"Even America's top high school seniors -- those taking the toughest math and science courses -- performed far worse on an international test than similar students in most other countries. "

"Not only did typical American seniors do poorly, but those who took physics and advanced math courses such as calculus and analytical geometry also performed at or near the bottom when compared with students in other countries who took similar courses. "

"Virginia's governor, James S. Gilmore, meant to shock his audience this month when he reported that as many as one-third of would-be teachers in the state flunked a national test of basic reading, writing and mathematics. "

The students in this country did not hold up to academic scrutiny. The only other nations that the US scored better than were South Africa, Cyprus, and Lithuania. Would you like to know the entire results... well, here they are:

The International Average is 500
Netherlands 559
Sweden 555
Iceland 541
Norway 536
Switzerland 531
Denmark 528
Canada 526
New Zealand 525
Austria 519
Australia 525
Slovenia 514
France 505
Germany 496
Czech Republic 476
Hungary 477
Russian Federation 476
Italy 475
United States 471
Lithuania 465
Cyprus 447
South Africa 352

The TechVoodoo and Noid Crews took the time to actually research the information. It seems as though US Students can not relate the information they are being taught to day to day events. Its almost as if these Students are learning something for the sake of passing a test, and then forgetting everything. There is no relationship between what the students are being taught and their lives. Other Nations seem to be educating their children to actually prepare those children for their futures. What a concept. In the US, Students seem to approach Education as a hurdle, something that must be done, or Dad will punish me.

Education should not only be informative, but should be relevant and applicable to a Students current and future life. If no relationship can be made between Education and one's future, one is more likely to take an Education for granted and not apply oneself.

It seems that more and more politicians are concerned about getting schools 'wired'. We are not saying that an Education in computer Sciences, or that Computers as a resource is a waste of time. What we are saying is that judging from the results of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study, we should be primarily focusing on teaching basics. One cannot browse the Web, if one does not know how to read.

We are also not saying that Students should spend more time in a traditional American classroom, we are saying that the Educational System should be re-vamped. The current system only trains children to follow a bell schedule and the current schools purchase their books from the lowest bidder.

Greetz: Rhino9, Technotronic, L0pht, Hong Kong Blondes, Amish Ninjas, OptikLenz, Su1d (keeper of the animal puerno), 2600, Magica de Bin.

Screw You's To: Pascal Trio, The Federation, IIU... go dance some disco.

This has been a message from the TechVoodoo Crew and the Noid Crew, now returning you to your regularly scheduled programming.