These files will hopefully make you think, more than once.
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[128] Als Sprach The GNN - Ten Topics [129] Anatomy Of Boredom, The [409] Another Day [393] Argument Of The Atheist, The [365] Big C, The [318] Bitte Denken! [366] Can And The Future, The [508] Change In The Computer Elite, The [042] Childish Thoughts [294] Comments To The Unabomber Manifesto [321] Critics [374] Crowd And The Stigma, The [389] Cry [317] Daddy's Girl [150] Declare War! [040] Depression [241] Ellen Keys [390] Encounter With The Populace [464] Epoque [221] Escape Macabre, The [173] Eternal Machine, The [041] Excuse, The [425] Fictional Parent, The [443] Forbidden File [293] Freedom In A Cage [368] Girl And The Robot, The [381] Greatest Madness, The [278] Guardians of The Masses [449] Hacker Ethics [502] Happiness [479] Heading For A Dark Future [292] Help For The Average [228] Histamin [421] How Do One Find New Friends? [399] Hypocrite [332] Implants [460] Inability - Operator's Manual [468] Instant Witness [312] Invasion, The [404] Is Meat Murder? [392] It Is Not Obvious That A Machine Can Think [306] Kicks [199] Learn To Love Big Brother [295] Less Known Dilemmas [385] Life Of Pac-Man, The [305] Loved Anyhow [243] Meaning of? [343] Medieval Dreams [504] Micro$haft [313] Middle Cuts [342] Mind Expectations [349] More Than One Truth [451] Mystery Of The Dead Fish, The [497] Nothing Comes From Nothing [417] On Friendship [333] One Step Forward, Two Back [273] Only The Lonely [300] Paradox Crew [416] Paradox, The [358] Point, The [376] Power Check [331] Prayer For War, A [405] Raised Carefully [388] Real You?, The [506] Reason Why We Do Not Learn From History, A [281] Ripped Off - Big Time [285] Running [276] Second Excuse, The [152] Settle For Nothing [364] Seven Steps In The Computer Evolution [453] So You Want To Be A Hacker? [445] Standing Before God [493] States Of Confusion: Reply To Critics [406] States Of Confusion [322] Staying Sane [327] Struggle [338] Taking a Bus Ride [231] Terror Will Strike [315] Terrorists of Dissatisfaction, The [320] Time [299] To Get To The Real Problems [301] To Lose Your Religion [351] To Make Choices In Life [031] Truth, The [329] Under The Surface [179] Unpaid Workers of Politics, The [098] Utopia [335] Valentine's Day [310] Voice, The [174] We Are The Robots [248] What Is This Thing Called Progress? [319] What Is This Thing Called The System? [287] What Is? [126] Why? [251] Your Own Life