FLASHBACK NEWS AGENCY #21 - 960115 - Email: empire@oden.se
Redaktör: Jan Axelsson. Utgivare: Flashback Magazine
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Flashback News Agency 2.03

Veckans innehåll:

     o Ledare
     o Hells Angels öppnar butik i Malmö
     o Intervju med Timothy Leary (engelsk text)
     o Polisen kan få registrera oskyldiga
     o Porr på Internet
     o Gayskins
     o Obzine - ny dansk undergroundsida
     o Recept på The Timothy Leary Biscuit (engelsk text)
     o Fanzineshoppen - ny distributör av fanzines
     o Glastonbury Festival 1996 inställd



I förra FNA skrev vi bl.a. följande angående våran mailinglista: "De som
vill vara med bör därför skicka ett mail med info. om sig själv, och en
motivering varför just du skall vara med. Deltagare som inte har någon
förankring i undergroundrörelsen kommer nekas, och de som inte gör inlägg i
listan kommer sedan att slängas ut". Detta har dock resulterat i vissa
problem och en del missförstånd. "Info. om sig själv" innebär att du
obligatoriskt _alltid_ nämner ditt namn. Detta för att bl.a. slippa
snokande journalister på listan, (det kommer f.ö. att vara helt förbjudet
att citera ur listan). "Förankring i undergroundrörelsen" innebär inte att
du måste vara skivbolagsdirektör, filmregissör, fanzineredaktör eller dyl.
(även om detta är meriter) utan ett stort intresse för undergroundkultur
räcker. Vad är då undergroundkultur? (även detta en fråga vi fått från
flera håll). Detta är givetvis en tolkning. Men här kommer div. exempel:
alternativ sex (S/M, gay, fetishism, piercings osv.), politik (anarkism,
nazism, revisionism, syndikalism, nyliberalism osv.), film (Nick Zedd, Richard
Kern, Jörg Buttergeit, Russ Meyer m.fl.), musik (Allt från G.G. Allin, punk
och Roky Erickson till techno och ravekultur m.m.), droger (marijuana, LSD,
mushrooms, ecstasy osv. ), serier (Robert Crumb, Anime och Walt Disney
etc.), litteratur (Burroughs, Bukowski, Rollins osv.), bikerkultur (Hells
Angels, Bandidos etc), religion (Church of Satan, Church of Subgenius, David
Koresh osv.), men även annat som true crime, grafitti, kooks, terrorism,
pranks eller vad som nu dyker upp på listan. Hoppas att detta åtminstone
ger er en någorlunda uppfattning om listans inriktning, och jag ursäktar om
jag tidigare varit otydlig. /J.A.



Nu har HA även öppnat en butik - en sk. Defence Fund Shop - där man säljer
T-shirts, sweatshirts, byxor, halsdukar, pannband, kepsar, affischer,
klistermärken osv. Syftet med Defence Fund Sweden är främst att samla in
pengar som stöd för fängslade Hells Angels-bröder och deras familjer.
Pengarna används även till advokat kostnader och liknande. Du hittar
butiken på: Suezgatan 11, Malmö. Öppet: Mån-Fre: 10-18. Om du önskar att
bli medlem i Defence Fund Sweden ring: 040 - 44 52 15 (automatisk
telefonsvarare) eller faxa: 040 - 44 54 54. Det går även bra att sätta in
100:- på Postgiro: 648 61 83-4 .



-Wednesday, April 20, 1994

On April 13, Dr. Timothy Leary presented a performance titled "How to
Operate Your Brain" in Shrumer Gym. I got a chance to interview Leary
before his performance.

(We spoke in a humid small room in Acker gym. I was surprised by Leary's
appearance, he looked older and skinnier than I had expected. We sat on a
velvet couch).

McMahon: How long have you been in Chico?

Leary: Five or six hours ...

M: How long will you stay?

