC! Well, after Pinge had some problems to find the way back to the party pla= ce... we finally arrived in a small hut, where perhaps 30 guys would have enoug= h place... About 20 guys were already there, among them BAMBAM/HTL, RADWAR = and some more! So, Janitor and me drove into the city at 9 and bought beer and beer and = some food and beer and beer... After we drank the beer and ate the food, we dr= ove into the city to buy some more beer... and beer... Well, the party capacities were not enough for more than 50 guys, so the = guys from DANISH GOLD organized a bigger room (they said they did) but after a= race thru whole Denmark (10 km) we found out that the new party place wasn't m= uch bigger... Okay, Janitor was seriously drunken and went out to sleep on a field outs= ide in his sleeping bag, so did I. We slept 11 hours and the party hadn't improv= ed that much, so we left on Saturday morning... There was not much going on,= so here is my personal DANISH BEER CHART... 1. Calsberg Lager (strong'n'good) 2. Tuborg Gr0n (the classic!) 3. Gamle Carlsberg (not that bad) 4. Tuborg Fine Festival (urps!) 5. Odense Pilsener (not that good) 6. Albani Giraf Beer (tastes like Giraf shit...) That was the most interesting thing on the whole party, so it was only wo= rth to drink the excellent Danish beer and to meet all TRIAD guys, but for the party... = J.S. ANOTHER... INTERVIEW OF THE MONTH! THIS TIME: NIK / IKARI The big boys (remember looking up to 'em at those Venlo meetings) from th= e south of England are blowing out their cracks for a good while and became= one of the few established cracking groups in the world. Now here you have CH= IK, err sorry... NIK answering very honestly... ?: How old are you, dooooood? !!!: Errrm... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ... oh fuck, I've ran out of fingers, hold on I'll take my socks off. 11, 12 ,13, 14, 15, 16, 17= ! Bingo!!! 17! ?: When did you buy your 1st computer and why? !!!: Err 1982 I think it was a DRAGON 32! Great machine! Why? I was bore= d! ?: When was IKARI founded, by who, and what's the present memberlist? !!!: It was founded in July '87 by PAL + ULTIMA. The member list is (not ranked, just in order of joining): MOI, JUST ICE, TRIDOS (from UK) = and EXCELL, FLETCH, GANDALF and DOC from Denmark. ?: Can you find a special reason for cracking games? !!!: Not really, I just do it to get every game, no matter how crap it i= s, for free. ?: Who are your best friends in this rough world of pirates? !!!: Other IKARI members, YOU Jeffie!, Mr.Pinge (sad to see him go), Col= in (P.E.), CFR members, The Basildon Bunch, Void. ?: Do you have any enemies? !!!: Hah! Loads of fucking Americans! And I hate lamers that ring you an= d talk as if they are the biggest in Europe! I also dislike a certain arro= gant English bastard that sets himself above the rest of us. However he'= s lamer than lame. ?: What are your fave... !!!: Game (64): "Wizball" + "Giana Sisters" Demo (64): ASH and DAVE demos feat. Willy Warmstart Music (64): MOVIE 2 tune by D.U.S.A.T. Movies: BEVERLY HILLS COP 1 + 2 Music: HIP-HOP ?: What do you do in your sparetime? !!!: Fuck about. Go to hip-hop clubs and concerts. Slag Americans. ?: What was the best computer incident you ever had? !!!: Probably the VENLO meetings. Haw! They were cool! Or will it be the= PC show this month? ?: Is IKARI going to be enlarged again? !!!: Well, there is no way that we are gonna have ANY MORE members from outside England, I don't care if the fuckin' Pope wants to join. No= way! ?: How do you see the 64's future? !!!: I give it 2 years at max. Companies can keep converting arcade mach= ines but as they get better graphics'n'sound etc., the 64 can't! My advi= ce is: BUY A PC ENGINE! ?: What's the time? !!!: 5.35 p.m. Fuck it! It's neighbours! Oh yeah, CHICK, CHICK CHICKEN!!