No|d Crew

    Speaking my mind is a great freedom of this nation, but as we all can see the government has taken this right away. We are no longer "free" to speak our minds in this world. Our peaceful country was founded on the base of Freedom..And look where we are today, freedomless.
    This is my way of speaking out, making a difference. If this makes me a bad person, so be it. But you can't say I didn't try to change something. Change is good. Change is needed. So, change. Don't let the system beat you.

Shout Outs:
Rhino9, FiRe, l0pht, Code Zero, InterCore

No|d Crew in Full Effect:

sn1per - s1ayer - Rab1d - n1ne - ra1n
1ost - w1se - w1red - w1cked - den1al

  *Note To Admin* The original page was named index.html.old, No harm was intended, No has was done. This was in no way a "elite" hack, sorry for any inconvenience.