Your businesses and our country are at risk.

We all have many keys to our lives. Keys to our houses, keys to cars, and the biggest key of all, keys to our computers. We know that our house and car is a lot more secure with locks and keys that only the owner poses. However....

our computers are not.

Key Escrow. What is it you ask? For the uneducated Key Escrow probably doesn't mean much to you but, to those of you who follow security and encryption you know what Key Escrow is and know it must not happen. Key Escrow is the governments new plan. Every common computer user will have certain keys to unlock their information and the government plans to have those keys too. They want to keep a database of everyone's keys. Big brother is no longer watching. He is acting. People must stand up now and take action against the proposed Key Escrow "security". If Key Escrow happens... you will be giving the government a key to your house to let them come inside and have a look at everything you own. Your privacy will be no more. The only thing Key Escrow will ensure is that criminals have the best encryption.

Greetz to Rhino9, Technotronic, Hamish Ninjas, AcidAngel & GKOS (youre not forgotten), Humble, su1d (w3 lub j00), L0pht, Hong Kong Blondes, Magica de Bin, OptikLenz.

Screw You's To: Pascal Trio, The Federation, and IIU. Go play golf.

"And now the torch, and shadows lead... were it not so black and not so hard to see...
How can it help you when you dont know what you need, how can... anybody set you free?"
-Sisters Of Mercy, Torch.