Subject: FAQ

Archive-name: uk-music-rave-faq

This is an occasional posting of the 'cut down' text version of the FAQ. The full version contains sections 7, 8, 10 and 11
which have been ommited here for brevity and is available on the WWW at

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Last Modified 05/10/95



  1) Introduction to the faq
  2) The History and Objectives of u.m.r
  3) Postings to the group
  4) What is a Rave?
  5) Actual Frequently Asked Questions
  6) Exciting moments in u.m.r's history
  7) Rave-Related WWW Pages
  8) Other Rave-Related References
  9) Drugs
 10) List and reviews of UK Club nights
 11) Definitions of various types of Rave music

 1) Introduction to the faq

Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions document for the
newsgroup. This faq is designed to serve as an introduction to the group
and to help people find out more about the rave scene in the U.K.

Some Important points first:

The group holds a neutral stance against the Criminal Justice Act, in
order that discussions can take place with input from both sides. It
must be said however, that most subscribers are wholeheartedly against
the Act, primarily because one of the main targets of the Act are the
people reading this group. Feel free to discuss this topic.

For some people Ecstasy and raving go hand in hand. For obvious reasons
the group does not encourage drug use of any kind. We are in the
position however, by being involved with the Internet, of holding
valuable information that can be used for harm reduction of drug use.
The authorities do not allow the handing out of leaflets at raves,
knowing full well that thousands of people are going to take Ecstasy, so
this group remains one of the few places where people can discuss ways
of taking E more safely.

 2) The History & Objectives of UMR

The newsgroup was started on March 11th 1995 by Liam McGuinness who
proposed the group in alt.rave to allow for more friendly discussion of
more local events.

With a more friendly feel being the initial aim of the group, it has
been good to see it grow so quickly into one of the friendliest groups
in the uk hierarchy.

The newsgroup is obviously aimed directly at U.K. based ravers, but
there is limited distribution around the world too (AOL get it for
example) and it will be of interest to some extent to European ravers
whose input is certainly welcome.

A formal statement of manners can be summarised in the motto you'll see
in many messages - PLUR - Peace, Love, Unity and Respect. Remember this
in the messages you send to the group and all will remain beautiful in
this particular garden!

 3) Acceptable and Unacceptable Postings

There is no real reason to restrict postings to this group at all. There
are a few things however which do not help.

Information from commercial organisations such as labels or magazines is
welcome, as is promotional information about forthcoming events.

Due to the size of sound or graphics files, encoded in .UUE format, it
is suggested that these are either advertised in the group and then sent
by email to those who respond, or placed on a site for either WWW or FTP
access. Hopefully we'll soon have a site available to the group for this
very purpose.

You are expected to "live and let live", and have respect for others'
views, opinions and lifestyles. Sexual or racial harassment, personal
abuse or disapproval are deemed unacceptable. If you want to say "This
newsgroup's crap" you're welcome to, just explain why you think so. (A
special nod in the direction of the boys from Bishop's Stortford High
School here! ('Onion' anyone? ;-)

 4) What is a Rave?

Forget the definition the government gave raving, as far as this group
is concerned you can discuss all types of music from Garage to Hardcore.
There is no bias in the group whatsoever.

However Henrik Larsen has collected together a set of definitions of
some of the various types of Techno which may help explain what is what
(see section 11 of the WWW version for link).

 5) Actual Frequently Asked Questions  (well, almost)

This is still under construction peeps.  A faq without any faqs?? We're
waiting for you to all ask some questions or send us them!!

 6) Exciting moments in u.m.r's history!

* The Great Banana debate - do they prevent the "Tuesday Blues"?

* A Police spokesperson admitting they got info about raves from u.m.r

* Get-togethers at major events like Tribal Gathering and Dreamscape.

 7) Some Rave-Related WWW Pages


 8) Other Rave-Related References, etc.

See the WWW version of this document for these sections as they are
rather large.

 9) Drugs

The drug most people relate to raving is Ecstasy. This will be discussed
here in detail.

Help is available from:-
'Release', the National Legal and drugs helpline who produce a wide
range of information including an advice line for if you get arrested,
and you can also get a wallet sized card which goes through your rights
on arrest. They're contactable on 0171 729 9904 (M-F 10-6) and 0171 603
8654 (other times)


What follows is almost an idiot's guide to Ecstasy. It only contains the
information deemed most important to ones safety. For a more detailed
view on Ecstasy see the references at the end of this section.

What is it?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Ecstasy is MethyleneDioxy-
MethAmphetamine. Other names include E, X or Adam. In its raw form it is
a browny grey powder. Patented in 1913 by a German company called Merck.
It is an hallucinogenic drug with extraordinary empathogenic qualities.

What does it do?

When ingested Ecstasy triggers the release of Serotonin. A chemical in
the brain that affects the way we feel. The user will then experience a
change in mood. Each user would describe the feeling differently but
almost universally they will mention a feeling of calm, or at peace with
those around them. As well as Serotonin the brain will release
Endorphins. These will also relax the user and in many cases Endorphins
act as pain killers. There will be a change in the heart rate of the
user as the heart beats more quickly and the blood pressure increases.

The main effect the drug has on people is to allow them to become more
spiritually aware of the people around them, to increase one's empathy,
and to make one feel 'amongst friends.' There is also a sensation known
as rushing, which is similarly difficult to describe as sneezing or
having an orgasm. This comes in waves all through the trip, but more
often at the begining. It is a very powerful feeling of
light-headedness, during which it is common to want to hold someone's
hand close to you. This is also the time at which you realise how the
drug got it's name.

Is it dangerous?

On it's own MDMA is not a dangerous substance. There is always the
danger that pills bought as MDMA might actually be something else. There
are reports of a girl who took 100 pills at once without coming to too
much harm.

