Biljett 98
This year I visited the Hultsfred festivities for the fourth year in a row. I travelled with some of my friends - Micke, Marcus and Oggi - and Sebastian - a friend of Marcus.
I met a lot of interesting people like the 'Scream' man, Louise, Ylva, Mia#1, Mia#2, three guys from 'Norrland' (the North of Sweden) , a guy from India, etc. etc.

I also met Erica - A very nice and beautiful girl from Skog, who I hopefully will meet again.

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We were amongst the first invadors to conquer new grounds Bauer posing in front of some of our neighbours 
The first night we played poker with some neighbours - Louise, Mia and Ylva from Stockholm.  
The capital was soon invaded by ground troopers
...but some of the original inhabitants dared to try to infiltrate us 
The absolutists queued for the only water spring for miles  
The real invasion has begun... 
Many weak soldiers had to visit the local confession booth  
Mikael showing his war tattoos  
Praise the Lord; food carts has finally arrived to refuel us for the next battle 
Our surroundings looked quite sexy 
Mikael was not pleased to find out that a snooping manikin hid in the macaroni...  
...but after eating her up, Mikael was happy again 
Sebastian thought for amoment I was one of the guerillas. That's why he is giving me the evil eye. 
Don't drink the witch brew... 
It'll make you paralysed, not noticing if an evil magician puts a PET-bottle up your butt. 
The town grew and grew...
We made lots of friends
Some of them wore war suits They kept the magic posions for themselves
Some used love potion though Some people came as far as from India, judging from the cool mark in her forehead
the King had declared a three day celabration and tourists started to arrive in plenties. The tourists waited anxiously for the first big band.
NOFX was the first cool band to play. Many different spice satisfied all kinds of stomaches.
Gluecifer chased away all evil forces What is those thingies, lurking in the bush
It is the Hultsfred orchestra. But it didn't please Sebastian. The Animal Liberation Front of Hultsfred didn't like that some tourists kept their pets leached.
Spitfire held the aerobics class. A nice beautiful girl from Kramfors - Erica - enlightened us with her presence.
One of the King's troubadours entertained us with a ballad Erica lend me her sun-glasses and then I saw everything much clearer
One of our neighbours Louise got herself matching camouflage pants and hat
Erica did a cool (almost like 'Pulp Fiction') pose More and more people arrived
A home for the psychicly injured We had to ask the council for advice
Many people gathered to se Clawfinger perform Death dressed up for the occasion
Rancid was in a mood Knut A.K.A. Euroboy, showed how to play the guitar during Euroboys' concert
Marcus and Oggi posed happily for a postcard Marcus made sure the macaroni was very evil
People had very very fun
Black Sabbath entered to chase the evil demons away They sprayed the air with love posion
They made sure everyone got some A magic being with beautiful red hair
Confetti hovering over the people Mia from the north of Sweden could not find her tent that last freezing night
Three guys from the very north of Sweden queuing behind me and Oggi for the taste of Korean BBQ The last but maybe the strangest attraction - Turbonegro
Hultsfred 1995
Hultsfred 1996
Hultsfred 1997
Hultsfred 1998
Hultsfred menu