L: I'm not staying here. I have to go back to San Francisco tonight, I have
to go to the airport. I'm going to the University of Florida tomorrow.

M: What's your lecture on tonight?

L: It's not a lecture ...

M: Is it an experience?

L: It's a multimedia performance.

M: I've heard you're into virtual reality...

L: Well, it's multimedia electronic sound and light. I have an audio-visual
tape that was done by a couple a geniuses [who were] about 23 or 24 [years
old]. Usually you see something like this but the message ... the message
is by the sponsor ... like "Marlboro" or "Michelob" but the message of this
is Einstein ... Socrates.

M: Sort of like exciting education?

L: It's more than that it's ... what's this?

( A woman walks in and hands Leary a bottle of water)

L: I'd rather have champagne.

M: It's a dry campus.

L: (laughing) Yeah, it's a dry campus, get outta here. Aren't you the party
school of the nation?

M: That's what they say. So what do you do, where do you live?

L: I live in Beverly Hills and I just wrote a book and I have a book coming
out in six months.

M: Why did you choose to live in Beverly Hills?

L: Because LA is the information capital of the world.

M: Yes, but Beverly Hills? Do you like it there?

L: I've lost two cats to coyotes.

( A man walks in and hands Leary one of the promotional posters for the
night's performance. The picture of Leary looks like it was taken 20 years

M: Is this a recent picture of you?

L: (frowning) I don't know ... it looks pretty stern to me.

M: You look like you're going to frighten the audience.

(Leary reads the poster half-aloud, half to himself. The poster says Leary
is a living counter-culture legend and in the 60s he inspired a generation,
among other things.)

M: Is everything they say in the poster true?

L: There is no truth, only viewpoints. A lot of people do not share that

M: Do you think you are a counter-culture legend?

L: Some people would argue that. Ninety-nine percent of the people who
followed me never heard me ... (he laughs) like over in Red Bluff. Give me
your autograph (handing me the flier).

M: You're wearing a Lollapallooza '93 sticker, which shows did you do?

L: I did all of the West Coast shows, from Seattle to LA

M: Do you like that type of music?

L: What type?

M: Let me put it this way, what's the last CD you bought that wasn't a CD-ROM?

L: I never buy CDs, I get them given to me ... I was on Al Jourgenson's
last record ... do you know RevCo?

M: The Revolting Cocks? Yeah...

L: You're not supposed to say that (laughing). I did a track on the last
record (looking around at our surroundings). What are we in? The women's
gym? Let's go get some air.

(We walked outside of Acker gym and sat in folding chairs next to the line
that had formed for tonight's performance. Leary lit a cigarette while the
crowd gathered around, stared at him and occasionally asked him some

Leary: It's [Chico] a beautiful little town.

M: Have you been here before?

L: That's what they tell me.

Some random: Do you still advocate the use of LSD?

L: I never advocated the use of anything, except people's minds. I've never
advocated anything but think for yourself. That's very subversive.

Same random: I heard that virtual reality will be the safe sex of the
future. ...

L: That is jerk-off talk ... If you want to talk about virtual sex ... look
at the sex ads in the L.A. Weekly... where there are 20 ads where there are
pictures of boys or girls and they offer moist, wet, juicy... and it's all
electronic, over the phone. And we know that the ladies that do this are
65-year-old grandmothers knitting, while they're talking dirty while people
are paying them two dollars a minute. Whatever technology that comes along
horny, insecure males will sex it up. There's no such thing as virtual
reality sex, now.

M: Do you think it's just a desperate hope for people who can't get real sex?

L: (laughing and pointing to himself) How would I know?

Another random: Do you still see a lot of older people coming out to here
you speak?

L: We'll find out tonight. I think senility is a great way of getting high.
It's wasted on old people.

Different random: Where are you on substance use today?

L: I use all drugs. I try to use every illegal drug once a year.

Same different random: What about young people?

L: That's for them to decide, they need to think for themselves. Think for
your fucking selves (the people in line cheer) ... I need to take a nap
before the show.