= !!!!! +: Hope to see ya soon, Chick! = JS ONLY THE GOOD DIE YOUNG! a sad song by MAD ALL! For Mr.Pinge, my first contact to become a real friend. The news hit me as a brick in the face, one of my best friends quit compu= ting last month, Stefan, better known as Mr.Pinge of TRIAD. He was the guy who= was responsible to spread all the stuff that Triad made, every day he sent ou= t packages, every fucking day. He was one of the reasons that Triad could s= till hold their heads on high, in periods when they suffered some setbacks, a = thing that some groups didn't like about him. He was always an idealist, he inn= erly knew that he was in a group and he never gave in to criticism that Triad = were going down. Probably the best thing about him was that you could depend on him 100%, = not only did he send me three packages every week, he sent more than just his group's stuff, one would always get the best stuff from other groups on h= is disks. He was one of the best spreaders around, but most of all he was a spreader that never got tired until the day it became too much to his ten= se Swedish nerves... Triad lost their best swapper which is a bad thing for them. The pirating= world has lost a nice guy which is a bad thing for everyone... Goodbye, Stefan, we will miss you! Mad All= / CFR Nothing has to be added... Jeff= Smart PSYGNOSIS + MIRRORSOFT + RAINBIRD =3D TRIAD ??????????? I couldn't believe my eyes, when reading it... "The new force on the 16 b= it market: T R I A D !". After reading it again and again, I still couldn't understand why the best AMIGA companies PSYGNOSIS ("Obliterator", "Barbar= ian"), RAINBIRD (Magnetic Scrolls) and MIRRORSOFT (Cinemaware) joined together a= nd call themselves now TRIAD! Stunning, stunning... And a strange feeling fo= r all of us, when next time games will be released under the name of TRIAD. = J.S. DEAR CONTACT! Denmark: 20.07.88 Well it just had to happen. We in PAPILLONS now officially declare us as = dead - yes we stop! Anyway thanks for good swapping and so on. We'll NOT continue on the AMIG= A so this is a kind of goodbye forever!!! Your friends Lennart & Martin of PAP= ILLONS DO ALL CRACKERS DIE? It's starting to get serious... First sign was STRIDER of FAIRLIGHT saying goodbye to the 64 business, bu= t he is going to continue on Amiga. Next ones were the Danish importers #1, TH= E PAPILLONS. Last prominent victim was NIK of English top group IKARI. What= led the guys to this decision? Is this a sign for all others? Or only some exceptions? As STRIDER said, the AMIGA attracted him too much but simultaneously that= he may be cracking one day again if there are lots of originals that GOLLUM = can't crack alone. Well, and as time proved he wrote some introtexts in some cr= acks so he's surely not gone forever! It was a very big surprise, the letter from PAPILLONS, not a long time af= ter I talked to Martin on the bad party in Denmark. Without giving any reasons = they just said that they stopped from today to tomorrow. They were one of (who= said: the only) the importing groups in Denmark, one of the few decent programm= ers (even fixed "WINTER EDITION"), they had quite a big success so their deci= sion becomes not so clear. Rumours say that they work a little bit for WIZAX (= who got their modem) and DOMINATORS (ostensible some cracks), so they seem no= t to be gone forever as well. Also a big surprise was to hear from NIK, one of the two maincrackers in = IKARI, that he's not gonna crack anymore as he told me on a normal phone call. R= easons were that it was not possible to produce good quality cracks if thousands= of lamer Americans keep calling him and demand new wares... but stated that = he's gonna concentrate a little bit more on demo programming... But here we've got it again! Americans! Aha, the origin of all bad? With some very few exceptions (mai= nly E.S.I.) the only thing Americans can do is importing. To import games thr= ough modem is maybe as difficult as to receive a game by mail. Guess what woul= d happen if everybody starts to put intros in front of their games they get= by mail! The worst thing Americans are doing is to demand speed from all cracking = groups over here... and lots of Europeans just produce what Americans want to ha= ve... the land of all diseases! A lot haven't recognized this problem and keep = going on trading ("...with the power of 1200 baud...") by modem with Americans,= but we can't stop it, 'cuz there would always be some idiot who trades by mod= em, ("cuz it's so much faster...") so if there aren't found any good perspect= ives soon, good crackers are gonna