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Japanese MP3 related software developers sites

303tek 303tek
Unreal Player, the another MP3 (and most of popular format) player, is also very cool.
Shiena Factory Japanese
J_Winamp is just the origin of all font enabler program for Winamp.
miyuri's room Japanese
Very cool Unreal Player bg plugin, Winamp visualization plugin and small patch program for Winamp, which changes dialog font face of Winamp to Japanese.
Winter Dandelion Japanese
ID3TagEditorJ, the full-spec ID3 Tag Editor for Japanese. it also supports additional genre tag (251-255) :-)
Nagaoka Shiho Aikoukai(Shiho Nagaoka fanclub) Japanese
contains Unreal Player bg plugin of "To Heart" and "Pia Carrot he youkoso 2" (Very famous X-rated PC games?) Say 'Moemoe!' :-)
Bokujin's Winamp plug-in Home Page Japanese
You can get the M.Miyano DSP Plug-in for Winamp.