(Leary heads into the backstage room, I follow)

M: Indulge me one personal question, how old are you?

L: 73.

M: How long have you been involved with multimedia performances.

L: Since the early 40s. I would bring along recordings to lectures and
speak over them. That was the beginnings of multimedia.

M: Have you done XTC?

L: I was one of the first people to do it.

M: In working with people [psychological drug therapy], did you get more
positive results with XTC than LSD?

L: Well, with XTC when you look at someone they are right there in front of
you, but with LSD they're here, there (Leary points around the room)-
ahhhh! Oh wow (laughs). OK, how about no more questions now.

M: That's fine. Thank you.

L: Thank you, (pointing to my autograph) now I have proof I was in Chico.

text: Mary McMahon



Polisen skall få registrera personer utan att de är misstänkta för brott.
Regeringens utredare, Mats Börjesson, föreslår inom kort att polisen får
lägga upp ett rent förspaningsregister. I ett sådant register kan uppgifter
antecknas om personer som bara råkat ses tillsammans med en kriminell, som
vistats på någon skum klubb eller på annat sätt uppträtt "avvikande". Någon
misstanke om att personen begått brott behövs inte. Rikspolisstyrelsen
begärde redan för några år sedan att få upprätta ett databaserat
förspaningsregister men fick då nej.



(samtliga hämtade ur Flashbacks WebGuide - premiär 1 februari med över 4000



I Svenska Dagbladets Citybilaga, skrev man i fredags (960112) om något så
ovanligt som gayskins. Andres Lokko skriver bl.a. "Vart man än vänder
blicken på London Old Compton Street ser man rakade män med ansenliga
polisonger i Fred Perry-tröjor, hängslen, uppvikta Levis, gröna MA1-bombare
och välputsade oxblodsröda Doctor Martens obekymrat spatsera hand i hand
med andra - lika nyrakade - män i tajta buttondown-skjortor och sta-prest
byxor till bootsen. Svenska turister på väg till någon musikal i Soho ser
vettskrämda ut. De har ju lärt sig att alla skinheads är onda nazister som
bränner flyktingbarn och äter levande ekorrar". Även den läsvärda
gaytidningen QX uppmärksammar skinheadskulturen i sitt senaste nummer.
Gayskins är inget nytt fenomen, men precis som S.H.A.R.P
(Skin-Heads-Against-Racial-Prejudice) hör dessa skinheadsgrupper till något
som media normalt inte skriver om.



Det har nyligen dykt upp en dansk undergroundsida på nätet kallad: OBZINE!
Du hittar sidan på följande URL:



First, take a Ritz cracker. Add a lump of butter or some cheese (cheddar,
Jack, or Brie). Top it off with a little bud of marijuana. Heat until the
cheese is melted and the THC is activated, then serve. (Receptet är hämtat
från Timothy Leary's hemsida: http://www.leary.com)



Fanzine Shoppen heter en ny distributör som riktat in sig på att sälja
svenska fanzines. Om du själv gör ett fanzine (och vill ha hjälp med
distribution), eller är intresserad av att köpa fanzine (och vill ha deras
nyhetslista) så går det att nå Fanzine Shoppen på följande adress: c/o
K.Häggström, Lindebäcksv.8, 542 33 Mariefred. Tel: 0501-184 59 (Kim).



Detta beslut tog chefen Michael Eavis. Istället så planerar Reading
Festivalen (23-25 augusti) en utökning med 5,000 besökare till 50,000.


Vet du om någon intressant nyhet, eller känner till någon kul notis. Har du
kanske skrivit en artikel, krönika, recension etc? Förmedla den då gärna
även till FNA's prenumeranter: empire@oden.se

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
F L A S H B A C K  N E W S  A G E N C Y
email: empire@oden.se
snailmail: box 676, 114 79 Stockholm
URL: http://www.oden.se/~empire/nyheter.html