die! And what do the Americans say when you tell them about this? They get ang= ry, talking about the difficulties of importing and other bullshit... Where's= the problem of putting one's intro in front of a European crack? In the good = times this procedure was known as "Re-cracking", nowadays it's called "importin= g"... Where are we going? = J.S. NORWAY'S NEW WAYS! RAW DEAL INC is back but neither LAFFEN or STEPPENWOLF is in it. They've cracked some stuff and I think they're gonna kick ass!!! MATCHAM / NETWORK told me that the long awaited V4 might be released pret= ty soon! JAZZCAT is going to release their AMIGA GAME in the nearest future! They'= ve told me it's gonna be amazing and I can say about the music that I've alr= eady heard, that it's damn cool! After we (STARS) kicked out SMASH, he said he was going to join RAWHEAD (= barf) but RAWHEAD is going to split, and some of them are saying they are gonna= make a group together with JOHANNES BJERREGAARD called "The Hackers' Elite", w= hile the rest of 'em are going to form a group called "THE KILLERS" (barf barf= !) (the worst name since "FRESH") and TRACK 7 (RAWHEAD) had to sell his Amig= a due to a 1200 pound high phonebill (ha ha). A new group called "FUTURE" has started cracking cracking and making incr= edible demos! "THE DEADLY FRIENDS" got some problems getting originals and they're not = sure if they will get previews anymore, anyway the war between them and us has stopped! The reason why we haven't done anything lately was becoz of the summer holidays, but we'll be back with some fresh crax, imports and demos! Just wait'n'see! At last a couple of yo's to these dudes: JEFFIE, BROS, TWG, IKARI (Bye, NIK), COSMOS, etc. Slates from Gene /= Stars +---------------------------+ | Strider mot skollagen | | (from some Swedish paper) | +---------------------------+ THE CHARTS... Thanx for voting this month: S.C.G. (Weetibix), IKARI (Just Ice), BROS (P= aco), COSMOS (SSD), PUBLIC ENEMY (Instinct), RWE (MWS), T.W.G. (ltb), BEASTIE B= OYS (CF), CFR (Photony), and lotsa others! GAMES ON 64! 1. THE GAMES: SUMMER EDITION (-) 2. ZAK MC KRACKEN... (-) 3. BARD'S TALE III (1) 4. SALAMANDER (-) 5. ALIEN SYNDROME (3) 6. BIONIC COMMANDO (2) 7. IMPOSSIBLE MISSION II (4) 8. FOOTBALL MANAGER II (-) 9. HAWKEYE (-) 10. POOL OF RADIANCE (-) GAMES ON AMIGA! 1. STARGLIDER II (-) 2. INTERCEPTOR (-) 3. BERMUDA PROJECT (-) 4. KATAKIS (-) 5. BARD'S TALE II (-) 6. IMPOSSIBLE MISSION II (-) 7. STARRAY (-) 8. IKARI WARRIORS (-) 9. OBLITERATOR (-) 10. BUGGY BOY (-) DEMO OF THE MONTH 1. "TRAIL MIX" - SOEDESOFT & FIRE EAGLE 2. "MISSION MONDAY" - ASH + DAVE 3. "RATT'S MOVIE" - RATT 4. "TRON BIKES" - KINETIK DESIGN 5. "CHANNEL 4" - IAN & MIC 6. "WHY THINK?" - S.S.S. 7. "NEW LIMITS" - SUPPLY TEAM 8. "CIRCLE TWIST" - BROS 9. "WHY CAN'T BE..." - ORION 10. "HOLYDISK" - ARGUS CRACKER OF THE MONTH 1. S.C.G. (1) 2. EAGLESOFT INC. (7) 3. IKARI (2) 4. FAIRLIGHT (5) 5. BROS (11) 6. ZENITH (-) 7. TRIAD (3) 8. THE WANDERER GROUP (-) 9. RADWAR ENTERPRISES (-) 10. COSMOS (8) 11. TRIANGLE (12) 12. WIZAX (-) 13. DOUGHNUT C.S. (-) 14. BEASTIE BOYS (-) 15. SHINING 8 (-) IMPRESSUM +-------------------------------+ | > "ILLEGAL" tm 1988 | | > 3rd year of appearence | | > (c) 1986, 1987, 1988 | | > Circulation of this issue: | | 1,500 copies | | > Price: Germany: 2 DM | | England: 50 Pence | | US of A: $1,00 | | > Date of release: | | September, 17th | | > Next number coming: | | Surely..... | +-------------------------------+ THE "ILLEGAL" TEAM * Editor: Jeff Smart * Assistant Editor: Mad All / CFR * Staff Writers: Austria: COSMOS Belgium: CFR, FLT Denmark: TRIANGLE, 2000 A.D. England: N.B.B., IKARI, S.C.G. Germany: RWE, BB, CFR Holland: BROS, ORION Norway : STARS Sweden : FLT, TRIAD U.S.A. : ESI, INC, FBR If you have any comments, you're welcome to write to us! JEFF SMART PLK 123144 C 4250 BOTTROP WEST GERMANY MAD ALL P.O. BOX 406 8400 OOSTENDE BELGIUM Don't let others get your copy... If you want to get the next issue of "ILLEGAL", then contact: "ILLEGAL"-orders PLK 012314 B 4630 BOCHUM 6 WEST GERMANY And please enclose a prepaid envelope plus 2DM / 50p / $1 ! Preview #31 -----------> Interview: Weetibix / S.C.G. "old 64 legends", part II PCW SHOW 1988! .