==Phrack Magazine==

                   Volume Four, Issue Forty-Two, File 1 of 14

                                 Issue 42 Index


                               P H R A C K   4 2

                                 March 1, 1993


        ~ Happy Anniversary Bill Cook & Tim Foley, we love you both! ~

Here it is.  Amidst all the fanfare and hoopla, Phrack 42 leaps from

your electronic mail box to infect your very soul.   It was just a few

short years ago on this day that one of the greatest abuses of

governmental authority took place in the happy little town of Austin,

Texas.  This issue marks the three year anniversary of these raids and a

hearty hello goes out to Bellcore, The United States Secret Service, and

the US District Attorney's Office.

As many of you have read previously, or otherwise heard through the

electronic grapevines, Dispater is no longer editor of Phrack.  Your

new editor, as I was most recently referred to so lovingly by

my long-time friend John Lee on the alt.cyberpunk Usenet group:

"the long hair and heavy metal beer drinking Texan that

Bruce Sterling finds so .. ahem.. 'attractive'."  In case you don't get

the joke, my name is Erikb, and I'm a hacker.

There are a few very distinct differences beginning with this issue of

Phrack.  First and foremost, Phrack is now registered with the Library

of Congress, and has its own ISSN.  Yes, boys and girls, you can

go to Washington, D.C. and look it up.  This adds a new era of

legitimacy to Phrack in that with such a registration, Phrack should

never again face any legal challenge that would bypass any paper

based magazine.

After much deliberation, I have concluded that Phrack

will no longer provide the world's anti-hacker corporate and

governmental types (IE: THE MAN) such valuable information for free.

This will of course have absolutely no effect on YOU, the hackers of the

world.  Phrack has always been, and will always continue to be yours to

copy and distribute amongst yourselves without limitation, as long as

the files retain unchanged and intact.

Entities who register their subscriptions to Phrack will be providing

valuable demographic information to Phrack and its readers on exactly

who outside our community actually takes an active interest in us.

Yes, it will also generate some income.  The proceeds of all monies

earned by Phrack will be used to actually compensate contributors for

articles of interest, and most importantly, help a certain person

pay off the debt incurred by the twist of fate dealt him through his

involvement with this publication in the past.  I have no interest in

making any money off of Phrack, as if I were to show a profit, I would

have to contribute to Tim Foley's expense account via the IRS and I have

absolutely no desire to fund his antics further than I am already

forced to.

To keep things honest, any information about the financial affairs

of Phrack will be made available to anyone who cares to write and

ask.  Thus, we can all see if "THE MAN" is truly as ethical as he would

have us believe, especially since our rate will be considerably

less than many magazines (or military screwdrivers).

Now, pertaining to "THE MAN."  Phrack does not care for you and the way

you secretly read and profit from Phrack and then use the information

contained within its files to oppress its publishers, contributors and

readers.  Henceforth, anyone involved with any ties to a computer

profession for any corporation, the military or the federal government,

any person with any ties for any telecommunications company, network

service provider or interconnect carrier, any person with any ties to

any law enforcement body, federal, state or otherwise, any elected

officials, attorneys, accountants or computer consultants of any kind

must register your subscription immediately.  If you are unsure of your

status with this regard, please contact us.  We are going to be VERY

liberal about "special dispensations" since it is not our intention to

screw anyone out of a subscription.


                       READ THE FOLLOWING


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agency, you may read and possess copies of Phrack Magazine

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to any other such hobbyist or computer service provided for

similar hobbyists.  If you are unsure of your qualifications

as an individual user, please contact us as we do not wish to

withhold Phrack from anyone whose occupations are not in conflict

with our readership.


Phrack Magazine corporate/institutional/government agreement

   Notice to users ("Company"):  READ THE FOLLOWING LEGAL

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   This magazine may not be distributed by Company to any

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    This Magazine is protected by United States copyright laws and

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not acquire any rights to the Magazine except as expressly set

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notices which appear in this document.

    In the event of invalidity of any provision of this agreement,

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    In no event shall Phrack Magazine be liable for consequential, incidental

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In no event will Phrack Magazine's liability for any claim, whether in

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    This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of Texas

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Phrack Magazine

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As many of you can imagine, this will be very hard to enforce.

This is not our main concern, as people who choose to ignore

this stipulation are in direct violation of applicable US

Copyright laws and therefore are just as unethical and guilty as

they have always claimed we are.

It would be an ironic turn of events should the FBI actually have to

conduct raids against companies like Bellcore for harboring illegal

copies of Phrack Magazine.  If, in your travels, you happen to see

such an occurrence, feel free to let us know. :)

Enjoy the magazine.  It is for and by the hacking community.  Period.

      Editor-In-Chief : Erik Bloodaxe (aka Chris Goggans)

                3L33t : K L & T K

                 News : Datastream Cowboy

          Photography : Restricted Data Transmissions & dFx

            Publicity : (Please, God, no more press)

    Prison Consultant : The English Prankster

    Creative Stimulus : Sandoz, Buena Vista Studios, The Sundays

                Mooks : Dave & Bruce

            Librarian : Minor Threat

            Thanks To : Professor Falken, Vince Niel, Skylar

                        Rack, NOD, G. Tenet, Frosty

         No Thanks To : Scott Chasin (who didn't even care)

Phrack Magazine V. 4, #42, March 1, 1993.     ISSN 1068-1035

Contents Copyright (C) 1993 Phrack Magazine, all rights reserved.

Nothing may be reproduced in whole or in part without written

permission of the Editor-In-Chief.  Phrack Magazine is made available

quarterly to the amateur computer hobbyist free of charge.  Any

corporate, government, legal, or otherwise commercial usage or

possession (electronic or otherwise) is strictly prohibited without

prior registration, and is in violation of applicable US Copyright laws.

                    Phrack Magazine

                    603 W. 13th #1A-278

                    Austin, TX 78701


Submissions to the above email address may be encrypted

with the following key : (Not that we use PGP or encourage its

use or anything.  Heavens no.  That would be politically-incorrect.

Maybe someone else is decrypting our mail for us on another machine

that isn't used for Phrack publication.  Yeah, that's it.   :) )


Version: 2.1







  -= Phrack 42 =-

 Table Of Contents


  1. Introduction by The Editor                                 14K

  2. Phrack Loopback / Editorial Page / Line Noise              48K

  3. Phrack Pro-Phile on Lord Digital                           22K

  4. Packet Switched Network Security by Chris Goggans          22K

  5  Tymnet Diagnostic Tools by Professor Falken                35K

  6. A User's Guide to XRAY by NOD                              11K

  7. Useful Commands for the TP3010 Debug Port by G. Tenet      28K

  8. Sprintnet Directory Part I by Skylar                       49K

  9. Sprintnet Directory Part II by Skylar                      45K

 10. Sprintnet Directory Part III by Skylar                     46K

 11. Guide to Encryption by The Racketeer [HFC]                 32K

 12. The Freedom Of Information Act and You by Vince Niel       42K

 13. HoHoCon from Various Sources                               51K

 14. PWN by Datastream Cowboy                                   29K

                                                      Total:  474K

     Phrack 42 is dedicated to John Guinasso, director of global

     network security, BT North America, without whose immortal comments,

     many would have never been motivated to write.

     "If you mess with our network and we catch you -- which we always

     do -- you will go down."  (John Guinasso, Information Week, July 13, 1992)

     "Hell, WE owned Tymnet before BT did!"

     (Anonymous hacker-type, Random Telephone Call, 1993)