Does Ecstasy damage brain cells?

At the doses recomended in this FAQ it is thought by the experts not to
damage brain cells. If you were to double the dosage to 5mg/kg of
bodyweight then from results taken from experiments on primates and rats
then there is a probability that it does. There is a risk that as toxic
thresholds in primates are generally different to those in humans that
even with the recomended dosage there could be damage. The
recomendations from the experts are to keep the dosage as low as
possible i.e. 2.5mg per kg of bodyweight.

Has anybody died from it?

There have been deaths attributed to Ecstasy use, but sadly these were
almost all caused because the users had overheated whilst dancing. These
deaths could have been avoided had the users been aware of the dangers
and had sufficient access to drinking water. These are the issues this
faq hopes to address.

Is it addictive?

MDMA is not technically physically addictive. It is however addictive
psychologically. There are many cases of people having difficulty with
their lives after having taking Ecstasy for some time. It can easily
become habitual. An indication of psychological dependance is a feeling
of anxiousness before you are about to take it.

Where's it made?

There are two main sources of Ecstasy pills in the U.K. Some are made in
sheds or clandestine labs in the U.K. and some (probably most) come from
Holland (and are smuggled in via the Channel Tunnel!). The people who
make the MDMA powder are not always the people who press the pills. Some
suppliers will buy the powder from one source and press with another. As
far as materials are concerned the cost per pill is almost negligible,
less than 50 pence.

Is it illegal?

Yes, Ecstasy is a class A drug under the Misuse Of Drugs Act 1971.

How much does it cost to buy?

Bought in bulk from source as little as 5 pounds. In a club one pill can
cost 15 pounds, but more normally 10.

How many should I take?

For the first time it is recommended that you take no more than half. If
after an hour you feel OK then try the other half. Many sensitive or
small people can feel quite happy with just half all night, and these
people should not go on to take more. The most pills any one person
should take is two with at least 2 - 3 hours between. The optimum dosage
is between 2 - 3mg/kg body weight.

As a guide this chart shows dosage @2mg/kg body weight and it is assumed
that the pills contain 125mg MDMA, which is only an average.

        Kilos/lbs     mg MDMA         No Pills
        31/68           62              1/2
        47/103          94              3/4
        62/137          125             1
        78/171          156             1 1/4
        94/206          187             1 1/2
        104/274         250             2

How do I take it?

Pills are swallowed with water. The powdered form of MDMA however can be
snorted. This can reduce the time it takes to come up.

Should I eat before I take E?

The less food you have in your stomach the quicker the effects will
begin. If you're dancing all night it's a good idea to eat something
beforehand. Bear in mind that food can stay in your stomach for four

How much water should I drink?

It depends on how hot you are, but half a litre an hour is a good
starting point. Drink more if you feel that you need it but do not force
the water down as that can cause problems on it's own.

How will it make me feel afterwards?

The period after taking the drug is called the come down. The next day
it is unlikely you will be back to normal. You may feel depressed and
very tired with all the dancing you've done. You will need one and a
half times the sleep you have lost to make up. If you lost 8 hours you
will need 12 hours sleep in total. Some people report an altered state
of consciousness for 4 - 5 days after. Others feel very happy but tired.

Can I drive whilst on E?

No, it is a criminal offence to drive whilst under the influence of
Ecstasy, just as it is with any other recreational drug or alcohol.

Is it safe to drink alcohol with?

Yes you can. Alcohol also causes dehydration and can make things worse
however, so only drink in moderation. Alcohol does tend to reduce the
effectiveness of MDMA by numbing the parts the drug is working on,
although some people find it enhances it's effects.

Will it make me feel sick?

Some people do feel nauseous while the drug starts to take effect. If
you are sick however this will pass. People who are sick (about 10%) do
not say that this has spoiled their experience too much. The nausea can
be avoided by taking less of the drug at a time, for example taking two
halves instead of one whole pill, although even this varies from person
to person.

How long will it last?

Normally about four hours. Longer if you take more, but if you do this,
you won't prolong the pleasurable effects of the drug, only the feelings
of being stoned, or out of it (being shit-faced!). The more you take,
the stronger the come-down will be.

How often should I take it?

People who take the drug once a week tend to run into trouble, as other
things in their lives become less and less interesting. This would
technically indicate a habit. Those who only take the drug once a month
or once every two weeks tend to be able to keep the rest of their lives
in perspective. It is important even then to have breaks from the drug
in order to let your brain recapture what it is you're doing in your
life. Take advice from those around you. Often your friends can see a
problem developing before you can.

Will Ecstasy affect my periods?

There isn't any proof that it does directly. The change in moods that
Ecstasy brings has affected some girls' menstruation in as much as their
periods have both stopped and started at the wrong time. Most girls
however do not have any problem with this.

I am a diabetic, is it safe for me to take Ecstasy?

There is no known effect to blood sugar levels but you must adjust your
sugar or insulin intake to allow for physical activity. A diabetic I
know used to jog with a heart monitor. This would fairly accurately
indicate by counting her heart beats how many miles she had run. She
wore this monitor one night whilst dancing and in the morning it had
counted enough heart beats to think she had run nearly forty miles.
Never under estimate how much cardio-vascular exercise you can do whilst
on Ecstasy. Keeps you fit? I think so.

Where can I find out more about Ecstasy?

Try the alt.drugs archive at and Nicholas
Saunders' E For Ecstacy pages at

 10) List and reviews of UK Club nights


 11) Definitions of various types of Rave music

See the WWW version of this document for these sections as they are
rather large.

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This faq is maintained by Simon Patten ('trainspotting' and general
admin.) and Liam McGuinness (drugs and misc. information). Please notify
of any mistakes, inaccuracies or updated information and comments are
very welcome.

